Thanks to let us know about the coming of Laminar and about Rex.
I'm looking for a standalone application by its GUI, non-commercial, non-web,
non-ruby, etc. for OpenBSD
that through its *server side services* let me orchestrate configuration and
deployment to ->test or ->prod.
Indeed it could
My dmesg list it.
Thnx for the tip, indeed..
-- Nowarez Market
Just to drop the hint that GoCD at the moment (Nov 2023)
among the Unix "wrappers" FreeBSD, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
miss the wrapper for OpenBSD and GoCD server immediately hangs
pointing to the missing resources.
== Nowarez Market
Just made an addition to Tiny Tools for OpenBSD:
checkmd5, an md5 checksum utility
check256, a sha256 checksum utility
You can find it here:
== Nowarez Market
Also missing the target could be enough ironic:
- about bloated html and js ask GitHub;
- about the security of /tmp ask Theo.
Anyway consider to download Tiny Tools from
-- Nowarez Market
Nov 22, 2023 12:08:36 Crystal Kolipe :
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 11:44:12AM +0
don't know how. The software checks the
OpenBSD wrapper existence and exits advising the user.
-- Nowarez Market
Nov 22, 2023 13:17:07 Peter N. M. Hansteen :
> Did you actually want somebody to help you get the thing running?
> If that was your intention, something at l
Geoff Steckel :
> Of course, there's one storage medium verified to last for centuries.
> Good ink on rag paper stored dry. Papyrus is good for millenia.
> Not entirely a joke.
This needs any bullet-proof..
Yesterday I was playing around some software and at a the certain
point in time I launched in the shell:
wiz# rm -Rf *
ksh: rm: wrong param -3
or something very near.
Now, I tried to reproduce it but without enough luck.
Maybe from the returned string you can guess something..
== Nowarez
Got it, many thanks..
-- Nowarez Market
Nov 23, 2023 15:23:26 Omar Polo :
> On 2023/11/23 14:18:22 +0100, Nowarez Market wrote:
>> Yesterday I was playing around some software and at a the certain
>> point in time I launched in the shell:
>> w
I'm in the need to know if /etc/ accepts
comment starting with "#" as normally other file.conf do.
Just to pass my time during the upgrade to 7.4 (and to
simplify my life for the next time) ..
NB: man could be a little more detailed about the subject.
Thnx Peter, please can you point me out the path of cvsweb where
to find the resources that you are meaning?
Nov 24, 2023 08:03:00 Peter N. M. Hansteen :
> It's a kernel configuration file. There are numerous examples
> in the source tree.
-- Nowarez Market
Received, thnx..
-- Nowarez Market
Nov 24, 2023 08:38:37 Peter N. M. Hansteen :
> the machine-independent GENERIC config is at
> while what I assume is the most c
Just after upgrade to 7.4 stable actually only a small problem.
In my instance of XFCE the generic monitor plugin (xfce4-genmon-4.2.0)
hangs (stopping to respond) by just pressing the Save button.
== Nowarez Market
these like good
hints about a future version.
== Nowarez Market
However the software doesn't hang and seems actually keep running
Nowarez Market wrote:
> Just after upgrade to 7.4 stable actually only a small problem.
> In my instance of XFCE the generic monitor plugin (xfce4-genmon-4.2.0)
> hangs (stopping to respond) by just
and more:
(badwolf:92799): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 17:10:36.815: g_object_unref:
assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed Error sending
IPC message: Broken pipe
Nowarez Market wrote:
> In Xfce, one more problem launching Badwolf from the shell:
> Could not determin
and here again:
ERR: Display.cpp:1038 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error
12289: Could not dlopen native EGL: File not found
Nowarez Market wrote:
> (badwolf:92799): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 17:10:36.815:
> g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' fail
Foliate ebook reader is useless under my Xfce instance: any file I open
an ebook (any epub, mobi or pdf):
[ a gray gtk window saying]
Error: Caould not open file: Empty Response
screenshot attached
NB: my first time running Foliate on my station.
== Nowarez Market
Crystal Kolipe wrote:
> The one Asus drive I tested had a few quirks, BTW, so I wouldn't be
> inclined to invest in one of those.
Here an Asus player too..
I have a fat32 usb stick that I use to transfer files
from/to my Android tablet since years.
I just want to drop the hint that Android manage
to render the file names exceeding 255 chars offering
the user the long form anyway while OpenBSD strictly
apply the FAT specs rendering these file
names: if I copy files from an Android tablet and only after some days I
retrieve them..information are lost in OpenBSD.
Nowarez Market wrote:
> I have a fat32 usb stick that I use to transfer files
> from/to my Android tablet since years.
> I just want to drop the hint that
There is also some ironic stuff behind these happenings: if you have
the possibility to check your lost long file names you will discover
that the most significant information are contained in the first 99 chars.
Nowarez Market wrote:
> Clearly the problem is that from th
Hello, 7.4
Talking about medium, I just mounted a dvd of Tina Turner:
wiz# mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a /mnt/cdrom
And I understand OpenBSD could eventually get a little wired
but not like from screenshot attached..
I'm trying to playing it with Parole..
== Nowarez Market
g in tcltk).
Let me reconnect with my body and I will give a try to your suggestion.
-- Nowarez Market
Nov 28, 2023 06:35:36 Michael Hekeler :
> 'man mtree' is a good start.
> or check security(8). On 7.4 you can do:
> $ grep -B 12 -A 27 "sub check_mtree" /usr/libexec/security
Thank you for this one, appreciated.
-- Nowarez Market
I will wait better times both reading you and
Marc feedback.
Thank you both for your time.
== Nowarez Market
Just dropping a thanks for release 7.4.
After used it some days I noticed an average cpu temperature almost
six degrees lower than the usual one (despite the lower environment
temperature of the season).
== Nowarez Market
xrandr --listproviders
xrandr --setprovideroutputsource
== Nowarez Market
because it is somewhat
flexible and has no constraints. Indeed when you are to move out these files by
filenames 255 chars longer
you get about the prb only when you are in front of the the 8.3 filenames on
your station.
-- Nowarez Market
--new, --nonew, etc (not
recognized) and missing to list all the various --except options among
the others. I save you from quoting the options listed by
"rdiff-backup backup --help".
In the end after 10min of tries I was able to launch my
== Nowarez Market
I limit myself to report the problem of my system. And the problem of OpenBSD in
this case is the easie to let me lose the info contained in the filenames
coming from Android.
Then the fix doesn't depend on my attitude.
== Nowarez Market
Dec 4, 2023 11:59:23 Michael Hekeler :
Ok, I will manage to do it thnx.
-- Nowarez Market
Dec 4, 2023 10:58:59 Michael Hekeler :
> maybe to help other users of rdiff-backup you want to post your
> experiences onn their mailing-list?
> Or you can open an issue on github because that's what the devs
> suggested.
ion. Cutting to 8.3 format or being more conservative?
That could be the question for you. But indeed I leave the subect to you now.
== Nowarez Market
Dec 5, 2023 12:29:30 Anders Andersson :
> Wonder if OP is actually seeing more than 255 unique "User-perceived
> characters" or just more than 255 bytes?
so what is techinal explanation of the happening and the cut off to 8.3 ?
-- Nowarez Market
Dec 5, 2023 14:48:49 Anders Andersson :
> $ echo "Tcl_Tk 8.5 Programming Cookbook -- Bert Wheeler -- 2011 --
> Packt -- 9781849512992 -- 9ed273d2c640e4ae4761242a2c28d31c -- Capitan
You are fantastic. Next thread I will take you also the 8.3 filename examples
with screenshots of the last three chars.
( don't stop to report guys! )
-- Nowarez Market
Dec 5, 2023 17:16:32 Amelia A Lewis :
> Have you, perhaps, misdiagnosed
> the problem?
-- Nowarez Market
For who is wondering (and not) I come from publishing RADXIDE ver 1.0.5
(tcl-tk, MIT license) I could appreciate anyone involvement or feedback.
== Nowarez Market
Nowarez Market :
>I come from a couple of long white nights
this would like the last invitation to try the software to
check it out.
== Nowarez Market
Nowarez Market wrote:
> For who is wondering (and not) I come from publishing RADXIDE ver
> 1.0.5 (tcl-tk, MIT license) I could appreciate anyone involvement or
> feedback.
Just forwarded to ports@. Please keep me posted..
-- Nowarez Market
Dec 10, 2023 11:31:43 Jan Stary :
> wrong list,
> wrong subject
can use any frontend font like "Monospace Regular 10" and at need seems
to pick up the right font.
I want to thank everyone worked on the unicode support at system level
for the nice eandover, appreciated.
== Nowarez Market
Robert Palm wrote:
> I am playing with UTF-8 c
Using xterm,
then CTRL + Right click,
I add TrueType and I can display the lock:
Seems you need a TrueType font do display the trick...
== Nowarez Market
Robert Palm wrote:
> Seems I have no success...
pass in quick inet proto icmp all icmp-type 11
But indeed as you are dealing with routing traffic among interfaces
you should go eventually experimenting including these dns and icmps of my tip.
Hope you find this somewhat helpful!
-- Nowarez Market
Dec 16, 2023 18:41:05 Marko Cupać
Merry Christmas everyone!
Musk Dance, is quite viral:
| Holger Glaess :
| happy christmas to all.
I have less than an half possibility to buy an HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Mini ( i5
9500T ) at some good conditions.
Anyone got a grasp of this minipc compatibility with OpenBSD although not the
same variant ?
Thnx and happy holidays again.
-- Nowarez Market
I saw some pic and I confirm these toys are very attractive.
Thanks for the feedback and to send out dmesg, appreciated*..*
-- Nowarez Market
Sorry if I pop up in the thread with my argument:
before all, anyone know the shortcut to boot a Mac Pro from a usb stick
to install OpenBSD?
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Guessing#1 it will be hard to grasp anything useful from my report
due to the lack of info I collected at the moment of this "bugget"
Guessing#2 it could be a problem of Badwolf that it was already
showing some symptoms in its last version under 7.4 stable but I neither
_Did_ you check sysclean for your own purpose ?
Jan 27, 2024 18:27:11 Alexander Bochmann :
> I'm looking at one of my OpenBSD systems here that has been upgraded
> over a long time, and has /usr/local running out of space.
> It seems there's a lot of old versions of shared libraries in
Couple of stuff to consider around the american proprietary software venture &
1) as everyone know "proprietary" is globally loosing appeal and streaving
from cheap apps to discounts on support timeslots
2) in a world where western warez are banned from a decade and wester
Correct, the problem is that one.
And not adding more hilarious stuff to the fire could be awesome for most.
Feb 2, 2024 10:20:22 Louis Brauer :
>> what do you think?
> I think that this is a mailing list about OpenBSD, not US politics. But I may
> be mistaken.
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
Just want to drop a thank you for this mini-pc, the result of your work is
actually upgraded to 7.4 stable and patched till 0012 its dmesg is much more
clean with its system conf
mostly detected by the OS. :D
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Nov 19, 2023 01:48:50 Daniele B.
I have no clue about Redis but for my Memcached I'm using the "exec" by script
launching the binary with different parameters that in your case could be a
conf for instance. I'm not sure about a more clean solution.
I tried to ask in the past without receiving any reply.
> N0\/\/@r€Z
StarTech is usually a little expensive but seems to have the toy for you:
They do interesting stuff for usb sticks too.
Also the dongle exists.. for 1 port:
I used it in the past to pay
k software compatibility...
Feb 8, 2024 10:34:34 Nowarez Market :
> StarTech is usually a little expensive but seems to have the toy for you:
> They do interes
I just pop with this idea to replicate the OpenBSD events under (ops, subdomain doesn't exists yet,
try to understand): basic php page with
attractive graphics.
I'm here to ask your opinion and eventually to state that I could care
Sorry, I'm 3m far away from my keyboard and in lazy mode eating fruit..
I can confirm that in Xfce after 12 years passing for minipc and
laptops (using same two Dell business keyboards) the Prt Scr button
not functioning remained more than a problem a curiousity..
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
On my two stations I can just reconfirm it now.
I'm not using .xsession and a very simple rc that launch xconsole,
and I confirm the same situation for my environment (same installation
origin by stick).
When in Xfce I go in Settings -> Keyboard -> Application shortcuts
PrtScn is not bindable, wh
For anyone late like me, I now found really liberatory (saving me from
typos and missing brackets mistakes) the possibility to use the wildcard
opening files by nano and vi as well, eg:
having date-uuid-blog101.txt
"nano *blog101.txt" is my shortcut.
Hope this helps.
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> -
Thanks a lot for the clarification..
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Feb 11, 2024 07:06:34 Jeremy Baxter :
> On Sun Feb 11, 2024 at 4:43 PM NZDT, Nowarez Market wrote:
>> For anyone late like me, I now found really liberatory (saving me from
>> typos and missin
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Feb 9, 2024 21:45:52 Nowarez Market :
> Hello,
> I just pop with this idea to replicate the OpenBSD events under
> (ops, subdomain doesn't exists yet,
> try to understand): basic php page wi
Hello hackers,
If you could have the chance to bytecode scan by your av
my openbsd station infested of selfreproductive russian and chinese trojans
what path you would scan taking the risk of false detections?
Thanks! :D
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
( )
Just to make you notice that having the new 2024 campaign webpage we can
help you to spread its link.
Keep us updated.
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Feb 16, 2024 14:30:01 Peter N. M. Hansteen :
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 04:05:21PM +0300, Mark wrote:
>> Is there any hero here, to explain/forward me a working tutorial (never
>> fo
I need to say that most of the attacks I usually receive in Xfce are on the
file manager (Thunar) or on the console.
So the software most often open on my station. Do you think is it possible to
pay them a special "sandboxing" of
these software in addition to the underwood system protecti
> /\/\@rk€T
Feb 17, 2024 04:07:08 Nowarez Market :
> Hello,
> I need to say that most of the attacks I usually receive in Xfce are on the
> file manager (Thunar) or on the console.
> So the software most often open on my station. Do you think is it possible to
Although I'm not fanatic of games, classic games like flipper or, better,
pinball continue to affashinate myself expecially in there new sembiances
("generative pinballs" and "subpinballs").
Indeed, I found pinball like a good next lesson to give to my daughter to learn
"motion gesture
You should be able to do it by the /etc/ file, you can start from
Please be very careful.
(It needs two reboots to apply any change)
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Feb 19, 2024 16:15:31 Kirill A. Korinsky :
> I run OpenBSD and
>Feb 19, 2024 19:46:21 Kirill A. Korinsky :
>I can't disable uaudio because I use it, and I can't uplug (physically)
>the LG's Audio because it is integrated into the display which I'm
Curious, what is the connection between your display audio that comes
watched so magically by your stat
>Sorry for my investigation..but sometimes seems falks just miss Windows
>left click to unplug stuff..
> /\/\@rk€T
After all your list of *american gigs* missed only that OS.
Just do a switch to Windows and you solved. Maybe...
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
>bios0: vendor HUAWEI version "1.10" date 01/12/2023
>bios0: HUAWEI EUL-WX9
Thanks, appreciated.
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Feb 19, 2024 23:39:05 Kirill A. Korinsky :
>> You could also send a dmesg showing all of those devies.
> attched
I think the best way is always to keep things in control, safe and reliable..
And often your setup directly depend on a diversified architecture, maybe with
docker in the middle. Indeed before to lose public access on certificates or
site configuration I think two times to realize a complete
a good weekend indeed..
Feb 23, 2024 19:04:44 Nowarez Market :
> If you need to gamify an ipotetical homescreen of Xfce in OpenBSD
> how it could appear and what could be the possible price for a feedback to
> bugs@ ?
> Indeed I just gamified 5 Mode website:
Apart the tagged speach about the OpenBSD devices offload..
What is the matter to live in NYC when in Italy, Bologna is already all
Come here, dude.. ;)
>I want to offload a bunch of OpenBSD devices that I have before my baby
>arrives so that I can free up a room for her. :)
Screen rotation is currently supported?
And what about Xfce?
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Thanks for the suggestion, appreciated..
Feb 26, 2024 19:20:05 Stephen Wiley :
> Have you tried using Xrandr?
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
Thanks for answering to the previous post, indeed.
What I'm actually trying to realize is how to connect a small portable screen
(to use in vertical orientation, for notes and sketches)
with an hdmi/vga connection.. to my station without free display ports
(DP and HDMI ports are already
I think to have already advised about Stu smelling of ChapGPT
Feb 28, 2024 11:54:24 Crystal Kolipe :
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 11:26:31AM +0100, Janne Johansson wrote:
>> Stuart is already testing listed mirrors.
> And tests have indeed shown that Stuart locked in a room with a workstatio
While this evening I played a while on 5 Mode website with a webGL
3D animation (the result is live) I found some prbs generated in the
e console, you can find the screenshot attached.
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
t too, passed web-context value is ignored
Nowarez Market wrote:
> Hello
> While this evening I played a while on 5 Mode website with a webGL
> 3D animation (the result is live) I found some prbs generated in the
> e console, you can find the screenshot attached.
You can take it like a *curtesy email* to disclose my new email address.
Kindly thxs and take care of the pacman..
> N0\/\/@r€Z
> --
> /\/\@rk€T
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