OK OK i will not ask how to easily install KDE ;)
But after switching from already useless linux first to Netbsd in 2003 and
then to FreeBSD now long later i started to slowly think of changing OS
i use in production. Why is another story but i need to ask few questions
about future directions
2) is TRIM planned? Quite important thing i think. No TRIM roughly equals
of running SSD with all filesystems full.
Yes, someday, though we ran into a few issues trying to make it work
the way we wanted.
That's what i wanted to hear. I am not in a hurry. All i do now on FreeBSD
works just fin
Hi y'all.
I have a question about netmap - a novel framework for fast packet I/O.
OpenBSD packet I/O is already very fast from what i tested :)
Well i would go with Test server where i would take a month to go
through OS and setting up running as my requirements..
at least.
Then i will make migration plan and make test migrate from FreeBSD to
OpenBSD ...then will make clean Server instal and do migrate my data.
Hope this helps .;)
whatever microsoft is doing with anything else, no matter if it's good or
bad, is a reason to fear. or at least keep large distance.
On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Siju George wrote:
This is still based on the fairly old Loongson 2F; the gen-3 CPUs being
available only in laptops, right? Not the easiest naming scheme to follow...
-- p
Argg, was using the wrong names.
Notebook is called Yeeloong, mini-PC Fuloong. Processor Loongson.
where are Loongson 3 b
In dreamland only.
that's what i think now. project maybe done, maybe produced but...
Here are a few meaningless numbers:
- a 1.8GHz amd64 processor is about 6 times faster than a 900MHz
Loongson 2F doing md5 crypto.
- the same processor is only 3 times faster doing Blowfish crypto.
thank y
AFAIK the JIT is Qemu's; the extra instructions just help the translation from x86 ->
"tiny code generator" bytecode (similar to LLVM) -> Loongson. I doubt there's much
magic to it other than minimizing host CPU instructions but... I'm talking out of my ass.
On the other hand you're right to qu
I am looking for ways to speed up scp over 10GigE.
With parallel transfer of 4x 8GB files, I get
the following test results with various ciphers.
is it local network? why do you encrypt at all?
The data itself is not sensitive and does not really need
to be encrypted, although "security" poli
maybe off topic but what is MAXPHYS set in compiled kernel?
every BSD flavor i've seen sets it way too low for modern drives.
2MB is smallest IMHO value that make sense on modern drives.
you may experience lots of seeking when reading 4 files from same disk
On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, David Diggles w
I regularly do use rsh and rcp in my work.
and ssh/scp when needed (public network)
Do you work with a small trusted group, because many attacks come from
depends on assumption. For every business i work i assume that co-workers
doesn't harm and that's agreed with the boss.
Believe me that will change one day. Never had a trusted employee
poached by a competitor for example?
I just dare to say even greatest software will not solve it.
But believing it will make a danger
Once more i propose moving off list, and you've sent me something
privately as my logs shows b
You should avoid every large corporation touching your private data.
But... they're free :)
Great quote I forgot where from: "when you don't know what the product is -- the
product is you"
this is what i was talking about. But thanks for citation - it compressed
my multisentence explanation
What do you mean with "ss20"?
Actually a good question. At least for those old enough to remember the
Soviet era SS-20 intermediate-range ballistic nucelar missiles. Can't
seem to find any on ebay though but maybe someone in Russia can provide
shell access?
actually shell access is enough for si
Ontopic: just a noob question, can you use a tcp lb or similar to spread
the load? Thinking relayd and whatever the shared interface is called. Or
are limited to one machine?
from the topic it seems that network itself and tcp transport isn't a
problem here.
Actually a good question. At least for those old enough to remember the
Soviet era SS-20 intermediate-range ballistic nucelar missiles.
I'd like one of those too.
to avoid transport just choose a target and it will be delivered directly.
Lets be honest with ouselves sir, with your temper is a nuclear weapon really
a good idea?
for sure better than in government hands
LC_ALL and LC_LOCALE didnt work (works only in bash and i get strange signs
LC_ALL environment variable are not defining console but program behaviour
(like messages in Polish)
Many today SSD and some magnetic disks have AES-128/256 encryption
If BIOS supports it, it ask for password then send it to hard disk after
which it decodes it's AES key so it start to work.
No software crypto overhead, everything fine.
My question - how secure it really is.
One ex
As your disk is probably not 'open source' (?), you don't
know if there is a really encryption, or if there is a secret
password (as for some bios) that permits to access data.
thats exactly what i fear about. it is even possible that there are no
encryption at all.
Keep in memory that, wha
available through my local network) those mounted by hotplug-diskmount
are missing. I can't see any of this dirs. If I export these dirs
in /etc/exports for NFS, then I see this dirs but no content is shown
inside them.
NFS AFAIK will never work this way.
reload mountd after mounting new device
There are certain Seagate Momentus disks that do AES encryption in
hardware. This means that they use an AES key to encrypt the data, and
you need a ("BIOS"-)password to unlock this key at boot. So whenever you
change the password, it's just that - the AES key stays the same. You
that's how all
According to Seagate, the password is set using the normal ATA
any link HOW such ata command look?
In the end it is always a cost/benefit (effort/threat) decision...
don't overdo it.
i am not paranoid :)
missed this. thank you.
this saves too a problem if BIOS can't deal with more than 1 device.
On Sat, 21 Jul 2012, Robert wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jul 2012 08:32:05 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar wrote:
According to Seagate, the password is set using the normal ATA
any link HOW such ata co
your laptop, or theft/loss.
The only way to get a "secure" system would be to have a fully
encrypted disk, a BIOS that does the password management & boot
decryption, and hardware (+ BIOS/firmware) that can't be modified
with your way of thinking this is insecure as BIOS/firmware can be always
I want your opinions. Software encryption would make quite a bit overhead
for my setup.
on a machine running amd64 where AESNI shows in the "cpu0:..." line in dmesg
(core i5/i7 etc), the overhead is pretty low.
what is low in your opinion. i found it not that much faster anyway -
like 150MB/s
what is low in your opinion. i found it not that much faster anyway -
like 150MB/s per core
I'm currently seeing about 90MB/s writes to disk without encryption, and iirc
when I tried it I was seeing something like 70MB/s with softraid crypto
i plan to use flash drive for part of d
I want to set up a minimal mp3 Internet radio streamer directly on my Alix
Geode 500 MHz gateway. The idea is to grab the data closest to my PPPoE ADSL
modem so it doesn't travel through the rest of the LAN and pollute logs,
assuming the decoder daemon is secure and not too demanding on the Ali
Anyone know from what data does it get such an info? By scanning every
possible registered domain ?
I do not want other to get list of what domains my DNS server serve.
And this works - never gives complete list but always a good part.
thank you
Could be by recording the info used by a dns resolver they manage. I suspect
exactly what i thing they do.
u sorry?
that's not how DNS works. Anyone querying a domain will know who serves that
that's true.
But anyone knowing one of my nameserver should not be able to know
Actually, they give a pretty good idea how they do what they do on the
"How it works?
We have a system running in background that monitor changes on .COM
and .NET domains, this system update our domains nameserver database
all public info...
Though really, doesn't explain
a way to host our project webpage and email system via a shell interface.
install alpine or mutt
email addresses like member@project_name.org
man sendmail
man smtpd
pkg_add -iv postfix
if IMAP is needed - install dovecot.
it to be really low cost. :)
OpenBSD is free.
this explain everything. no comments needed.
thank you very much.
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2012-07-23, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
Still - how they monitor changes in .com domains?
as above.
your current doesn't work
Jul 24 19:23:07 wojtek sm-mta[2313]: q6OHN6Rc002311:
to=, ctladdr=
(1002/1002), delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=esmtp, pri=32737,
relay=spool.mail.gandi.net. [], dsn=5.7.1, stat=Service
Jul 24 19:23:07 wojtek sm-mta[2313]: q6O
I know, since I did it too in the past, that when you're using Linux,
you're basically in the dark, so you go to google, and you try your
when i was still using linux it was "this manual is out of date, use
texinfo". texinfo was out of date too, but wikipedia style documentation
was consid
I first read the documentation, the do everything properly and after that
i f..k it all up because some trendy webpages says i should.
On Thu, 26 Jul 2012, Joakim Dellrud wrote:
To my defense I use the FAQ and MAN first then I used Calomel for example
configs of more obscure things :).
On Thu
I'm used to learning tech from scratch and mastering then using it but
my work load is punishing and I would like to clean up DNS on my lan
since the devices are just adding up too fast...
what a problem with DNS? It is rather easy.
I could help you on priv if you like, if you will clean up your
Who the fuck do you think you are to use that tone? The royal "we"? Are those mutual favors a
currency I can trade for a cash? Will the OpenBSD community branding me "special" get me more work?
pussy? the INS fast-lane? Nope. *IF* I decide to "put in the work", mylord, it'll be on my own
mdoc(7) (the suggested format)
Ah, the yin and yang of formats and tools ... is there a WYSIWIG editor for
mdoc format?
mdoc format, JUST LIKE HTML, is not 1:1 representation of display, but a
text intermixed with commands/tags that define what is what and how.
You just re
zippy to them and then end up spending lots of money to get back to where they
were. Even Mac users aren't amune to this
(though there is a much smaller percentage of dumb mac users
there are just less mac users. They are not be average smarter.
One of the advantages to OpenBSD (and other uni
There is must be a reason why this kind of sites exists.
because there are huge amount of readers.
Ppl whom take care of www.openbsd.org documentation/FAQ maybe have to take a
look and pinpoint what is missing?
nothing is wrong. Just most "admins" are of calomel.org style and doesn't
mind r
The reason I often hear why people around me goes from Windows to OSX
is often because they can't handle Windows and they think it's hard to
do pretty much anything and they just want it to work so they abandon
Microsoft for that reason.
but this is true in any software that hide it's internals ov
give me a year and I should also know braille sufficiently to make reading man
pages a bit easier (although I would still prefer a more usable format for
editing, etc.
I fortunately have working eyes, but i fully understand blind people, and
completely don't understand why there is still no "brai
it may be drifting a bit. I like fvwm and xfce for their ability to interface
well with ORCA screen reader. the nice thing about them is their low resources
foot print.
fvwm2 is enormously configurable by text-based config.
stick with it, configure it to remove all unneeded crap.
you certainly
there is that. still, over the last 15 years or so, I have seen a vastly
higher number of windows machines infected by "defective users". repairing
as i always say - right product for right people...
issue involving malware. Now that the iOS and OS X platforms are starting to
acquire a majori
This (with classic unix software) would be IMHO golden solution for blind
I mean no full screen but just a braile printer as terminal.
no money there...
yes. the problem with small market. Such device should not be expensive if
produced in noticable amount
braille display devices are available. unfortunately, they often cost well
into the mid thousands and most of us blind folks cannot afford that essential
i don't mean full screen braile display, but braile printer.
With special paper i think it could be made from dotmatrix printer a
Especially since they were invented back in the 1980's (at the latest). I
played with a prototype at a meeting
improvement could be done to be able to print on some special plastic
"paper" that could be then at other end "ironed" out and recycled.
I really feel sad that blind people, in XXI c
oh yeah. thermoform paper. the problem is that any heat tended to permanently
deform it. it did produce some nice sharp braille.
I am not material expert but i think it is possible to make thermoform
"paper" that could be thermoformed multiple times. once when printing then
ironing out. Even i
It should probably be an TERM=thumb then in an ideal world..
such a device, possibly redesigned in modern way+electronic that would
automatically control it and you get braille tty.
On Sun, 29 Jul 2012, ropers wrote:
On 29 July 2012 02:48, Eric Oyen wrote:
the old steel perkiness brailler
For the record: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perkins_Brailler
Everyone, please don't fall for the troll. If you must respond, talk
him privately.
If any of you want misc@ to be useful mailing list -- guess what -- it
starts by you making it useful.
true. sorry for not thinking that way at first.
Indeed, Calomel has lots of reputation, that's why it ranks so high.
Reputation and popularity are 2 different things :)
google only count popularity
things clearer to myself as well as my coworkers - all of whom have been
using FreeBSD for the past 15 years. All of whom have recently converted to
OpenBSD due to the need for something simpler to base our million-dollar
webapps on.
Here are the outlines. I'd appreciate some feedback. I hope it
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