Re: OpenBSD on soekries or WRAP, wich

2006-12-13 Thread Matt Radtke
> Hi maybe this is not the list but thera are here a > lot of people that > must know something about it recenrtly i found a > blog from jonathan > weiss who says thst wrap are a good solution than > soekries, and what i > want to know it is a recommendation about wich one > to buy ? who has don

Re: OpenBSD on soekries or WRAP, wich

2006-12-13 Thread Matt Radtke
> what about routerboard? anyone has used this one? > No. The routerboard is MIPS based and currently unsupported. -Matt Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Gigabit NICs for Soekris hardware

2006-12-27 Thread Matt Radtke
Good evening all Has anyone found a Gigabit NIC that works in a Soekris 4801? Bonus points if its small enough to fit in one of their cases as well. thanks -Matt Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Improved sparc64 support

2007-03-04 Thread Matt Radtke
> And if anyone has an UltraSPARC-based laptop to > donate to us, we'd love > that. Either the Sun or Tadpole ones. Thanks ;) If it would meet your reqirements, I'd be happy to bid up this one [0] and donate it. -Matt 0:

Re: OpenBSD Gateway to replace old Linux gateway

2006-07-27 Thread Matt Radtke
Hello there > > Router ( <-> ( > Firewall PC ( > > <-> ( LAN > > > > Now, thing is, the Linux firewall has two NICs: > > > > NIC 1: > > NIC 2: > > > > The two NICs on the Linux box are configured with > 192.168.1.

Re: Version 4.0 release

2006-10-09 Thread Matt Radtke
> Hands up, yet another person with a personal E450 > that was retired (from a > bank!! 8-)) > > I should go back and get some hard drives for it. > > Remember, the power supply handles are NOT load > bearing! 8-) Hey all you guys with those 450s and 250s-- If any of you would be willing to par

Sun SMP Hardware [was RE: Version 4.0 release ]

2006-10-10 Thread Matt Radtke
Good morning all I've gotten a few replies with people interested in parting with E450s, 250s, 280s, and 220s (I have an Ultra 2 to throw onto the pile, for what its worth). So far, every reply has been, "It's yours if you pay to ship it." If any devs would find any of these useful, or know of a

Re: Oldest Server you run

2006-10-12 Thread Matt Radtke
> I also have an industrial 386SX with 32Mb RAM that > used to run 3.1 or 3.2, > back in the day when FPU emulation still kinda > worked. It was useless as a > box and dog slow, I have it for sheer geek factor > only. :) Currently, I have my sparc IPX running as a firewall and recently retired a Q

Re: Oldest Server you run

2006-10-13 Thread Matt Radtke
> mac68k testing: Quadra650 (not sure that qualifies > as production, even > though it runs at 100% CPU for days at a time when > doing a build). Also > hard to brag for slowness rights when it is almost > as fast as the > Quadras got. No, I don't have an SE/30... :) HmmmI guess it's time to

Re: Soekris network problems - 48 hour deadline

2006-10-14 Thread Matt Radtke
Good morning > I tried the following variations: > > scrub out on sis0 max-mss 1440 > scrub out max-mss 1440 > scrub max-mss 1440 > scrub max-mss 1400 You should be able to figure out the problem, actually. Good ole tcpdump should show you something. I'd specifically look for icmp that you mig

MIPS based routerboard machines

2006-11-15 Thread Matt Radtke
Good afternoon all Is there any interest in supporting the MIPS based routerboard hardware? If there is, I would be happy to buy a board or two and throw it at whoever might interested in making such a thing happen. Past that, I lack the required skills to code it myself. I'd be willing to just