Additional background: Debian 'etch' (testing), gcc 4.1 or gcc 3.4,
Cinelerra 2.0 source. The mjpegtools that came with Cinelerra was
mjpegtools-1.6.3-rc1 but I tried upgrading to mjpegtools-1.8.0
downloaded from the Sourceforge site.
When the build process gets to the file "",
> From: Bob McGowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Additional background: Debian 'etch' (testing), gcc 4.1 or gcc 3.4,
Sigh, seems that the gcc folks are efficient and consistent, they
mananged to break both the 3.x and 4.x C++ compilers.
g++ 4.0.2 works fine, g++ 2.95.3 works