Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [JOHND]
fullname: [John Drago]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: [] was []
cpan_mail_alias: [none]
Data were entered by JOHND (John Drago).
Please check if they are correct
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [AJDIXON]
fullname: [Andy Dixon]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: [] was []
cpan_mail_alias: [publ] was [secr]
Data were entered by AJDIXON (Andy Dixon).
Please check if they
Hi Sarah,
> That's fine. I'll rename my module in next 24 hours.
Awesome — thanks for doing this!
> Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
No apologies needed — we changed the rules under you :-)
Hi Dave,
You had first-come permissions on the ‘super’ package, which was now
conflicting with ‘SUPER’, which chromatic has first-come permissions on.
In the past PAUSE treated package names case-sensitively, but that turned out
not to be workable, thanks to case-insensitive filesystems. So now
Hi Chris,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m emailing you about a CPAN module naming
Your Smil distribution contains a module called “QT”, which is the file
lib/SMIL/, so it almost looks like you meant to call the module SMIL::QT?
The conflict comes because German Garand (copi
Hi Peter & Kenneth,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
You two both have pod-to-RTF modules on CPAN with names that match
/^pod::rtf$/i —
KJALB has Pod::RTF in the PodSimplify distribution
PVHP has Pod::Rtf in the Pod2WinHlp distribution
Until recently PAUSE treated this as separate