If you actually ran the upgrade from the install
media to do this I have no idea what sort of cruft you've
left messed up. Most of us on the list are probably
shaking our heads....

        My advice? get another box, start from scratch
on i386 and see what you can salvage. My suspicion is
it's pretty messed. Hope you've got some sort of
backup on tape or elsewhere.


YEP fools go where....

I had booted cdrom and used UPGRADE, and then
redid ports and ran mergemaster afterards

Actually other than the cyrus-imapd and openldap it seems
to be running. php5/mysql was okay, so far....

Best I can tell everywhere I had a berkely db in use,
I may be having problems., but I likely would have
had problems on migrating the data to a new install,
just less pressure and more time to figure.....

Yes thank god I have backups and an rsync of the important

Fortunately my backup script included a command to
create a plain text file for cyrus mboxlist.... and
I am able something like young frankenstein...
don't try this kiddies----

something like
mv /var/imap /var/imap-fubar
mkdir /var/imap
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/share/examples/cyrus-imapd/tools/mkimap
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/libexec/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -u < \
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/libexec/cyrus-imapd/reconstruct :(

I am close,  for squirrelmail we have to resubscribe to imap
folders... and its working!!!!!

its sort of working, pop3 is retrieving and so is imap...

NOW  LMAO.... its not working!!!
the sendmail can't deliver to to the cyrus,
my oh my  mailq is showing a lot waiting

CLOSE!  maybe someting silly....

I think that even with a fresh install,
I would have had a bitch with the imap migration,
but more time to figure it out....

I'll document for other fools...

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