On 08-21 18:06, James Cook wrote:
> On 2020-08-21 16:51, Raymond, David wrote:
> > I noticed that trying to load an attachment to Gmail in Firefox leads
> > to a basically empty menu for selecting the file to be loaded?  What
> > gives?  Is this something to do with pledge/unveil?  Is there a way to
> > do this?
> In practice, if I want to give Firefox access to a file, I move it to
> ~/Downloads and then it will appear in that chooser.
> Yes, it's related to unveil. You can configure it. I think there's more
> info under /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes (I don't have access to my
> OpenBSD system right now but probably look for "firefox" in that directory.)

If it is done similarly as in chromium, /tmp will also work in
addition to ~/Downloads, as will directories symlinked to those.
Luke Call
"...[W]hen the wicked rule the people mourn.  Wherefore, honest men and wise men
should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to 
otherwise whatsoever is less than these cometh of evil."  (Doctrine & Covenants 
>From 1833, when I think "men" often meant "persons".)  More at my site: 
>lukecall.net .
I think *honesty*, the Constitution and the rule of law (as opposed to of 
are much more important, relatively, than most or all policy issues.

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