Yes, I have consulted the interwebs. But, forsooth, the interwebs have
forsaken me...
I've been running various colocated OpenBSD boxen for a long time (19
years?). The hardware is mine; the phat pipe I pay for, in some
aircon'ed warehouse somewhere in southern England... never been... (I'm
On 15/06/2018 00:12, Fred wrote:
I like mythic beasts[1] - they have data centres in Cambridge and London
- they are technically literate and both my OpenBSD VM are with them.
Aha. Looks interesting. Thanks.
There's also this, which I wrote to help a student (my daughter)
understand netmasks and CIDR notation:
It's kinda fun to watch the bit patterns move around...
On 03/12/2020 13:20, Steve Fairhead wrote:
There's also this, which I wrote to help a student (my daughter)
understand netmasks and CIDR notation:
It's kinda fun to watch the bit patterns move around...
I can see from my logs tha
ubtle change in pf behaviour
which is breaking my filter?
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
an idiot.
I *always* have a default deny at the start of pf.conf. Except this
time, I didn't, and didn't spot the omission depsite reviewing it, well,
a lot. Oops. (I did say it'd been a while...)
Thank you, Peter, for setting this old twit right.
Hi folks,
Years back (late 80s, 90s) I wrote a comprehensive HPGL emulation
package, with support from a hardware manufacturer (and HP):
Over the years I've seen it integrated into several HPGL viewer
utilities (without my permission, of course).
On 21/04/2024 18:46, Steve Fairhead wrote:
Still no problem. Then I started to rebuild the binaries:
cd /usr/src
make obj && make build
... but eventually ran into shedloads of errors until it bailed. The
first few errors are:
Sorry, missed a bit. Before kernel/binaries
of member function
requested here
template class ByteCodeExprGen;
What did I do wrong?
Steve Fairhead
Hi folks,
(Apologies if this is a dupe. Looks to me like this didn't originally get
Pretty sure this is pilot error, so please be gentle.
I sysupgraded 3 machines (all different) to 7.5; no problems. I then
updated installed packages; again no problem.
Then I updated the source trees:
ct dir: rm -rf/usr/obj/*
> Then try again.
Nuking /usr/obj/* did the trick. Thanks!
I think I'll tweak my process to use a fresh tree checkout after a
sysupgrade (as suggested by Marc Peters - thanks!).
On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 at 22:09, Steve Fairhead wrote:
> Hi folks,
My last response to Otto seems to have had a lot of noise appended. I
replied via gmail, which seems to have added all sorts of things, as my own
SPF/DMARC rules seem too strict, and seem to stop the mailing list
relaying. Will review.
all cluebats gratefully (and probably painfully) accepted.
Steve Fairhead
04 GB" for both
the original "49 GB" Maildir and the 188 GB copy.)
I'm just puzzled, and clearly missing something. Can anyone enlighten me
as to the large (nearly 4*) discrepancy?
Steve Fairhe
Apologies for being too brief. I was using:
/usr/local/bin/rsync -avz --delete src dest
There are no symlinks etc in the Maildir folder in question. I'm not
sure if that's what you meant re warning.
32753 30977229
8% /home
New machine:
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree
%iused Mounted on
/dev/sd0a 2130681584 1691626016 33252150484% 2679491 30930491
8% /s0
.. in case using compression somehow negated the sparse files setting.
Again no change - still 188 GB.
aka Baffled of Bursledon
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
tel: (+44)(
On 22/01/2023 21:06, Steve Fairhead wrote:
After a lot of analysis, I found that all user folders (and all other
folders/partitions) were near-enough identical on both machines, except
for one - my boss's 😉 . After more analysis, I found that it was his
Maildir (using dovecot) that was
On 23/01/2023 19:00, Steve Fairhead wrote:
On 22/01/2023 21:06, Steve Fairhead wrote:
After a lot of analysis, I found that all user folders (and all other
folders/partitions) were near-enough identical on both machines,
except for one - my boss's 😉 . After more analysis, I found that it
cting hard links in a Maildir. Same apology goes to Steve
Litt, whose message I've not received (saw it just now on the
Thanks, chaps.
Steve Fairhead
I'm in newbie mode again. I'm working on replacing an old OpenBSD server
running Sendmail with a new one running smtpd. With Sendmail, I rely
heavily on the access.db feature to block TLDs, usernames, email
addresses, and domains. Is there an equivalent feature with smtpd?
Also I can't s
On 26/08/2013 09:41, Denis Maros wrote:
Yes, i'm talking about 2*20 character LCD display connected to 24 pin
parallel port on motherboard.
I've tried to access this device simply via this command:
# echo "Test" > /dev/lpt0
ksh: cannot create /dev/lpt0: Device busy
Yeah, failed.
Do you suggest an
I'm probably missing something obvious. Cluebats invited.
A few OpenBSD servers I look after have OpenVPN server installed (for
homeworkers' access), which means port 1194 is open. Recently they seem
to have appeared on some scumbag's "hack this" list, as they're
constantly deluged with brute-
On 20/12/2018 13:20, wrote:
Try to add below to your pf.conf
table persist
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 1194 \
(max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn-rate 30/5, \
overload flush global)
This is pretty much exactly what I have
On 22/12/2018 13:20, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2018-12-20, Steve Fairhead wrote:
On 20/12/2018 13:20, wrote:
Try to add below to your pf.conf
table persist
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 1194 \
(max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn
On 05/08/2015 22:41, Steve Fairhead wrote:
FWIW I nowadays record the last IP so that I can see patterns, and at
the very least identify spammers which otherwise I would have missed.
Finally, this has paid off. After a couple of years of collecting stats,
I've identified some patterns,
ing often enough now that gmail and yahoo are
rate-limiting my servers because of spam... meep! Seems hugely unfair,
and I shall cry.
Any cluebats?
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
most never bother to resubmit,
so it's pretty effective (it cut down my spam to under 5% literally
Yep, already running greylisting. (I did say I was running spamd.)
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - f
ggestions for retribution?
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
On 30/07/2015 23:07, Steve Fairhead wrote:
Oooh, nice. Some meat there for me to look into. Thanks.
Well, it seems I could have phrased that better... (one private response
had me nonplussed until I googled the phrase - refers to a male with a
larger than average... errr... never mind
e I would have missed.
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
Hi folks,
I'm preparing a new machine (OpenBSD 5.5, Dovecot 2.2.10) to replace an
elderly but venerable (OpenBSD 4.3, Dovecot 1.0.10) mailserver. Access
from mail clients to the IMAP Maildirs is working fine (so it's not an
auth issue, I think), but local mail delivery (to/from system users) i
e user, I tried running
dovecot-lda manually as the user - it seemed to succeed (with no message
to deliver, but maillog showed delivery to INBOX, and the Maildir
indexes were updated. Now wondering if it's a sendmail issue...
Thanks for your help.
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
tel: (+44)(0)(1730) 814091
mobile: (+44)(0)(7899) 847346
Hi folks,
I'm aware that mod_dav has been removed from 5.5. I was supporting a
group of icalendar files under 5.3 with mod_dav. Do I have options for
doing the same (read/write access) under 5.5, maybe using a different
method or package? Or is there a way of using mod_dav, despite its
Thanks for the responses, Stuart and Johan. Will investigate and play...
[I'm a little reluctant to go for Apache2, simply because I've never
tried it, and I have other webserver stuff to support... perhaps I'm
being a wuss ;).]
*** Error 2 in /usr/src (Makefile:74 'build')
Where did I goof?
Thanks, and apologies for my dumbassness,
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
best bet
is to stay with -current on this machine.)
Thanks for your responses.
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
On 07/11/2021 10:35, Steve Fairhead wrote:
That's what I'd expect, and I did indeed run sysupgrade without specific
options. Nonetheless I seem to have wound up with -current when I would
have expected -stable:
# dmesg | grep OpenBSD
OpenBSD 6.9-stable (GENERIC.MP) #0: Mon Aug 2
atches applied (so -stable)?
Steve Fairhead
fivetrees ltd - for the complete music service
Hi folks,
I have no doubt this will turn out to be pilot error, so apologies in advance.
We have a server with an APC UPS via USB, which was working fine over
several sysupgrades to 7.4. Since 7.5, not so much.
I also did a package update (pkg_add -ui) as part of the process, and
saw that nut wa
Hi folks,
Newbie opensmtpd user/dumbass here. Our old sendmail aliases file
supported email groups with external addresses, e.g.:
# Internal users: fred, bert
# External users:
# Groups:
somegroup: fred, bert, ernie
This doesn't seem to work with opensmtpd - I get
Slightly late in responding to this, but hey:
Michael Grigoni wrote:
>> William Chivers wrote:
> Thank you Theo and your team of developers for OpenBSD.
> Some people responding to the "European Orders" thread seem to have lost
sight of what OpenBSD is and who develops it. I am a bit of a newb
>> Around two weeks ago Owain (oga@) mailed out a request for some monitors
in the UK, so that he could hack better on X. <<
This is now sorted. I'll be driving a pair up to Owain in the next few days,
courtesy of my employer (HGL Dynamics Ltd).
>> Jul 14 Storming of the Bastille by the citizens of Paris, 1789 Jul 14
Bastille Day
is this needed twice? <<
The first time was a rehearsal.
I'm running an OpenBSD 4.0 system (generic kernel), fitted with an Adaptec
29160 SCSI card (so using the ahc driver), with the intention of running an
external 3Tb RAID5 array (a Nexsan ATAboy). The intention is to setup a
variety of partitions, the largest of which is 900Gb. So far, so good.
daniele.pilenga wrote:
>> First, those SCSIFORCELUN* options are no longer used in 4.0... this cost
me a few days to figure out! :-\ <<
I did wonder about that; those options are missing from the manpage, but
used to be there...
>> All I was able to do was make my server see the first lun, but no
Djgoku he say:
Gets a 404 error.
Works fine. <<
This appears to be normal procedure when a new release comes out. Give it a
few days, and it'll be fine. (He says, confidently.)
Do any of you use flowcharting software, and if so what do you use?
I am just beginning to explore the world of programming and have so far used
Microsoft (spit) Visio. I tried both Kivio and Dia but they fall short for
My code choices are (due to the course I am at
Hi folks,
One of the servers (running 4.0, generic, fully patched) I'm responsible for
has had a panic (see title line). I'll confess right away that I wasn't able
to run trace or ps; I was away from the machine at the time and had to guide
a colleague by phone through restarting the machine in a
Hi folks,
It's possible that ports@ would be a better place for this, but since there
is a possibility that Apache (base install) is involved, I thought I'd try
here first. (I've also discussed this with Joachim on the misc newsgroup.
Thanks, Joachim.)
I recently upgraded my home server from 3.8
>> We need access to a robotic tape library (with barcode support) and a
connected server (running -current) for thorough testing of the new Bacula
port. Preferably something with multiple drives and an I/O slot.
Speed is not as important as chio(1) compatibility. <<
I might be able to help wi
>> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
I see the problem. The problem occurs if top bigrams contain spaces.
These are not handled correctly by awk. We'll have to use a field
separator that can not be in a bigram. A tab is well suited, AFAKS.
Try this.
I've run into this same probl
As cna be easily checed using cvs
this diff was committed after 4.1 was tagged.
Thanks and apologies; I am lacking in CVS-reading-fu. I shall patch and
>From CVS:
>> Problem seen by Han Boetes and other pe
I said:
>> Thanks and apologies; I am lacking in CVS-reading-fu. I shall patch and
report. <<
Wahay! Works lovely. Thanks.
>> Edd Barrett wrote:
> I have actually never seen anyone in the UK wearing a bsd shirt apart
> from my friends.Sometimes I wonder if I am the only british OpenBSD
> user :p
'nother one here in South Wales. <<
And another (Selsey, near Chichester).
>> To upgrade to a newer network setup, we kind of need a particular piece
of equipment:
Cisco T1 DSU/CSU WAN Interface Card (WIC-1DSU-T1-V2)
It has to be the V2 model.
If someone can get one to me, t
>> My Problem is, that locate tells me:
locate database header corrupt, bigram char outside 0, 32-127: 14
This has been discussed a couple of times here. Search the archives for
"problem with locate", e.g.
I had the same issue
>> Just need to remember to change fstab to remove the nosuid switch on /var
FWIW, the package (at least on OpenBSD 3.8) had problems - file ownerships
were wrong. The port, OTOH, seems fine.
NetNeanderthal [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>> I finally got my hands on one of these beasts after seeing it 'supported'
by someone on the m0n0wall forums (circa 2003) and decided to see what it
takes to upgrade its hardware and retrofit it with a modern operating system
-- OpenBSD of course. I'm provi
Rico Secada [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>> I read about how Ada is been used in all areas where safety is of great
issue, and about how it's being used in rockets, Boing Airplanes and so on
because of it's high level of safety.
What I understood from it is, that the demand and control upon compilers,
>> My PF edge router has been cruising along for sometime now (years)
without problems, doing just ask I ask of it. For some reason today it
decided to stop serving webpages from my internal webserver. NOTHING changed
anywhere to the best of my knowledge. I'm the only user on all of the
servers in
Darrin Chandler said:
>> At this point I'll add something else. Great coders will do fine with
whatever methodology. Bad coders will do bad. Great coders see the value of
tools and use them appropriately. Bad coders follow a list of rules without
knowing what they mean or how to apply them and get
STeve Andre' said:
>> You know what I expect?
I expect the OpenBSD response will be excellent, and out on its own
timeframe. Rushing a fix into place can be worse than not doing anything at
all. I have no idea what they're doing, have no idea with whom they may be
talking. But I know that it is
Gilles Chehade wrote:
>> Hi misc@,
I am looking for companies that provide OpenBSD-powered dedicated hosting.
Currently, I am being hosted by a french company which turned out to be as
incompetent as can be, and I am willing to switch as soon as possible
(preferably before the 25th of September). <
Theo said:
>> We don't have a shipping pricing system. Those are very finicky
prediction systems, parsing hopelessly horridly entered address information
all the time. I suppose Austin and Wim could set one up, for instance, a
very simple one, like:
$30 USD shipping to anywhere in the wo
Michael Scheliga [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>> This thread is such a waste of time for the people running the project
you said you already donate to. What's the point? <<
The point is to make it easy and attractive for people to pay money to
OpenBSD. Or, at the very least, to not provide them with r
Bruno said:
>> I'm currently learning C. In many languages, you hear lots of stuff likes
'unit testing', 'refactoring', 'agile programming' and others... It seems
that these techniques are not very present in C programming (whereas check
framework is in packages, it seems too
complex) Looking quic
> One of my production machines (3.8-stable) has suddenly started
> panicing every couple of hours. I found out that the culprit is smbd,
> eating through memory like there's no tomorrow (approx. 10Mb /
> minute! ). Can't figure out what has triggered it, nothing changed on
> the machine latel
>> Running 12V fans at 7V often works nicely (easily achieved with PC
hardware by connecting the fan to 5V and 12V rather than 0V and 12V). <<
With my electronics-designer cap on, I'd advise a little caution with this.
The 5V regulator is designed to source, not sink, current. If the fan
current e
>> anyone knows where i can find embedded computers with RS485 ports on
board, where i can run OBSD? <<
PC/104 CPU boards quite commonly have at least one serial port switchable
from RS-232 to RS-485. Try Googling for "+CPU +RS485 +PC104", and you should
find plenty.
anyone knows where i can find embedded computers with RS485 ports on
board, where i can run OBSD? <<<
>>> PC/104 CPU boards quite commonly have at least one serial port
switchable from RS-232 to RS-485. Try Googling for "+CPU +RS485 +PC104", and
you should find plenty. <<<
>> I was looking f
>> Trying to find testers, see below <<
Yep, count me in.
(I installed 3.8 for a local company [instead of a broken W2k box] a while
back. Worked well, except Samba panicked regularly - one specific user.
After sitting down to watch said user, realised she was saving files into a
folder already c
Denis Doroshenko said:
> So how do you specify that a function should be visible only to the
> local compilation unit? Or, how do you keep others from using your
> locally-scoped (but not declared static) function in a global context?
>> why would you even want that (moreover in opensource)? hi
Hi folks,
I'm seeing a new pattern of behaviour from spammers over the last few
months, which shows signs of growing. Briefly:
- Mail originates from a correctly-configured mailserver, typically called, so spamd doesn't catch it.
- The domain is entirely sacrificial, and ma
Probably pilot error, again, but...
Since the sysupgrade, I can no longer create or revoke OpenVPN keys.
In both cases I get the following:
./easyrsa revoke old-user
Easy-RSA error:
Unsupported SSL library: 4
EasyRSA Version Information
Version: 3.1.1
Generated: Thu Oct 13 06:37:48 CDT 2
On 19/11/2024 15:07, Peter Wens wrote:
This is fixed in upstream (3.2.2).
Thanks. Working now.
77 matches
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