On fredag, feb 21, 2003, at 09:00 Europe/Stockholm, xern wrote:
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, A.Bergman wrote:On torsdag, feb 20, 2003, at 17:32 Europe/Stockholm, xern wrote:Dear Sir, I am sorry to disturb you, but my registered module Tie::RemoteVar does not seem to appear on Tie's page. I tried to re-register it, but pause turned me down. :-( So, would you please do this little favor to set it up again? Or it's just my misconception, and it will refresh it after a while? Thank you very much. Regards, xernWhat page are you looking at? Arthurhttp://search.cpan.org/modlist/Data_and_Data_Types/Tie xern
Hmm,, (ccing to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
I notice it doesn't appear under http://search.cpan.org/~xern/ as a Registered module either, however according to PAUSE it is a registered in your name.
I suggest you wait a couple of days because of the recent ftp.funet.fi troubles and see again.