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<><><><><><>This E-Mail is never sent unsolicited. If you receive thisE-Mail then it is because you have subscribed to the officialnewsletter at the KOF ONLINE website.King Of Fighters is one of the greatest action game ever made.Now after the mind
I'm an Auditor with the South Africa National petroleum Corporation (SANPC)and, I'm
also a member of the contract committee in the South Africa National petroleum
Corporation.I'm on a special diplomatic duty in the South Africa foreign office in
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PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you:
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fullname: andy pritchard
userid: NINJA
A new Backend for the WWW::Search class its a simple adaptation of
Martin Thurns Ebay module This one I'm calling EbayUK.pm and
starting at V 1.00 I've also tried to attribute
¡¶È«¹úÍøÂçϵͳ¼¯³É·½°¸¼¯¡· + ×îÐÂPHP£¬ASP£¬JAVA¡¢VB¡¢PB¡¢DELPHI¡¢VC Ô´ÂëϵÁйâÅÌ
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, A. Bergman wrote:
> > modid: Text::InputRepository
> > DSLIP: bmpOg
> > description: Widget backend for storing/manipulating text
> > userid: CORLISS (Arthur Corliss)
> > chapterid: 11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
> > communities:
> > mailinglists
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, A. Bergman wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not too happy about this name since it doesn't tell me at all what
> it does, if it is a widget, perhaps it should be named as a widget?
As the title says, it's a repository for text, not a widget (and as the
description says, a "backend" stor
Welcome Jakub Spicak,
PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you:
Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the
separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be
the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cr
Request to register new user
fullname: Jakub Spicak
userid: JSPICAK
DeltaX::* modules (especially DeltaX::Database - database layer
above DBI which hides some differences between databases on this
level). These modules are especially used by m
On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 09:23:33AM +0100, A . Bergman wrote:
> I notice it doesn't appear under http://search.cpan.org/~xern/ as a
> Registered module either, however according to PAUSE it is a registered
> in your name.
> I suggest you wait a couple of days because of the recent ftp.funet.fi
> On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 11:47:27 +0100, "A. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> I sent in this request years ago, and I was wondering if we could
>> make this adjustment in the modules list. I have removed the backwards
>> compatibilty wrapper from the latest release.
> I am not really s
(This Mail was generated by the server
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [STRYTOAST]
fullname: [Marc Kerr]
asciiname: []
homepage: [http://www.stray-toaster.co
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag30V
DSLIP: cdpOp
description: Provides a TAG30V for a SWIFT message
userid: SCHAFFTER (Gustav Schaffter)
chapterid: 24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag30T
DSLIP: cdpOp
description: Provides a TAG30T for a SWIFT message
userid: SCHAFFTER (Gustav Schaffter)
chapterid: 24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag30
DSLIP: cdpOp
description: Provide a TAG30 for a SWIFT message
userid: SCHAFFTER (Gustav Schaffter)
chapterid: 24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
enteredby: ABERG
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag30
DSLIP: cdpOp
description: Provide a TAG30 for a SWIFT message
userid: SCHAFFTER (Gustav Schaffter)
chapterid: 24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
(This Mail was generated by the server
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [NKUITSE]
fullname: [Paul Hoffman]
asciiname: []
homepage: [ht
(This Mail was generated by the server
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [SMPETERS]
fullname: [Steve Peters]
asciiname: []
email: [stmpeters at lycos dot co dot uk] was [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Record update in the PAUSE modules database:
modid: [SWIFT::Factory::ApplicationHeader]
statd: [a]
stats: [d]
statl: [p]
stati: [O]
statp: [p]
description: [Provides the Appl. Header Block 2 for SWIFT] was [Provides the
Application Header Block 2]
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: Net::HL7
DSLIP: adpOg
description: Interface to the HL7 protocol
userid: DDOKTER (Duco Dokter)
chapterid:5 (Networking_Devices_IPC)
HL7 is a prot
Title: la bienvenida
La bienvenida
- Welcome
Dear modules,
We are very pleased to invite you to Play Online Casino Games, for
Fun or for Real Money!
As an added bonus, you will receive a 20% Bonus on your first depos
On tisdag, feb 18, 2003, at 22:31 Europe/Stockholm, Perl Authors Upload
Server wrote:
modid: Text::InputRepository
DSLIP: bmpOg
description: Widget backend for storing/manipulating text
userid: CORLISS (Arthur Corliss)
chapterid: 11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: Geo::Distance
DSLIP: adphp
description: Calculate Distances and Closest Locations
userid: BLUEFEET (Aran Deltac)
chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)
enteredby: ABERGMAN (Arthur Bergman)
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: Geo::CountryFlags
description: Ctry code to flag.gif from pub domain or dir
userid: MIKER (Michael Robinton)
chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)
enteredby: ABERGMAN (Arthur B
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: Win32::SoundRec
DSLIP: adpOg
description: Record audio on Win32 platforms
userid: JOUKE (Jouke Visser)
chapterid: 22 (Microsoft_Windows_Modules)
enteredby: ABERGMAN (Arthur Bergman)
On torsdag, feb 20, 2003, at 16:52 Europe/Stockholm, Perl Authors
Upload Server wrote:
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: HTML::Menu::Hierarchical
DSLIP: bdpOp
description: Hierarchical navigation menus
userid: DOWENS (Don Owens)
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: Acme::Test::Weather
DSLIP: idpfp
description: Test weather conditions on install
userid: ASCOPE (Aaron Straup Cope)
chapterid: 15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)
enteredby: ABERGMAN (Arthur
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: Net::EMI::Common
DSLIP: bdpOp
description: Common routines for EMI clients and servers
userid: SCHAFFTER (Gustav Schaffter)
chapterid:5 (Networking_Devices_IPC)
enteredby: ABERGMAN (Arthu
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: HTML::Info
DSLIP: adpOl
description: Summarize the structure of an HTML file
userid: JPOWERS (Jay Powers)
chapterid: 15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)
enteredby: ABERGMAN (Arthur Bergman)
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: Chipcard::CTAPI
description: Communication with chipcard terminals
userid: WHOM (Wolfgang Hommel)
chapterid:4 (Operating_System_Interfaces)
enteredby: ABERGMAN (Arthur Bergma
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag15
DSLIP: bdpOp
description: Provides a generic TAG15 for SWIFT
userid: SCHAFFTER (Gustav Schaffter)
chapterid: 24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
enteredby: ABERGM
The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
modid: SWIFT::Factory::ApplicationHeader
DSLIP: adpOp
description: Provides the Application Header Block 2
userid: SCHAFFTER (Gustav Schaffter)
chapterid: 24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
On fredag, feb 21, 2003, at 01:02 Europe/Stockholm, Sander van Zoest
I sent in this request years ago, and I was wondering if we could
make this adjustment in the modules list. I have removed the backwards
compatibilty wrapper from the latest release.
Sander van Zoest
(This Mail was generated by the server
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [DDOKTER]
fullname: [Duco Dokter]
asciiname: []
email: [] was [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
homepage: [http://www.wyldebeas
On lördag, feb 15, 2003, at 19:00 Europe/Stockholm, Perl Authors Upload
Server wrote:
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: DBX
DSLIP: adpOp
description: Simplified access to the DBI
userid: BATKINS (Bill Atkins)
chapterid:7 (
Hi,check the attached screensaverand enjoy the world of friendship..
Welcome Paul Hoffman,
PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you:
Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the
separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be
the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cr
Welcome Duco Dokter,
PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you:
Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the
separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be
the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your cre
Welcome Alexey E.Manokhin,
PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you:
Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the
separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be
the one that you can use to upload your work or edit
(This Mail was generated by the server
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [MAKOTO]
fullname: [本田 真]
asciiname: [Shin Honda] was [shin honda]
email: [] was [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
homepage: [h
(This Mail was generated by the server
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [MAKOTO]
fullname: [本田 真]
asciiname: [shin honda]
homepage: [h
(This Mail was generated by the server
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [MAKOTO]
fullname: [本田 真]
asciiname: [shin honda] was []
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: IO::File::flock
DSLIP: adpOp
description: extension of IO::File for flock
userid: MAKOTO (本田 真)
chapterid: 21 (File_Handle_Input_Output)
flock oop
Welcome 本田 真,
PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you:
Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the
separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be
the one that you can use to upload your work or edit your credentials
On fredag, feb 21, 2003, at 09:00 Europe/Stockholm, xern wrote:
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, A.Bergman wrote:
On torsdag, feb 20, 2003, at 17:32 Europe/Stockholm, xern wrote:
Dear Sir,
I am sorry to disturb you, but my registered module Tie::RemoteVar
does not
seem to appear on Tie's page. I tried
47 matches
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