> im using vdrconvert a additional program that converts VDR DVB
> recordings to DVD. This program needs mjpegtools-1.9/ppmtoy4m that comes
> with Fedora 8 and procudes a 10 second preview of a film.
> With the older version of mjpegtools-1.8 the preview looks ok, and the
> title of the v
Am Freitag, den 07.12.2007, 17:41 +0100 schrieb Bernhard Praschinger:
> Hallo
> > im using vdrconvert a additional program that converts VDR DVB
> > recordings to DVD. This program needs mjpegtools-1.9/ppmtoy4m that comes
> > with Fedora 8 and procudes a 10 second preview of a film.
> >
> > Wit
> due of the file size (672 kb) i could'nt upload or paste the logfile
> here.
> But wiht the newer version of mjpegtools-1.9 the preview quality and
> video
> title looks not sharp and illegibly.
The problem is not pptoy4m.
The problem ist mpeg2enc. And the Quality value used.
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