Additional background: Debian 'etch' (testing), gcc 4.1 or gcc 3.4, Cinelerra 2.0 source. The mjpegtools that came with Cinelerra was mjpegtools-1.6.3-rc1 but I tried upgrading to mjpegtools-1.8.0 downloaded from the Sourceforge site.

When the build process gets to the file "", it prints a bunch of stuff that includes this:

  internal compiler error: in tsubst, at cp/pt.c:7220

This also happens if I do a "manual" configure and make in an mjpegtools directory, independent of Cinelerra. And, as noted, I've used both the 4.1 and 3.4 versions of GCC, with the same error message, part of which says that I should submit the problem to either the GCC team or to Debian. But...

I've searched the web and several other places, including the archives for this list and the developer's list, and have found only a few references on the web side. The one with the most relevance was a bugzilla incident for Suse, that seemed to indicate that a fix had been found for this problem, and included an attachment. The bug page is:

The attachment looks like it could be some sort of 'patch' for the file, but patch did not recognize the format. The date the bug was last modified is 2006-10-27 05:25:45 MST, which is after the release of 1.8.0.

Because of this supposed 'fix', I don't know if this should be considered a compiler bug or not.

I'm looking for some guidance here on what to do next with this issue. I would be most happy to get an actual patch or other solution to the compilation problem, so I can get Cinelerra built.

Thanks for the help.


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