
> due of the file size (672 kb) i could'nt upload or paste the logfile
> here.
> But wiht the newer version of mjpegtools-1.9 the preview quality and
> video
> title looks not sharp and illegibly.
The problem is not pptoy4m.
The problem ist mpeg2enc. And the Quality value used.
(... mpeg2enc -q 2 -a 2 -n p -f 8 -v 0 -o ....)

-q 2 was a problem in the RC2, is it fixed in the RC3. So the problem 
you have should not show up with the RC3. For some reason mpeg2enc is 
started with -v 0 so we don't have any info about the actual quality 
value used.

Please check the date when mpeg2enc was compiled, and the filesize. I 
fear that you use the old version (1.9.0RC2) of mpegenc.

I have cuted your good picture, and rencoded it with mpeg2enc. And 
didn't have the problem here.

You could also lower the -q value to 4 or 5, than the RC2 should also 
have made a acceptable video.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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