Re: Limit CPU usage of a process?

2018-05-27 Thread Luke A. Call
I had that problem but turning off javascript (as someone else said), turning off images most of the time, and bookmarking the tab group then closing as many tabs as I wasn't actually going to use soonest (especially any viewing PDF files), dropped it down to ~4%. On 05-27 12:07:16+0200, Maximi

Re: How to search for "hostap" in man pages.

2018-06-16 Thread Luke A. Call
I think "man -K" would work on gnu/linux, but on OpenBSD you might have to: cd /usr/share/man or cd /usr/local/man and grep -ir hostap *|less . Maybe someone else knows a better way though. On 06-16 22:39, Karel Gardas wrote: > > Hello, > > was looking for "hostap" or "Host AP" using man

Re: How to search for "hostap" in man pages.

2018-06-16 Thread Luke A. Call
ps: I think apropos/man -k only search the header, not the entire manual page. On 06-16 17:34, Luke A. Call wrote: > I think "man -K" would work on gnu/linux, but on OpenBSD you might have to: > cd /usr/share/man > or > cd /usr/local/man > and > grep -ir hosta

Re: Questions about crypto and USA laws, concerns today

2018-07-24 Thread Luke A. Call
On 07-24 11:50, Chris Bennett wrote: > What is going on overall with the US and cryptography? > I recently joined an organization that has legitimate concerns about > privacy, so I thought I'd ask those who know and have history with this > issue. I am definitely not any kind of expert on this (in

Re: nmap on routed ip4 networks, openbsd/pf or package/port issue?

2018-08-01 Thread Luke A. Call
On 08-01 15:08, Henrik Engmark wrote: > So I set up a new 6.3 with the sole purpose of nmapping, since my older > OpenBSDs is coremapping on me with nmap. >[] > On to the problem, I scan my local LAN with the following: > nmap -Pn -A -v -v --send-eth -e em0 -stylesheet somestylesheet -oA > /

Re: nmap on routed ip4 networks, openbsd/pf or package/port issue?

2018-08-01 Thread Luke A. Call
On 08-01 10:54, Luke A. Call wrote: > On 08-01 15:08, Henrik Engmark wrote: > > So I set up a new 6.3 with the sole purpose of nmapping, since my older > > OpenBSDs is coremapping on me with nmap. > >[] > > On to the problem, I scan my local LAN with the follo

Re: Running your own mail server

2018-09-10 Thread Luke A. Call
On 09-10 13:30, Craig Skinner wrote: > Being a postmaster (email server administrator) and hostmaster (DNS > server administrator) is fun, hectic, and takes about 5 years to learn. > [] > Save yourself the trouble and let them use their gMail > accounts/addresses directly. They'll soon be gett

ssh -X instead, workarounds (was Re: ssh -Y behaviour change

2018-09-12 Thread Luke A. Call
On 09-12 08:20, Brett Mahar wrote: > I know `ssh -X` is more secure, I use this when I can but use the `ssh -Y` > version when I need ability to copy and paste. While this probably doesn't solve your main problem, it might be useful afterward. For what it's worth, I have used ssh -X extensively

Re: Remiss on my personal and server security practices, offering server usage to outsiders

2018-09-19 Thread Luke A. Call
On 09-19 08:32, Chris Bennett wrote: > On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 04:14:47PM +0200, Solene Rapenne wrote: > > Chris Bennett wrote: > > > I have not opened up my server before for full usage of email, web, > > > database, etc. before. So I'm a total noob on really good security > > > practices. > > >

can't start X in 6.4

2018-10-27 Thread Luke A. Call
I was running a snapshot from Sept 26, then upgraded yesterday to 6.4 release, and ran pkg_add -u and syspatch. Fortunately mutt runs without X :) . When I run "startx" I get errors like this (details in log below): [ 78310.256] (EE) No drivers available. [ 78310.256] (EE) Fatal server error:

xfce4-terminal crash in openbsd 6.4

2018-11-07 Thread Luke A. Call
This happens in OpenBSD 6.4 but I'm fairly confident didn't happen in 6.3 (definitely didn't happen at some point in the recent past; I don't recall if I tried this while I was using snapshots between 6.3 and 6.4): If I start xfce4-terminal (either from xterm or the xfce4 "Run Program" dialog), an

Re: xfce4-terminal crash in openbsd 6.4

2018-11-09 Thread Luke A. Call
, installing inkscape fixed it. On 11-07 09:53:32-0700, Luke A. Call wrote: > This happens in OpenBSD 6.4 but I'm fairly confident didn't happen in > 6.3 (definitely didn't happen at some point in the recent past; I don't > recall if I tried this while I was using sna

mouse stops working 2 days after reboot

2018-11-15 Thread Luke A. Call
Hi. On 6.4 (not 6.3 or snapshots i tried), the external mouse just stops working, ~2 days after rebooting, multiple times. A reboot fixes it, but just restarting X with Ctrl-Alt-Bksp does not fix it (though it does seem to close/restart xenodm). I am not using the trackpad and even while this pr

pkg_outdated binary?

2020-03-09 Thread Luke A. Call
Hi. I see a manual page for pkg_outdated, online and on my 6.6 stable machine, but no binary, or result from "type pkg_outdated", even with, as root: cd / find . -iname "*outdated*" 2>&1 | less ...though that did find some perl things. Am I looking the wrong way? Thanks much. dmesg: OpenBS

Re: alacritty build

2020-03-11 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-11 16:51, Wayn0 wrote: > On Wed, 11 Mar 2020 at 06:21, Wayne Oliver wrote: > > On 2020/03/10 21:09, Justin Muir wrote: > > > Just wishing to give alacritty a go so I git'd the source and did a > cargo > > > build. > > > I get this error after a while: > > > LLVM ERROR: out of memory > > > I

Re: How to test for FORTIFY_SOURCE?

2020-03-18 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-18 19:22, Ingo Schwarze wrote: > > Ingo -- I think using as a "testbed for all possible > > man page hierarchies" incorrect. > > It was never a testbed, but a production service with several parts > provided nowhere else (well, at least until FreeBSD followed our > lead and s

Re: How to test for FORTIFY_SOURCE?

2020-03-18 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-18 20:29, Ingo Schwarze wrote: > I have definitely collaborated with at least these NetBSD developers > in the past: And a lame but sincere thanks to Ingo, Theo, and everyone else, for the impressive work freely given, and for patiently tolerating the rest of us.

Re: Samba on obsd

2020-03-25 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-25 12:42, Lars Bonnesen wrote: > It seems that Debian is also recommended as an AD replacement. And in my experience with packaging tools internals, policies, standards support, etc (which was not with anything related to AD), far superior to other Linux distros. Ask me off-list if you want

reviewing what is available (was Re: Faking the same LAN over the Internet

2020-04-01 Thread Luke A. Call
On 04-01 12:47, Chris Bennett wrote: > On Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 07:01:15AM -0600, Diana Eichert wrote: > > have you considered looking at native OpenBSD tools? > > > > Wow! I had no idea about this. I think you know more about obsd than I do, but in case it's useful

Re: email attachments in firefox

2020-08-21 Thread Luke A. Call
On 08-21 18:06, James Cook wrote: > On 2020-08-21 16:51, Raymond, David wrote: > > I noticed that trying to load an attachment to Gmail in Firefox leads > > to a basically empty menu for selecting the file to be loaded? What > > gives? Is this something to do with pledge/unveil? Is there a way t

multiple simultaneous X sessions?

2020-08-22 Thread Luke A. Call
What would it take for me to run more than one simultanous X session, each as a different user? -- I tried once a few years ago and found my config-file-fu was insufficient. Is it known whether it is reasonably possible with the current code? Thanks much. (ps: this is so I can take advantage of t

multiple simultaneous X sessions?

2020-08-24 Thread Luke A. Call
What would it take for me to run more than one simultanous X session, each as a different user? -- I tried once a few years ago, searching, reading man pages, and chasing error messages, and failed at the time. Is it known whether it is reasonably possible with the current code? (This is so I can

Re: Microsoft's war on plain text email in open source

2020-08-26 Thread Luke A. Call
On 08-26 21:47, Pierre-Philipp Braun wrote: > > Can't get your email to go plain text, attachments work. > > If they don't, why not change providers? > > It's a bit of work, but almost anyone can setup their own email server > > for next to nearly free. > > That is not as easy as it was, mainly be

Re: ttyC0 floods with error messages

2019-12-16 Thread Luke A. Call
On 12-16 10:48, Raymond, David wrote: > I get similar stuff on console 1 but not on the others on all my > OpenBSD machines. As I use X windows and have clean consoles 2-4 > available if necessary, I just ignore it. I get similar messages in dmesg (used to be on the first console), and every coup

Re: Suggestion: Replace Perl with Lua in the OpenBSD Base System

2019-12-31 Thread Luke A. Call
On 12-31 14:02, Raul Miller wrote: > On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 1:32 PM wrote: > > I'm curious to know if there are any languages other than C and perl in > > use in OpenBSD base. > It's pretty easy to download the sources for base, and then: > tar zxf src.tar.gz > find . -type f -name '*.*' | sed 's

Re: pkg_info(1) man page possible error

2020-01-25 Thread Luke A. Call
On 01-25 01:49, Ingo Schwarze wrote: > Andrew Easton wrote on Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 11:17:20PM +0100: > > I was looking for a list of ports packages > Depending what you really need, try > $ doas pkg_add portslist > $ less /usr/local/share/ports-INDEX > $ doas pkg_add sqlports > $ sqlite3 /u

Re: Question about marketability of OpenBSD Laptops

2020-01-26 Thread Luke A. Call
On 01-26 10:45, Stuart Henderson wrote: > [] > I have non-technical users on OpenBSD > laptops and desktops using GNOME+Chromium+LibreOffice, not everything > is perfect but it works well enough and we didn't have to revert to > Windows. > > It *does* need managing though, it won't work as a

Resource temporarily unavailable: have to recompile?

2020-01-31 Thread Luke A. Call
Hi misc. Am I running into a limit that will require recompiling the kernel (or changing my work style I suppose)? Which man pages should I read next, or should I be thinking about this differently? I am getting "Resource temporarily unavailable" in /var/log/authlog when I try to open too many

Re: Resource temporarily unavailable: have to recompile?

2020-01-31 Thread Luke A. Call
Sorry. It seems to have been just a ulimit and a login.conf value that I had not increased enough. On 01-31 13:20, Luke A. Call wrote: > [] > I am getting "Resource temporarily unavailable" in > /var/log/authlog when I try to open too many "ssh [-X] user@localhost

Re: Resource temporarily unavailable: have to recompile?

2020-01-31 Thread Luke A. Call
w (in both cases: "Resource temporarily unavailable"). On 01-31 13:20, Luke A. Call wrote: > Hi misc. > > Am I running into a limit that will require recompiling the kernel > (or changing my work style I suppose)? Which man pages should I read > next, or should I be thinkin

Re: Resource temporarily unavailable: have to recompile?

2020-02-03 Thread Luke A. Call
On 02-01 19:43, Strahil Nikolov wrote: > On February 1, 2020 12:27:40 AM GMT+02:00, "Luke A. Call" > wrote: > >I am still seeing this problem, even after logging out/in and ulimit -u > >shows 712. Running "ps -U myusername|less" yields about 180 lines and

Re: Web documentation available offline by default?

2020-02-28 Thread Luke A. Call
Another option I found helpful once is to use wget to download the FAQs' content to a local copy (unless that puts too much load on the server), then have a simple local shell alias to view it with links or w3m. (At the time, it was a quick way for me, to preserve the content in case I wanted it wh

Re: Hardening browser

2020-03-04 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-04 02:06, wrote: > in the following message: > > Theo discourages to use unveil instead of chroot. > I asked if he suggests the same for the browser but he asked that chroot > is onlye for *root*. > Then what shoul

Re: Hardening browser

2020-03-04 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-04 12:03, Luke A. Call wrote: > Partly as a possible approach, and partly for feedback/suggestions on > it: [] > multiple user logins and their corresponding X sessions running > at the same time, among which I would switch with Ctrl-Alt-F* keys, > hoping that if one a

Re: Hardening browser

2020-03-05 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-05 04:18, Tomasz Rola wrote: > On Wed, Mar 04, 2020 at 02:06:40AM +0100, wrote: > > Hi, > > in the following message: > > > > Theo discourages to use unveil instead of chroot. > > I asked if he suggests the same fo

Re: Hardening browser

2020-03-07 Thread Luke A. Call
On 03-07 19:19, wrote: > On Thu, Mar 05, 2020 at 07:32:36AM -0700, Luke A. Call wrote: > > I just leave javascript off for usual browsing, with a tab sitting open > > in chromium or iridium to turn it on for the occasional temporary need, > > or a

libreoffice and iridium/chromium crash on openbsd6.8, unless devhelp manually installed

2021-02-08 Thread Luke A. Call
Hi all. The short version is: the package "devhelp" seems required for libreoffice and irid/chromium, but removing/reinstalling those doesn't seem to install devhelp, and the package system doesn't complain when devhelp is removed manually. The programs crash saying things like this, especially th

Re: Deleting sysupgrade, was: sysupgrade failure logs

2021-02-15 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2021-02-15 09:33:03+, Ottavio Caruso wrote: > On 14/02/2021 23:44, Theo de Raadt wrote: > > When we get reports like this where people "touch the insides", both > > Florian and I regret that sysupgrade ever arrived in the system. > > We want to delete sysupgrade. > > If this is not ju

default umask 0077?

2021-05-01 Thread Luke A. Call
I have been wondering for a long time (and did some searches) if it would make sense for obsd to have a default umask of 0077, in the /etc/profile or /etc/skel files on new installs, or what I'm missing. I imagine it helping a new user who hasn't learned yet about umask, to not create files read

Re: default umask 0077?

2021-05-01 Thread Luke A. Call
One possible correction: login.conf might be a better place than what I suggested earlier. Either way, would require thinking through it by someone more knowledgeable. On 2021-05-01 09:37:51-0600, Luke A. Call wrote: > I have been wondering for a long time (and did some searches) if it >

Re: VMM 6.9amd64 host video acceleration

2021-05-12 Thread Luke A. Call
I think there are ways to get what you want w/o VMM, such as a combination of regular X, separate user accounts for different activities, ssh -X/-Y, and rarely, xhost. Email me off-list if you want details; I have described them here at least somewhat, in the past. (Also given the fact that chrom

Re: heck of a long time

2023-08-23 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2023-08-23 18:06:47+0200, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote: > On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 01:41:31PM +0200, Peter J. Philipp wrote: > > If this is a sensitive topic I apologize ahead of time. > > I'm wondering... can we have a change in the OpenBSD front page (to say): > > "Only two remote holes in the d

site terms (was Re: Does openBSD come with a web browser?

2023-09-12 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2023-09-11 23:21:06-0700, Eric Demer wrote: > > > (I am considering getting a laptop with openBSD, but have > > > not yet done so, which is why I can't easily check on my own.) > > > ?? > > > Does openBSD come with a web browser? > > > The "the FAQ and" parts of

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2024-03-28 17:28:56+0100, Jan Stary wrote: > > (2) I've learned that X11 allows locally running malware to sniff the > > keystrokes input to any other X11-using app running under any user. > > I don't believe that's true. > Where have you "learned" that, and how does that work? > "Dear X11, wh

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-29 Thread Luke A. Call
u elaborate a little? I realize this is an ignorant question. > On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 7:39???PM Luke A. Call wrote: > > > On 2024-03-28 17:28:56+0100, Jan Stary wrote: > > > > (2) I've learned that X11 allows locally running malware to sniff the > > > > ke

Re: Multiuser security on OpenBSD

2022-08-10 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2022-08-09 12:52:28-0400, Dave Levine wrote: > I currently use OpenBSD on my laptop for a number of reasons, mainly > performance and hardware support. However, I have been considering > setting up a multiuser POWER9 box for some Discord friends and I to > work on in a hobbyist setting (these t

Re: recommended partitions to backup with dump

2022-08-24 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2022-08-24 12:51:16-0500, Allan Streib wrote: > On Wed, Aug 24, 2022, at 12:28, Shadrock Uhuru wrote: > > i already have /home /etc and /root set for backup, > > are there any other partitions i should bear in mind ? > > I always backup /var The above make sense to me also. Exploring man 7 h

Re: Libreoffice crashing on Thinkcentre m92p 7.1 FVWM - seems to be a python problem

2022-09-25 Thread Luke A. Call
I had a similar problem where I could open files with LO if I typed them on the command line when launching LO, but File / Open would crash when choosing the file and hitting OK. But I don't think mine was python-related. It seemed that my cleaning up by removing evidently unused packages remove

Re: Libreoffice crashing on Thinkcentre m92p 7.1 FVWM - seems to be a python problem

2022-09-25 Thread Luke A. Call
Details in case it helps: On 2022-09-25 08:24:44-0600, Luke A. Call wrote: > I had a similar problem where I could open files with LO if I typed them > on

Re: sysupdate and space check

2022-10-26 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2022-10-26 11:57:23-, Stuart Henderson wrote: > On 2022-10-24, Peter Fraser wrote: > > I make a stupid mistake; I didn't check partition sizes before doing a > > sysupgrade. > > sysupgrade ran out of space or /usr in the middle of the upgrade. > > I know I should have checked first but it

Re: Configure OpenBSD for remote server rarely used

2022-11-27 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2022-11-27 12:33:18-0500, Nick Holland wrote: > Steady-state is easiest on hw. Powering up and down is large power > surges, and that's generally not good. This is across the board -- > power supply, hard drives, main board, CPU, memory, etc. The only > part that I think gets a benefit from

Re: Script launcher and a suite of basic scripts for music production?

2023-01-18 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2023-01-18 16:51:28+0100, Brian Durant wrote: > On 1/18/23 11:46, Abhishek Chakravarti wrote: > > Brian Durant writes: > > > The only disadvantage that I can see at this point, is that what I am > > > describing would require a number of open terminals on the desktop, > > > which can be confu

Re: Why some mail were lost, is this common?

2023-02-10 Thread Luke A. Call also seems to work well as a mail provider (online, pop, or imap, no weird games). On 2023-02-10 12:39:13+0800, Adriel Peng wrote: > Hmm I am the person working for email delivery. > don't use who blocks a lot of lists mail every day. > Use gmail instead. If gmail is unavailable

gdb segfaults setting breakpoint on a Rust test

2023-03-24 Thread Luke A. Call
Hi. When I run this on the binary of a test in my Rust application, then run these commands in gdb, I get the following output which ends with Segmentation Fault: nemodel-ac769fda48f1a333 GNU gdb 6.3 Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General P

Re: gdb segfaults setting breakpoint on a Rust test

2023-03-24 Thread Luke A. Call
Thank you! On 2023-03-24 14:10:50-0600, Todd C. Miller wrote: > On Fri, 24 Mar 2023 13:10:08 -0600, "Luke A. Call" wrote: > > > Hi. When I run this on the binary of a test in my Rust > > application, then run these commands in gdb, I get the following output >

crash report

2019-04-22 Thread Luke A. Call
Hi. I am having laptop crashes, but sendbug hangs so am using email directly. Some web page on bug reports, iirc, suggested emailing misc@ first to see if the email is OK, before sending to bugs@.., so I am sending here for feedback. Sendbug (per pstree) appears to hang in usbdevs -v. (Related

Re: OpenBSD 6.5

2019-04-25 Thread Luke A. Call
On 04-24 15:31:34+, Mik J wrote: > Thank you for this new release and all of those who contributed. Echoed by many, for past and future work on this excellent system. Thanks very much indeed.

Re: No more KDE's dolphin after upgrade to 6.5

2019-04-26 Thread Luke A. Call
On 04-26 21:47, Rafael Sadowski wrote: > [] > update all packages with the following PKG_PATH example: > > env PKG_PATH= pkg_add -u -v > -Dinstalled > > It looks like you mixed packages for 6.4 and 6.5 and/or -current. I had to run a pkg_add

hardware security (was Re: Installing OpenBSD on Supermicro A2SDi-4C-HLN4F

2019-06-16 Thread Luke A. Call
And I think I read that Supermicro is moving production out of China because of the perceptions of risk (and/or actual risks) of sensitive electronics manufacturing there. Forgive/ignore if this question is excessive here, but I wonder if anyone has knowledge or educated perspective to share

Re: Server certs expired higher up the chain, imaps and https

2021-09-30 Thread Luke A. Call
I think I read in some news (slashdot? HN?) semi-recently that a bunch of old-style (?) Let's Encrypt certificates are expiring today. Different software packages may handle it differently, as to how they determine what to accept...? Sorry vague, but I something on my phone with one site that

Re: Missing action list in lesskey man page

2021-12-04 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2021-12-04 12:39:41+, Jason McIntyre wrote: > On Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 12:19:34PM +0100, Richard Ulmer wrote: > > Hi all, > > I've been reading up on "advanced" less(1) features and came across the > > lesskey(1) man page. In the COMMAND SECTION of the page I read this: > > > > > The action

chromium key mappings go crazy under ssh -X

2022-03-18 Thread Luke A. Call
When I run chromium or iridium via ssh -X, after some minutes, or immediately after I switch to a console and back with Ctrl-Alt-Fn, the keystrokes go wild. Suddenly space brings up a dialog asking about caret browsing, Ctrl acts like I right-clicked, most letters work but not m, etc. All is back

Re: OpenBSD Home Server + Workstation on same machine?

2022-03-22 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2022-03-22 16:13:47+0100, ??ukasz Moska??a wrote: > Dnia Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 08:22:36PM -0700, Eric Thomas napisa??(a): > > Hello, > > > > I'd like to learn about secure networking (PKI, x509 certs, DNS, IPS, etc.) > > and generally > > harden my home network using OpenBSD. Can I use OpenBSD

Re: mg: how to indent using spaces instead of tabs

2022-06-12 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2022-06-12 18:16:15+0300, Mihai Popescu wrote: > > ... mg will use a tab for indentation. > > Use something to replace every TAB occurrence in the source code with > 8 spaces sequence. Well, not every TAB maybe? man expand, unexpand(1) exists.

is cross-compiling from Rust possible on OpenBSD? (was Re: Rust no_std and cross-compiling

2025-01-23 Thread Luke A. Call
Is cross-compiling with Rust even possible on OpenBSD? I don't see rustup available, and ran into the below issues when trying a couple of different triples, with an attempted no_std "hello world". Thank you. On 2025-01-21 17:13:11-0700, Luke A. Call wrote: > I'm att

Rust no_std and cross-compiling

2025-01-21 Thread Luke A. Call
I'm attempting to follow these instructions create a no_std "hello world" in Rust, just to see it work, and its size and speed. I get these two errors: $cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-openbsd Compiling baremetal_rust v0.1.0 (/h