On 2017-05-15 18.57.57 -0500, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
> I think this may be normal, but I can't seem to find it documented anywhere.
> While viewing a man page in xterm if I hit the 'v' key it appears to open it
> for editing in vi. I did so accidentally recently and at first I thought I
> broke som
On 2017-07-30 23.37.07 -0700, jungle boogie wrote:
> $ cat .xinitrc
> xsetroot -solid gray40 (does the 40 actually do anything? I've seen a few
> examples with numbers after it)
That color name comes from /usr/X11R6/share/X11/rgb.txt :
$ grep gray40 /usr/X11R6/share/X11/rgb.txt
102 102 102
On 2017-08-02 13.21.44 +0930, Radoslav Mirza wrote:
> Are there any resources that point to where I can begin to help with
> the project?
- Use OpenBSD to get your work done. When something breaks, fix it and
send in a patch. When something is sub par, improve it and send in
that patch.
- Join
On 2017-08-12 07.58.01 +0200, Tony Boston wrote:
> Aug 12 07:49:03 srv01 sendsyslog: dropped 2 messages, error 55
> 1. how can I figure out what is generating all those messages and fix it
> (thats what logs are for)
Good question. I did some digging and came up with this:
Switching from Chromium back to Firefox. Everything seems to work,
including YouTube and Instagram videos, but Twitter videos do not.
Here's an example Twitter video:
I see the thumbnail for the video and the play button in the middle.
On 2017-09-04 21.53.27 +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 04, 2017 at 07:48:12PM +0000, Mike Burns wrote:
> | Have others gotten Twitter videos to play in Firefox? Is there something
> | I've missed?
> Yes. Clicking four times, with some time between clicks, works
On 2018-05-15 22.51.43 +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> x...@dr.com wrote on Tue, May 15, 2018 at 07:47:45PM +0200:
> > [meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"]
> It is not defined in any standard.
I have no objection to the rest of your email -- in fact, I agree that
On 2015-11-03 01.11.13 +0500, Артур Истомин wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 02, 2015 at 09:07:05AM -0800, patrick keshishian wrote:
> > On 11/2/15, Артур Истомин wrote:
> > > I have strange behaviour with keyboard and touchpad.
> > >
> > > Keyboard. It is like I am in console/terminal. All keyboard shortcuts
On 2015-11-08 13.28.32 -0700, bluesun08 wrote:
> Back to the problem: I think OpenBSD need a patch for PostgreSQL
To get it into ports, send your patch to po...@openbsd.org and CC the
database/postgresql maintainer (Pierre-Emmanuel Andre ).
Please upstream your patch, too. There's an extensive FA
On 2015-11-14 16.27.30 +0100, bian wrote:
> * mention that the "segmentation fault"-message when running the X
> -configure is harmless and that the xorg.conf.new file was created as it
> should.
That's a bug, and while I likely can't fix it (will gladly look), we'll
need your dmesg and the backtr
On 2015-12-20 17.25.14 -0600, Luke Small wrote:
>It would be very easy to write a C
>program to parse and edit fstab to make all the partitions softdep.
Can we see your patch?
On 2016-01-06 10.56.52 +0100, Jon S wrote:
> Is this a known problem? Is there a solution to make ls print correct UTF-8?
Use colorls from packages instead.
On 2016-01-26 08.13.22 -0600, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
> > * adduser(8)/useradd(8):
> > Needs to be unified into one single
> This seems like a project that would end in arguments over which to
> consolidate to.
> "Adduser is better", no "useradd is better"
I assume that whoever actually doe
On 2016-02-18 17.11.03 +0100, Rudolf Sykora wrote:
> I appear to need to modify the default application used
> by xdg-open to open a file directory. The man page of xdg-open
> is not very helpful. Can anybody tell me what is the right
> and general (I run fvwm) system-wide file on openbsd to edit?
On 2017-12-05 17.26.27 -0500, Rupert Gallagher wrote:
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
When you implement the patch that adds TRIM you might want to build off
the work already done and lessons learned. I only spent a few seconds
searching so you might find more:
On 2017-12-29 10.44.44 +0100, Michael Hekeler wrote:
> Although I know that my question is not 100% OpenBSD related, I would
> ask here for concepts/ideas how to keep configfiles under revision
> control, because I know that there are many experienced admins on this
> list.
Consider sysutls/rcm -
On 2017-12-29 18.38.17 +0100, Michael Hekeler wrote:
> > Consider sysutls/rcm -- it is an rc file manager that is agnostic to
> > version control.
> Looks interesting.
> But can rcm handle files in other directories than in $HOME?
> for example:
> * sshd_config in /etc/ssh
> * my.cnf in /etc
On 2018-01-05 10.35.14 +0100, Jean-Michel Pouré wrote:
> Some traditional questions that I needed support on:
> * pf migration.
> * How to resize a partition // Dual boot installer with Linux.
> * how to
On 2018-01-27 12.59.08 +, Roderick wrote:
> # iridium&
> [2] 14714
> # *** autoupdate was enabled, overriding with false
> iridium(14714) in free(): use after free 0x7e51b6a0
> [2]Abort iridium (core d
On 2018-03-15 19.39.53 -0500, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
> Is there a man page template somewhere that I can use to get started
> writing a manual?
On 2018-03-25 01.49.52 -0500, Z Ero wrote:
> Is 6.3 release almost here? Is that why? If you are using your
> computer for production and are not actively developing / debugging
> OpenBSD why would you run a current snapshot rather than the stable
> release? Just curious.
In additon to the good-wi
On 2018-03-30 23.01.16 +0300, Sergey Bronnikov wrote:
> I have made a first step forward in direction to OpenBSD bugtracker
> and imported bugs@ archive to a Fossil SCM -
> https://bronevichok.ru/cgi-bin/b.cgi/rptview?rn=1
Ran it through curl:
- Your cert is invalid.
- Why does every ticket go to
On 2018-04-05 15.29.22 -0600, ch...@ccmach14.org wrote:
> Hello - will someone please tell me where I can find the source for
> bsd.rd?
That's the kernel. Two ways to start reading:
/usr/src/distrib - this is how bsd.rd itself is built.
/usr/src/sys/kern/init_main.c - this is the main function fo
On 2018-04-11 21.18.09 -0700, Zeb Packard wrote:
> Not a wiki, but if the mailing list is too busy daemon forums
> has a community driven Guides and Howtos section.
Here's a discussion about the idea of docs outside of man pages and FAQ:
On 2017-01-08 00.02.21 +0100, Martin Hanson wrote:
> The issue is a misguiding policy statement.
It could be a language issue. I'm a native speaker and everything Theo,
et al., are saying matches perfectly with the policy statement, to me.
Perhaps you can suggest improved wording. Patches go to te
On 2017-01-23 02.09.25 +0100, Kirill Miazine wrote:
> Having spent several hours trying to find out whether RES_USE_DNSSEC
> actually does anything on OpenBSD, I have to ask for help...
It does nothing.
On 2014-11-06 09.24.24 +, Bogdan Andu wrote:
> 3) what would be the performance of running Perl scripts through
> FastCGI+httpd, compared to Apache1.3/mod_perl1.3 compared to
> nginx/Nginx perl module?
You need to run these benchmarks yourself, on your scripts and data.
[demime 1.01d r
On 2014-12-03 21.23.13 +, Ezequiel Garzon wrote:
> Disk /dev/X is user root, group wheel, permissions brw-r-.
It must be root.operator and the mode must NOT include user-readable,
user-writable, or group-readable.
On 2014-12-03 22.28.50 +, Ezequiel Garzon wrote:
> > It must be root.operator and the mode must NOT include user-readable,
> > user-writable, or group-readable.
> Maybe I don't know what "operator" means in this context.
chgrp operator /dev/X
On 2015-01-21 19.08.47 +0200, Zuleyha Torku wrote:
> I would like to use httrack. But, when I was try to make it source
> (downloaded from svn), I have got plenty of errors like belov
> htscharset.c:1239: warning: comparison is always true due to limited range
> of data type
That's a warning, n
On 2015-03-27 08.03.25 +, Some Developer wrote:
> So what are the reasons why OpenBSD has so far shunned Clang and LLDB?
On 2015-06-14 16.46.53 +0200, Max Power wrote:
> Only the group is changed.
> But why the owner is remained the same [root]?
> On OpenBSD, I can not get root:root ?
$ grep ^root /etc/group
> > On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 04:32:18PM +0200, Max Power wrote:
> >> Hi guys!
> >>
> >> I copied my f
On 2015-06-24 19.18.42 +0200, Piotr Kubaj wrote:
> On 06/24/15 19:11, Michael McConville wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 05:26:10PM +0200, Piotr Kubaj wrote:
> >> I'm mainly a FreeBSD user but want to learn OpenBSD. I'm also interested
> >> in basic electronics, like programming own thermometer.
On 2015-06-25 09.39.23 +0530, Hrishikesh Muruk wrote:
> Is there a way to see all of the pages in section 9 using man.cgi (or man)?
I had done this; perhaps there is a better way, but I don't know it:
$ apropos -s 9 *
On 2015-07-15 21.49.11 +0930, Jack Burton wrote:
> Sorry, didn't realise I couldn't post a patch to the misc@ (I've never
> needed to before).
> Please excuse my ignorance, but what is the accepted way to contribute a
> patch?
Post it to tech@ .
On 2016-02-22 14.21.01 +, Daniel Boyd wrote:
> What do youguys use for a simple GUI with a visualdesigner?
I use GTK+, with Glade, in C and Python. GTK+ has bindings to other languages,
too, and Glade files work with any of them.
If you want something simpler -- though still in GTK+ -- I reco
On 2016-04-02 13.22.07 -0700, Damon Getsman wrote:
> Is there any method for locating these packages short of doing
> a search on each one of them and locating specific files and/or
> developer information? Just curious as to whether or not I might not
> be in the loop for something that'll
On 2016-04-03 07.54.14 -0700, Damon Getsman wrote:
> 'portmaster' which is the FreeBSD specific ports management utility
You'll probably want to read OpenBSD documentation when reading about
the OpenBSD packages and ports system.
That's section 15 of the OpenBSD FAQ: http://www.openbsd.org/faq/fa
On 2016-04-04 14.58.33 +0700, Tinker wrote:
> Is "softdep" dangerous? :-O
This thread explains more:
On 2016-04-13 10.42.28 +0200, Erling Westenvik wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 08:34:16PM -0400, Implausibility wrote:
> Various attempts on creating "generic" wifi network connection manager
> scripts have been made. None with a true GUI AFAIK.
I hooked some shell scripts up with zenity to make
On 2016-04-13 15.31.36 +0200, Erling Westenvik wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 09:37:53AM +0000, Mike Burns wrote:
> > I hooked some shell scripts up with zenity to make a wifi GUI.
> >
> Interesting. Care to share the code somewhere? Maybe it could evolve
> into a port/pac
On 2016-04-13 19.20.24 +0300, Mihai Popescu wrote:
> So, what is the benefit of typing a text in a text box GUI rather than
> a terminal?
> Again, what is the benefit of displaying a list of wifi networks with
> funny beam sign (which tell you nothing, bytheway) rather that read a
> dBm result from
On 2016-04-16 12.57.56 -0700, bluesun08 wrote:
> So, please can you say me how to activate SMP pf support in OpenBSD ?
Be sure to run a MP kernel. You can verify with: dmesg | grep MP
To track progress so you know where to help, search tech@ for "unlock":
On 2016-05-29 14.53.10 +0200, lvdd wrote:
> Since I don't have /usr/local seperately I think I have to reinstall.
> I assume "wxallowed" on a single / disklabel defeats the purpose of
> this?
Why does wxallowed inspire you but nodev and nosuid do not?
On 2016-06-16 13.42.44 +, Luke Small wrote:
> Is it possible and not unadvisable to make /src with the -O3
> option?...
It is inadvisable to deviate from the documentation here:
On 2016-08-07 14.44.58 +0200, Dariusz Sendkowski wrote:
> Is this https://github.com/openbsd the official OpenBSD github site?
> Do you have any plans to move the OpenBSD source code repository to github?
Thinkpad X1 Carbon with a touchscreen, running 5.5-stable. When I resume
from suspend my Xorg.0.log is flooded with:
(EE) ws: /dev/wsmouse1: read error Input/output error
In my dmesg:
wsmouse1: can't attach mux (error=5)
Attached are four files: the dmesg before zzz, Xorg.0.log before zzz,
On 2014-07-14 00.54.15 -0700, Mike Larkin wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 06:22:34PM -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> > Thinkpad X1 Carbon with a touchscreen, running 5.5-stable. When I resume
> > from suspend my Xorg.0.log is flooded with:
> >
> > (EE) ws: /dev/wsmous
On 2014-07-14 18.09.30 -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> On 2014-07-14 00.54.15 -0700, Mike Larkin wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 06:22:34PM -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> > > Thinkpad X1 Carbon with a touchscreen, running 5.5-stable. When I resume
> > > from suspend my
On 2014-07-18 09.53.25 -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> On 2014-07-14 18.09.30 -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> > On 2014-07-14 00.54.15 -0700, Mike Larkin wrote:
> > > On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 06:22:34PM -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> > > > Thinkpad X1 Carbon with a touchscreen, run
On 2014-07-19 16.43.30 +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> On 13/07/14(Sun) 18:22, Mike Burns wrote:
> > Thinkpad X1 Carbon with a touchscreen, running 5.5-stable. When I resume
> > from suspend my Xorg.0.log is flooded with:
> >
> > (EE) ws: /dev/wsmouse1: read error Inp
A partial reply; I have not yet run your patch:
On 2014-07-21 16.00.01 +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> More seriously, can you plug external USB devices to your laptop and see
> if they are correctly recognized? Do they attach to uhub2 or uhub3?
That seems to always work, regardless of whether
On 2014-07-21 16.00.01 +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> Just try this diff that should prevent you from suspending in the first
> case:
The good news: I was able to suspend and resume without freezes or
hangs. The mouse stopped working twice (with wsmoused running), but
`xinput -enable /dev/wsmouse
On 2014-07-22 10.10.02 +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> > umass0 at uhub2 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "SanDisk Cruzer" rev
> > 2.00/2.00 addr 6
> > umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
> > scsibus4 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
> > sd2 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun 0: SCSI0 0/direct
> > removable
On 2014-07-23 07.40.00 +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> On 22/07/14(Tue) 19:37, Mike Burns wrote:
> > On 2014-07-22 10.10.02 +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> > > > umass0 at uhub2 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "SanDisk Cruzer" rev
> > > > 2.00/2.00
On 2014-07-23 09.25.34 +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> ...your touchpad is back!
Wow! I honestly did not expect that. This is awesome.
It works perfectly before I suspend, but after I resume the touchscreen
is off in the X coordinates (and slightly off in the Y). I am not
running wsmoused. Known
On 2014-07-25 11.59.33 -0400, Stuart McMurray wrote:
> Anybody know of any small laptops (not necessarily chromebooks) that run
> OpenBSD well?
Thinkpad X1 Carbon. -current works well: wifi, keyboard, mouse,
touchscreen, suspend, resume, USB, headphones. See my recent thread "zzz
+ /dev/wsmouse" i
A `sudo ifconfig iwn0 scan' works but only if the device is disconnected. Is
this expected behavior? Is this specific to my card? Am I interpreting
the results correctly?
I'd like to be able to see other networks while remaining connected.
These are the results I am interpreting:
$ sudo ifconfig
On 2014-09-07 17.11.09 +0200, Marcin Piotr Pawlowski wrote:
> Why You need to see other networks while remaining connected?
Some example scenarios:
- If I move about my office I'd like to see what other SSIDs are
available in case I'd like to switch to one.
- If I'm tethering through my phone I
On 2014-09-07 17.56.09 +0200, Fabian Raetz wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2014 at 02:11:04PM +0200, Mike Burns wrote:
> > A `sudo ifconfig iwn0 scan' works but only if the device is disconnected. Is
> > this expected behavior? Is this specific to my card? Am I interpreting
On 2014-09-24 14.29.02 +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> Google didn't tell if this has been discussed before, so I wonder
> if you have considered moving from CVS to git?
[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]
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