CPAN ID Request

2001-09-28 Thread Thomas Stanley
Name: Thomas Stanley Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: N/A Preferred ID: TStanley   Description:  I would like to contribute a module called Games::QuizTaker. This module will allow some one to generate a quiz from a file containing a series of questions with multiple choice answers. The format of

Apache::Htaccess needs a good home

2001-09-28 Thread Matt Cashner
i figure if you all cant help, you should at least know who i can talk to about this. i am the author and pseudo-maintainer of Apache::Htaccess, a module which provides an interface to apache htaccess files. i would like to find it a new maintainer. this was a work project and is no longer being

Fwd: Taking over Apache::RedirectDBI

2001-09-28 Thread Kirrily Robert
--- Begin Message --- I download Apache::RedirectDBI and modified it in order to get the functionallity I needed. I kept the orginal functionality. Subsequently, I emailed the authers, who stated that I could take over the updates to the module. The following is an email exchange: ===

Re: Çàïðîñ

2001-09-28 Thread
Åñëè Âû òóðèñòè÷åñêàÿ ôèðìà èëè ÷àñòíîå ëèöî, Âàì áóäåò èíòåðåñíî ïîñåòèòü òóðèñòè÷åñêèé ïîðòàë Ïðîñüáà ê òóðèñòè÷åñêèì ôèðìàì, çàíèìàþùèìñÿ ïðèåìîì òóðèñòîâ â ñâîåì ðåãèîíå, â öåëÿõ ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà ñ íàìè ñîîáùèòü ñëåäóþùèå ñâåäåíèÿ î ñåáå: 1. Íàçâàíèå ôèðìû 2. U

Module submission POE::Component::IKC::ReallySimple

2001-09-28 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: POE::Component::IKC::ReallySimple DSLIP: bdpfb description: Wrapper for IKC to make it really simple userid: MCASHNER (Matt Cashner) chapterid:6 (Data_Type_Utilities) communities: IRC,

RE: Request for new account

2001-09-28 Thread Pasha Sadri
Hi Kirrily, Thanks for that suggestion. I will go with XML::ByExample and hope that it gets the idea across :) Pasha > -Original Message- > From: Kirrily Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:18 AM > To: Pasha Sadri > Cc: Kirrily Robert; [EMAIL PROTECT

Module submission POE::Component::MPG123

2001-09-28 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: POE::Component::MPG123 DSLIP: RdpOb description: POE Component for accessing and working wit userid: MCASHNER (Matt Cashner) chapterid:6 (Data_Type_Utilities) communities: poe mailing

Module submission Slides

2001-09-28 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Slides DSLIP: bnpfp description: Generates Tapes Of Scripts For Playback userid: SLICK (Matt Ficken) chapterid:3 (Development_Support) communities: similar: Devel::ptkdb rational

Module submission TapeTracker

2001-09-28 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: TapeTracker DSLIP: Rnpfp description: Module For Keeping Records About Video Tapes userid: SLICK (Matt Ficken) chapterid: 17 (Archiving_and_Compression) communities: similar: rationale

registration request

2001-09-28 Thread golomshtok_alexander
I'd like to register on CPAN: Name: Alexander Golomshtok EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred UID: AGOLOMSH Conribution: Finance::YahooSymbolLookup - lookup stock symbols on Yahoo!Finance Solaris::MIB2 - read MIB2 pe

Melancia News - O BaseDigital do tamanho certo para sua empresa

2001-09-28 Thread Melancia News
Title: BaseDigital - NewLetter Se você não está conseguindo vizualizar a informação então clique neste linkê está recebendo este e-mail devido seu cadastro no não deseje receber mais o Melancia News basta clicar


2001-09-28 Thread Alexander Pavlovic
name : Alex Pavlovic email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage : na user-ID : ALEXP   short description of what I am planning to contribute : Mail::SpamPunisher This package would work in conjunction with Mail::SpamAssassin, not as tightly coupled modules, but rather in abstract sense where a us


2001-09-28 Thread John R Lenton
name: John Rowland Lenton email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: (*not* updated often) preferred user-id: JLENTON short description of what I'm planning to contribute: A plethora of stuff, over time. We (the Fundación Vía Libre) do free software for a living (in Argenti

Request for PAUSE userid

2001-09-28 Thread Keiichiro Nagano
name: Keiichiro Nagano mailaddr: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: (in Japanese) Preferred ID: KNAGANO I've implemented 'memfrob' bogo-encryption(?) routine provided with GNU libc. It is written in 100% pure Perl, so with this library, you can frobnic


2001-09-28 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Vanessa" == Vanessa Lintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Vanessa> I noticed that your website is not listed on some search Vanessa> engines. I am sure you can increase the number of people Vanessa> who visit by using our service. SeekerCenter is a unique Vanessa> technology that instantly s

Module submission SAP::BC::XMLRFC

2001-09-28 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: SAP::BC::XMLRFC DSLIP: bdpOp description: Interface to SAP Business Connector - XMLRFC userid: PIERS (Piers Harding) chapterid: 24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces) communities: similar:

Re: IPTables module

2001-09-28 Thread Andreas J. Koenig
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2001 19:49:30 +0100, "Theo Zourzouvillys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >said: > Hi, > Could you help me as with which namespace I should use for an > iptables/netfilter? I guess maybe just IPTables should be used, in > continuation with the IPChains module for Linux 2.2, th

Welcome new user JFLOURNOY

2001-09-28 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Welcome Jamie Flournoy, PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server, has a userid for you: JFLOURNOY Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the separate mail you should receive about right now), this userid will be the one that you can use to upload your work or edit yo

PAUSEID requests and naming a P3P/CP module

2001-09-28 Thread Mark Fowler
Hi. I would like a PAUSE ID for the company I work for so we can start open sourcing modules we have written and uploading them to the CPAN (yey.) For this you'll probably want these details: - Our Name: Profero Ltd. - Our Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Our Homepage: -

I would like to register to publish on CPAN

2001-09-28 Thread Jean-Philippe Durrios
Hi, I would like to register myself so I can contribute to the CPAN with my module. Name: Jean-Philippe Durrios Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: User ID: jpdurrios Short description of my module: is a simple translation module that will tranlate WORDS from one