>jpeg2yuv -n 1 -f 25 -I p -j original_photo_file.jpg | \
>y4mscaler -I sar=1:1 -O sar=PAL -O size=720x576 -O chromass=420_MPEG2 -S
> option=sinc:6 | \
> mpeg2enc -q 4 -f 8 -I 0 -4 1 -2 1 -D 10 -h -o output.m2v
> Note: if you get the sample aspect frame size correct then you
Hi folks
I've just started to configure my DC10+ to work with my new box[1], and so
far most things appear to be working except lvs. I'm running Debian
(unstable) with their 2.6.7-1-smp kernel, plus the latest debs for
mjpegtools and linuxvideostudio. As the zoran driver seems to be one of the
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Marc Gregoire wrote:
> > > I'm trying to author lots of slides to a still-show (not a
> > slideshow!) on DVD.
> > > So I need to convert my slides to mpeg stills. I tried several
> > > different parameters for mpeg2enc and came up with
I knew there was something I
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Marc Gregoire wrote:
> > > F:\dvdauthor/jpeg2yuv.exe -n 1 -f 25 -I p -j flower.jpg >
> > flower.yuv
> > > F:\dvdauthor/mpeg2enc.exe -q 4 -n p -a 2 -f 8 -I 0 -4 1 -2
> > 1 -D 10 -h
> > > -F 3 -o flower.m2v < flower.yuv
I didn't comment on it earlier but it would a
> what's the problem?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] otto_npak]# ls
> 1.avi 2.avi 3.avi 4.avi
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] otto_npak]# glav -p S *.avi
> ++: **ERROR: [lavplay] Error initializing Audio: Audio task died. Reason:
> Error mapping audio buffer - Input/ou
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Marc Gregoire wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to author lots of slides to a still-show (not a slideshow!) on DVD.
> So I need to convert my slides to mpeg stills. I tried several different parameters
> for mpeg2enc and came up with something like the
> following:
> F:\dvdauthor
I'm trying to author lots of slides to a still-show (not a slideshow!) on DVD.
So I need to convert my slides to mpeg stills. I tried several different parameters
for mpeg2enc and came up with something like the
F:\dvdauthor/jpeg2yuv.exe -n 1 -f 25 -I p -j flower.jpg > flower.yuv