Le 11 mai 07 à 07:22, Steven M. Schultz a écrit :
> On Fri, 11 May 2007, Stefan M. Fendt wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag, den 10.05.2007, 20:07 -0700 schrieb Steven M. Schultz:
>> yuvmotionfps is an external program, yes. I can not reach the guy who
> Oh, ok - that explains why I couldn't
Steven M. Schultz schrieb:
> Compressor does what is called optical flow analysis (advanced form
> of motion compensated frame interpolation if I decode the marketing
> lingo correctly ;)). *SLOW* but very good.
:) Basicaly "optical-flow" in marketing-lingo just means it is not
On Fri, 11 May 2007, herve.flores wrote:
> http://jcornet.free.fr/linux/yuvmotionfps.html
> the last time I managed to reach jerome was... two years ago (he
> doesn't answer anymore :-(
So it is an abandoned program :-(
> yuvmotionfps comes with a configure from mjpegt
On Fri, 11 May 2007, Stefan M. Fendt wrote:
> :) Basicaly "optical-flow" in marketing-lingo just means it is not
> block-based but a dense field (vector for every single pixel)... That's
> why it is so slow... If you look into the papers dealing with that
Slow is almost an inadequate