> Hands up, yet another person with a personal E450 > that was retired (from a > bank!! 8-)) > > I should go back and get some hard drives for it. > > Remember, the power supply handles are NOT load > bearing! 8-)
Hey all you guys with those 450s and 250s-- If any of you would be willing to part with said computer and if any devs would find that hardware useful, I would be more than happy to help pay for, perhaps even pay for all of, the shipping costs to get it to a developer. Just let me know, and I'll start things. Thanks guys! To the gentleman who started this thread-- Did you see how easy that was? So you can't code in C. Big deal, neither can I. I try my damnedest to help in other ways. I've bought the past 4 or so releases, I donated money to help with Mac G5 support, and I donated to help replace the dead Alpha build machine--nevermind that I don't, haven't, and likely never will own an Alpha or G5 machine. You clearly have an itch you would like to scratch. You have two options: A) Code yourself (by your own admission, this isn't likely) B) Donate. Now, it isn't my money, but a donation doesn't seem that outrageous. Your company spent $125,000 on a single machine. What did the Solaris support/license cost back in 2001? What if instead you took a 1/3rd, 1/5th, 1/10th of that money, wrote that check out to Theo and said, "Keep up the good work and make it better." Just a thought. -Matt Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com