name : Alex Pavlovic
email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage : na
user-ID : ALEXP
short description of what I am planning to contribute :


This package would work in conjunction with Mail::SpamAssassin, not
as tightly coupled modules, but rather in abstract sense where a user
uses existing Mail::SpamAssassin to identify existing spam threats
and block them while they utilize active response techniques provided
by the Mail::SpamPunisher to further protect themselves, by either
getting out of the spam lists that could be done for example by sending message
replies defined by the user back to spam facility that look something like:

>>Unsolicited email advertizing hurts me. I run a service which answers children's email science questions, >>and it is being significantly damaged by the flood of unsolicitied advertizing. blocks most >>spam, but still I must read up to 30 ads a day before deleting them, because I
>>cannot take a chance and delete a child's message.
>>I only have about 1/2hr per day to help kids, so you can imagine that the spam plague is seriously hurting >>my service.

Other active response techniques could involve slightly more drastic mesaures being taken
that stay within the perimeter of law. 



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