I wanted to let you know that any emails from
ARE likely exploited computers, for several weeks we have
been avalanced by returns to those addresses significantly more
than any others...
In my situation, I beleive I can not use spa
From: Peter N. M. Hansteen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oh, so they found your domain, then. It may be a bit overwhelming
right now, but not to worry, spamd is your friend.
.the bounces to go away, give it a week before you put any given
address into the greytrap.
No this is not new and yes I have
just a heads up, for mysql
on new openbsd 3.4 just did the make build for src with OPENBSD_3_4 Tag
and mysql port from anoncvs today because I was
starting to see the infamous errorcode 9 with the beta port of mysql
If I run mysqlcheck -A against a lot of databases...
about the last database i
OpenBSD 4.3, you mean.
If I run mysqlcheck -A against a lot of databases...
about the last database it comes back errors...
Error: File './*_drupal/vocabulary_node_types.MYD' not found
(Errcode: 9)
Error: Got error9 from storage engine
error: Corrupt
No such issues there with
Using cron and atactl to email smartstatus errors
to an email address other than cron user:
I was playing with the suggesion in the man
page for atactl and smart status. After using rc.local
to make sure smart is enabled, something like
echo -n 'wd0: '
It seems like their soft started analyzing the return codes, and so they are
resending their mail after a short while. So I think blacklisting is still in
Since greylisting has become more defacto, I have seen more
successfull 411 like spam squeezing through "legitimate" email
Please pardon the off topic post but last month some people on this list
were wondering about "Friendly Registrars" after what happened to
"Fyodor" (of nmap fame) with is seclists.org domain being shut down by
godaddy and registerfly have really cheap vale resaler possiblilites,
and no
block in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from {!$me, !$mynet} to $ext_if port
read also
another way to deal with negative in your pf.conf
is to use tables... maybe try a table with safeip combinations
like, but do test and read and try variations, this
Has anyone else had a problem with cyrus-imap squatter
causing the enire computer to hang?
OpenbBSD 4.0
I had /etc/cyrus.conf to do squatter at 06:00
and maybe after about five to seven days the computer
would hang, either with the display frozen or no display,
requiring a
After consideration and due to weird
problems afore discussed, I will likely be
upgrading an openbsd 4.0 i386 server to
an openbsd 4.0 amd64.
Yes in retrospect I should have used the
amd64 build not the i386 build on an athlon64
cpu... But I now have a 'production '
cyrus-imapd/sendmail server th
I have received several assurances that
-current may have resolved some weirds
for i386 on amd64 processors...
With hesitation I could try jumping to current
instead of stable amd64.
I have used -current on productin before,
but only after verifying the ports could
make w/o fubars
Either amd64
The fix was just to remove PAE support from the i386 kernel (until the
bug is found). So, try copying the latest snapshot kernel to /bsd and
reboot. Just grab it from the snapshots/i386 directory on the ftp server.
Agreed, I did not see a easy one line change to kernel compile
to remove PAE fo
The fix was just to remove PAE support from the i386 kernel (until the
bug is found). So, try copying the latest snapshot kernel to /bsd and
reboot. Just grab it from the snapshots/i386 directory on the ftp
I copied a current i386 kernel from this week , and
it rebooted okay on the a
Okay, sorry to pester list,
but I jumped and fell short on an active mail machine, about 6 hours ago.
I knew doing this on a cyrus-imapd server was insane
I "Upgraded" from i386 openbsd 4.0 to amd64 openbsd 4.0
So if someone experienced with cyrus-imapd on amd64
can send me some suggestions
If you actually ran the upgrade from the install
media to do this I have no idea what sort of cruft you've
left messed up. Most of us on the list are probably
shaking our heads
My advice? get another box, start from scratch
on i386 and see what you can salvage. My suspicion is
Re: yelp...bit screwed, cyrus-imap not starting after switch to 64bit
i am surprised that you didn't reinstall. seems easy enough provided you
backup your mail directories, or, better yet, you move them to a different
machine and then mount them via NFS until you're ready to migrate them back
If you can't find a card with the transmit power you want, you may be able to
get the range you're looking for from antenna gain and type.
Here is some info if you go the antenna route to improve gain.
Note a directional antenna is the best, but then you have
to be pointing in the direction..
OpenBSD spamd works great for blacklisting IPs,
and maybe it could be use for our blacklisting
telephone calls using callerID?
Even though we are on the 'do not call' registry
we still get 4-10 calls a day at home, and
at work its just phone spam spam spam
Thinking about adding a modem that
mgetty might have something useful - see
Hmm, maybe it can be as simple as setting up
fax support for just the black list.
From what I read on your link, it suggests the configuration
can be set to only accept for specified numbers.
the package mgetty+sendfax can be used to intercept
phone calls by callerID using fax answer
after modification to port mgetty+sendfax
--- notes ---
I had ordered a generic modem for asterisk usage,
but was warned that it may need "Zaptel" support
by a subscriber, so that was a wasted $6
Any suggestions for opensource video survelliance applications
on OpenBSD?
I setup an openbsd server to support a condominium association,
and it has been successful using cyrus-imap and drupal.
Now I was asked if we could add video cameras and security
using the openbsd server. The short answe
followup to my inquiry:
An approach to security surveilliance
is to use projects already maturing for recording
television shows, DVR, digital video recorders,
and implement a web interface.
This port looks interesting:
is a collection of free software that can record, convert
and stream
Is anyone using ZoneMinder, www.zoneminder.com
on OpenBSD?
And if so, impressions? gotchas?
I was unable to google success for openbsd,
but saw some port activity for freebsd.
Zoneminder (uses php/mysql/apache + ?):
"ZoneMinder is intended for use in single or multi-camera video security
Is anyone using ZoneMinder, www.zoneminder.com
on OpenBSD?
the zoneminder shop links to some compatible video capture cards like
a 16 port video capture card for $169 using the
Connexant BT878a chipset
The man pa
Is anyone using ZoneMinder, www.zoneminder.com
on OpenBSD?
fyi, It appears the answer is no, so here lies a trail
blazing opportunity :(
I received a few emails offline from others with interest,
and an associate is going to lend some cameras to test with,
so I may pursue this for awhile a
spamd version for http?
Instead of just grepping the logs
and adding to the pf tables, and blocking,
love to redirect to a fake webserver and waste
their time also
Guess I could redirect their http(s) requests to spamd,
confuse the hell out their http client.. :)
Getting tired of seeing the
FYI - limits on spamd-setup when importing blacklists
Playing around with 4.2,
and although spamd in grey mode no longer uses table,
it still choked with a 'malloc' error when I used the CBL list
as a file in /etc/mail/spamd.conf
Since the CBL list is over 5 million lines, I used split
to brea
OMG a Google employee was dumb enough to spam an entire mailing list
to get to one person. WOW, I thought they hired really smart people.
I was thinking it might be a troll too, but I checked the headers...
About a year ago I got an employemnt opp email,
and was flattered...
I did call the rec
Isn't /tmp mounted with option nodev, by chance?
Would not explain it failing in /dev
but a good thought.
uhmm on this computer, /tmp is on the root partition, did not make a
separate mount in fstab for it, ... yes,
probably should have made a /tmp partition so as to be able to add
How does it fail?
Try for example (manually):
mkfifo foo
mknod foo c 1 1
# cd /
# mknod foo c 1 1
ksh: mknod: foo: Invalid argument
FAILS with invalid argument.
What *can* be an issue is that mknod inside a chroot is not allowed, as
well as mknod as non-root (except for pipes, i.e. mknod
Apologies, but so far suggestions have not worked.
What things should I check to fix mknod, short of format hard drive?
Situation, after possibly messing up using a wrong MAKDEV during upgrade
to OBSD 4.3 (amd64) from beta, I fixed by making sure /dev was empty of all, then
booting from sta
Anyone else using smtp-vilter.conf with the "react on" statment, like
react on spam add to table vilterspam for 1 day
And if so do you notice error messages when the hostname can not be
resolved like:
Oct 17 03:41:23 mail smtp-vilter[25288]: pftable_modify: can not resolve
hostname [202.46.1
Looking for docs for OpenLDAP and cyrus-imapd on OpenBSD
I am trying to implement cyrus-imap on OpenBSD sendmail for virtual
hosting with support for pop3, imap (localhost), and smtp-auth.
I've googled so much information with that just did not quite fit
that it is daunting for those of us wh
If all you want about LDAP is to authenticate your users from LDAP,
then Cyrus IMAPd will just do it from sasl interface.
Be sure you have installed cyrus-sasl package with "ldap" flavor
I think I need a little more than that, I am not even sure how best
to insert the username realm and password
I have it working a similar setup. All you need once the openldap side
is runnning (and there are lots of docs about OpenLDAP for users
authentication out there):
Thanks, got openldap with bdb up using various example conf files...
Getting the openldap side supporting a table or index or proper
I did it, finally. the promised notes:
It was not obvious to me how to setup LDAP with Cyrus-IMAP and Sendmail
all in harmony for virtual hosting while still having things like
/etc/mail/virtusertable work with t
apologies, but I was not able to man or google this question:
When using the "Greytrapping" feature of spamd, can you
and if so how do you customize the message used for
the smtp dialogue for the the 24 blacklisted IP address?
Is it done in the spamd.conf(5) like we do for the other blacklists?
Okay WAY 2 cool
I finally killed the old cell phone I was using for years and years,
and got a sprintpcs replacement with multimedia (after signing another 2
Anywho Had to try making a ringer, what better mp3 than an OpenBSD lyric!
I trimmed 29 seconds from the Gold Flipper and
sauce for the goose...
On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Clint M. Sand wrote:
Anyone care to share a procmail line to destroy any message with "how do
I" "chroot" and "mysql and php"?
see http://perlcode.org/tutorials/procmail/proctut/
By default, procmail scans only the headers of the email message
I was able to ssh2 vith vt320term using username/password to openbsd using
sprintpcs cellphone (not the fancy palm like ones but the newer lesser
vision phones that play media and midp java apps)
application on cellphone:
MidpSSH is an SSH and Telnet client for MIDP 1.0 / 2.0 devices
Ed, man! !man ed
On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, Richard P. Koett wrote:
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 09:01:40 -0700
From: Richard P. Koett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: Text editor
You guys are all sissies.
Real men use cat(1).
Tried to use CBL for spamd.conf, it was a bust.
may have been sysadmin err0r/misunderstanding..:).
Anyone else successfully using CBL for /usr/libexec/spamd-setup ?
It appears that the CBL black list has about 1,744,279 entries
The CBL list is a big part of the Spamhaus XBL list, and gets
Musings on getting a CA
signed cert for STARTTLS
and other gotchas
If you ask the companies who market
SSL certs about sendmail, they will
say that they don't support certs
for mail, but for websites only.
But maybe the help/support desks are wr
if I remember correctly, the last time I tried Postfix on OpenBSD, I can
use self-generated SSL cert. Hope it's helpful to you.
self-signed certs can work with mail smtp servers postfix or sendmail,
man starttls
But when you used self-signed certificates, other servers or clients
may at a m
there is better alternative w/o need to breaking ssh down:
An alternative to jailkit is chrsh
it also does not require changing any code in ssh,
it is a chroot jail wrapper, invoked by setting user's shell
to the wrapper.
(warning - warning - if you inc
If you didn't already, try running rsync as a *server* on the Windows
side (if you want SSH, forward the ports). There's a cygwin bug that
bites rsync in some circumstances (when network buffers fill, iirc).
rather than setting a standalone rsyn server listening to a port,
you can try a minamili
I never googled an answer to this, but I found what may be why:
From: Eric Moore (*)
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 16:14:34 CDT
If I run, root #> mysqladmin refresh
it runs properly, reading the root password from .my.cnf.
If I run the same from the crontab:
52 20 * * * /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin
Is there a way to deliver
email to usernames with mixed case?
looking at OpenBSD 3.8 w/ sendmail
Per the man page for adduser
it is recommended to use only lowercase,
but it will take mixed case for a login
and be case sensitive.
So for example
adduser EWhite
but if after I try
mail EWhite
good answer
On Tue, 16 May 2006, Claus Assmann wrote:
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 13:08:43 -0700
From: Claus Assmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: misc@openbsd.org
To: Paul Pruett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: can mixed case username receive email
On Tue,
I'm the same way - I do not look forward to spending an afternoon
upgrading a box, and then manually hacking through the config files
checking for changes. After 30 minutes of this mind-numbing minutae, I
usually start making mistakes which leads to more time consumed.
Anyway - most upgrades are n
omg what a load of ,
to funny, any coporation stupid enough to fall for that story
by ssh to buy Tectia ssh and not use openssh deserves to be
taken for plus the security issues they will get.
- article referenced-
smarter companies w
since upgrading to openbsd 3.8
I noted my spamd was not blocking, looked closer and with me
using the CBL table (huge) trying
spamd-setup gave this response:
pfctl Cannot allocate memory
The spamd is loading okay so long as I don't use a whopper
table like the CBL,
I ran into something w/ squirrelmail on openBSD 3.8
with uw imap needing plain text login and with a php
bug causing timeouts
short answer - use flavor "plaintext" with imap-uw instead
of trying edit of /etc/c-client.cf - and use imap serverside
sort option on squirrelmail - or manually update/
This is in response to an email awhile back:
Friday, July 19, 2002, 9:01:11 AM, you wrote:
I have used many softwares like chrsh (Aaron Grifford)
on a port from Ben Goren but didn't get it to work.
I've done *everything* Aaron and
- details and notes
-- read no further unless need to know -
rm ./chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh/chrsh.c
oops thats my very bad, should be
the version on the stable port is old,
it is upto smtp-vilter-1.2.5
I was using monit to restart the port milter-spamd
when it would die about one or two times a week,
I downloaded 1.2.4 and did the make install
- went non standard and set it to
Just a heads up for the few that use Ben Goren's Trumpetpower port for
chrsh, http://www.trumpetpower.com/OpenBSD/chrsh
It may not work as is with OpenBSD 3.9, without tweaking.
but the official ports for current is compiling nicely even kde so far!
got the following with current grabbed this
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 07:34:06 -0500
From: Jeff Quast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
i havn't looked at the code--but i've seen this before, try adding
For unofficial chrsh port with current (3.9)
got the following with current grabbed this weekend,
complaining about extra tokens at e
> But in the past couple of years, I see hangers on trying to show off
by bullying new comers, and that's really distasteful
Possibly what you are experiencing in part is "bikeshedding"
I was
Was wondering if anyone else has recently tried the teamspeak3 server
using the freesbsd (x86) beta server
for download on an openbsd with freebsd kernel emulation?
I have a legacy server, that supports some older frontpage website,
yes I know.. but the customer wants it and the i886 still has
mod_frontpage in ports. so
I upgraded from i386 openbsd 4.6 to openbsd 4.8
and everything seemed to make it. it was brought to my attetion that
while frontpage
I have a legacy server, that supports some older frontpage website,
yes I know.. but the customer wants it and the i886 still has
mod_frontpage in ports.
I upgraded from i386 openbsd 4.6 to openbsd 4.8
and everything seemed to make it.I got a call about frontpage
it seems that while I see
fixed... problem was that kernel no longer supports bsdi
Thank you for the observation by the other poster!
On 1/11/2011 9:04 AM, Paul Pruett wrote:
I upgraded from i386 openbsd 4.6 to openbsd 4.8
and everything seemed to make it. it was brought to my attention that
while frontpage does log
63 matches
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