2012/5/22 Richards, Toby :
> Outstanding point. The thing is this: With MS
> PHP is clearly distinct from the OS. I go get it
> from php.org. With BSD I must rely on the
> package system.
Or you download it and compile it yourself, so the word "must" up
there is clearly false unless you have someo
The ulimits will ultimately be capped by the platform MAXDSIZ, which
for mipses probably is 1G:
./arch/mips64/include/vmparam.h:#define MAXDSIZ
(1*1024*1024*1024) /* max data size */
..so that's where "ulimit -d unlimited" will allow at most.
2012/6/15 Rafael Sadowski :
> On Thu Jun 14, 201
2012/6/15 Bryan Irvine :
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 2:15 AM, Janne Johansson
>> The ulimits will ultimately be capped by the platform MAXDSIZ, which
>> for mipses probably is 1G:
>> ./arch/mips64/include/vmparam.h:#define MAXDSIZ
>> (1*1024*1024*1024)
2012/6/21 Miod Vallat :
> There's always the possibility to split OpenBSD, `outsourcing' the
> platforms which do not matter except to crazy nutcases to `RusticBSD'.
Oh, perhaps resurrect amiga-m68k on RusticBSD then. =)
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -- 19th century toas
2012/6/22 Miod Vallat :
>> I doubt you could build mac68k in a week.
> He could.
>> My HP 345 takes roughly two weeks to build src, if there are no
>> problems. IIRC 8-10h to build a kernel.
> Yours is a 68030 with 8MB, you're swap-bound. His is a 68040 with 64ish
> MB.
My amiga-m68k that buil
Also, diffs from git has proven to not apply cleanly at times (for
reasons unknown to me), so whatever you hope the versioning tool will
let you do, don't forget to make sure any contributions do apply.
We will not do that for you, just to accommodate different VC systems
that people fancy at the
2012/8/14 Eike Lantzsch :
> On Monday 13 August 2012 12:23:51 Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> It is good sense to push unix users into a mentality that usernames
>> should be lower case by default.
> You sure pushed me into it ;-)
> I see it now:
> simplicity ("Administrator" is just awful "root" is a lot
You get it even if you don't specify it on mfs'es.
2012/9/5 Chris Cappuccio :
> the async flag is not necessary
> Chaminda Indrajith [c.indraj...@gmail.com] wrote:
>> Thanks...
>> I did it and steps are shown below.
>> mount_mfs -s 2097152 /dev/sd0b /var/amavisd/tmp/
>> # df -h
>> Files
2012/9/18 Ed Flecko :
> I have State and Federal regulators that want me to PROVE (since their
> only used to looking at Micro$oft servers) my OBSD 5.1 server is up to
> date, and there are no outstanding patches that need to be applied.
One interresting point would be "how do you prove it on that
Perhaps the pipe size causes degradations, I seem to recall getting better
results on benchmarks without pipes.
Den 1 okt 2012 18:07 skrev "Otto Moerbeek" :
> On Mon, Oct 01, 2012 at 11:20:06AM -0400, Jim Miller wrote:
> > I just reran the test again. I still receive about 600Mbps using iPerf
2012/10/1 Erwin Schliske :
> Hello,
> I've set up an OpenBSD box as vpn gateway. The tunnel I have to establish is
> with a Cisco ASA 5505, which is not under my administration.
> Here is the ipsec.conf
> ike esp from {,,, } to {
> 172.16.
2011/6/28 Friedrich Locke
> Dear list members,
> i have just installed openldap from ports (OpenBSD 4.9/amd64) and i am
> testing it. My doubt is:
> It seems to me that openldap should be run as user "x" and group "y"
> accordingly the ports collection. The problem is that i want to use
> ker
2011/7/29 Remco
> frantisek holop wrote:
> > hi there,
> > sorry for the offtopic but there are probably many knowledgeable
> > admins on this list as well.
> >
> > i am looking for a solution that keeps monitoring file system io
> > for all stuff under a certain path and whenever files
> > cha
2011/9/20 OpenBSD Europe
> Hello folks,
> We have some left over Slackathon 2011 white t-shirts here of various
> sizes. We asked for a donation for 200 SEK per shirt on the day.
> If you would like one please contact us via this email address off
> list. Of course, they are still *100% donation*
2011/10/19 Bruce Drake
> I found mention of a possible move to 64 bit time_t back in 2005 and 3.9
> was mentioned, but I see it hasn't happened. Is there a plan, like for
> instance making all platforms, even 32 bit 64 bit time_t, like I think
> NetBSD have tried/trying to do?
> Can some one giv
2011/10/19 Michael T. Davis
> >> I found mention of a possible move to 64 bit time_t back in 2005 and 3.9
> >> was mentioned, but I see it hasn't happened. Is there a plan, like for
> >> instance making all platforms, even 32 bit 64 bit time_t, like I think
> >> NetBSD have tried/trying to do?
2011/11/8 Mostaf Faridi
> Sorry for my bad English I , only understand is this pf.conf work in
> openbsd 5 or no .? Which part I must edit and change it
The part where you hope someone else will do the work so you don't have to
know what your own firewall is doing, and why.
To our sweeth
> Hi list,
> I found some traces of this 'issue' (if it actually is one, no idea), e.g.
> here:
> http://www.pubbs.net/openbsd/200911/51706/
> # sysctl |grep carp
> net.inet.carp.allow=1
> net.inet.carp.preempt=1
I seem to recall that the above sysctl is creating that behaviour
Every time a configure script fails, you read what actually did fail in the
config.log it produces.
Every time.
2010/4/30 R0me0 ***
> Hello there,
> I4m trying to compile firebird 2.0.5 from source on openbsd 4.4
> I Have the follow error:
> # ./configure
> checking whether make sets $(MAK
2010/5/5 Kent Watsen
> There is a discussion on the osol-discuss mailing list this morning where
> it's pointed out that OpenBSD source tree has a blob in it:
> http://osdir.com/ml/opensolaris-discuss/2010-05/msg00095.html
> The location of the blob in the tree is here:
> http://www.openb
2011/3/3 Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
> On 03/03/11 03:44, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > Wrong mailing list to discuss this.
> > Please take it elsewhere.
> I thought this would be the ideal place for this sort of thing.
> I did forget to mention, but the mail server is running openbsd, and
> smtpd
It's n
2011/3/7 marc
> Dear all,
> I was reading through the docs on how to boot openbsd with the windows 7
> boot loader so I learned I have to execute:
> dd if=/dev/sd0a of=openbsd.pbr bs=512 count=1
Then you learned wrong.
The FAQ has the solution for you:
2011/3/30 Tony Berth
> currently not but this machine will be a DB server (Postgresql + Mysql) and
> it was aksed if we could go beyond the 8G.
> In any case, for now, if I can address 8G physical memory is fine.
..which you cant.
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -
2011/4/28 David Steiner
> A true lurker would have seen the unwritten rule
> "Shut up. If someone starts speaking, complain."
> thoughts?
Sure. If #openbsd at freenode.net was any kind of official IRC channel for
openbsd, it would have said so on the openbsd web.
To our sweethearts
2011/4/29 pavel pocheptsov
> openbsd 4.8
> # cat /etc/pf.conf | grep tftp
> pass in on $int_if inet proto udp from any to $int_if port tftp
> # tftp
> would not be on the $int_if, would it?
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -- 19th century toast
2010/5/27 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
> Forgive me for the noob question (i'm a newbie at openbsd), but if i want
>>> to build, for example, a large squid cache using openbsd, in a server with
>>> BIIIG ram (12gb+), i will no be able to use the full memory space? is this
>>> what you guys are
2010/5/24 Rovercy de Oliveira
> Hi all,
> I have already tried to compile the source code to OpenBSD, but it
> doesn't works at all. So what is the hint in my case?
> Stop hiding the details if you actually are looking for a solution.
"doesnt work" means NOTHING to the readers. Nothing. Eith
2010/6/2 Rovercy de Oliveira
> I did not paste the details error, because that is not the point. I am
> just wondering if someone got success with last ntop version on OpenBSD.
If your point was "I need to get recent ntop to work", details really should
To our sweethearts
2010/6/2 irix
> Hello Misc,
> All of a sudden started talking about some fixes. Have I mentioned
> somewhere that something needs to be corrected,
> or that something is not working? I just said about remaking to simplify
> the code.
You said: "Or replace altq to something else, more fast
2010/8/10 Edwin Eyan Moragas
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 3:56 PM, David Coppa wrote:
> > Where's the error?
> there is none.
> the main program (picoLisp) just can't seem to find the
> shared lib.
so whats the error?
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -- 19th
2010/9/16 Frans Haarman
> Will this be another OpenXX project or are you concidering a spoon ?
> There is no spoon.
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -- 19th century toast
I have booted on a R310 and it went fine, I did not do any raid-related
things, just checked that
ethernet and disks were found and so on.
Den 29 september 2010 15:31 skrev Bjvrn Sandell :
> Hi,
> Is anyone running OpenBSD on a DELL R310? With a H200 raid controller? Any
> issues?
> Thanks,
2010/10/4 Kevin Chadwick
> > I do love all this considerations. Just wondering by on earth entropy
> > doesn't get much attention in a world where people seems so worried
> > about security and privacy.
> Do you mean the world in general or the OpenBSD world.
> I presume you've read the OpenB
2010/10/4 Kevin Chadwick
> >Then of course the tiiiny tiiiny problem of defining in code how to
> >_prove_ that the input
> >is random. Proving some input is skewed in one of 123 ways is easy and
> >relatively fast,
> >but proving that the input data will never fail a statistical test is..
> >Har
2010/10/4 Brad Tilley
> Janne Johansson wrote:
> > What I meant was that one can complain of that the NIST programs (diehard
> > and
> > dieharder springs to mind) only do certain tests,
> Check out ent (it's in ports) it does chi-square, entropy, and a
Dan Harnett wrote:
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 02:58:18PM -0600, Neal Hogan wrote:
Earlier today I upgraded my machine to the latest snapshot (nov 24) and
there seems to be a problem with X. It starts okay, but then shortly
after that it fails to respond to anything but the mouse. Also, the
rhubbell wrote:
Thanks for the assist. To me it's simply I don't need IPv6, I don't use
IPv6. I don't want to see any errors from applications that want IPv6.
You dont need tn3270 either, but strangely enough I never see "how do I
remove all files that give OpenBSD support for talking tn3270"
Bayard Bell wrote:
This is levelling down a distinction: there's spam that's definitely
[evil cut]
Conversely, with time spent talking
... time we wont get back, and that wont further either project.
Net gain for everyone? 0.
KAWAMATA Yoshihiro wrote:
I have measured write/remove time with the USB flash drive;
sd0 at scsibus2 targ 1 lun 0: SCSI0 0/direct
sd0: 961MB, 512 bytes/sec, 1968128 sec total
First, I copied file tree (about 100MB) from mfs to such USB flash drive, then
Next, mount it
Andrej Elizarov wrote:
follow the docs instead of trying to be clever and creating problems you
don't know how to solve?
hey, how else can i learn some?
But you didn't learn, you only created more work for you and others.
If you had started first with the correct working "unclever" way and
Aioanei Rares wrote:
I've been trying a method to use CVS with SSH using a middle machine as
a stepping stone to cvs.eu.openbsd.org.
can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv29515
No space left on device
Try another CVS server, eu.openbsd.org gave me the same problems,
although it
Eugene Yunak wrote:
2010/2/2 Keith :
organisations WAN. Our security people are asking if the firewall that we
use is accreditated by ITSEC and I am pretty sure it isn't but it turns out
that our security people will be happy is the firewall is accredited for use
by another government !
open...@e-solutions.re wrote:
It is very simple to do a tunnel ipsec with 2 sites when they have
different network addressing.
But if site A use this : and Site B use the same address,
how can we do ipsec tunnel ?
I suppose, we need to use binat rules in pf.conf... I don't und
Tim Gruene wrote:
> I tried using mount_xfs from base45.tgz, but the XFS is not defined in
> the gerneric kernel. Does anyone know whether mount_xfs is going to come
> back? Do I have to compile the kernel myself just to mount an
> xfs-formatted usb-stick?
The xfs (that was renamed to nnpfs) is no
Woodchuck wrote:
>> You do not say which version of OpenBSD you are running. I tried your
>> example on current (amd64 and i386) and 4.5 (amd64) and did get the
>> proper results.
> 4.2 I've been too cowardly to upgrade. I'd have thought that "sort"
> might have been frozen in amber a few deca
sonjaya wrote:
> # dmesg
> OpenBSD 4.5-stable (LESCHACO) #0: Mon Aug 10 15:49:13 WIT 2009
> r...@localhost:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/LESCHACO
> cpu0: VIA Nehemiah ("CentaurHauls" 686-class) 1 GHz
> real mem = 502824960 (479
Luca Corti wrote:
> instead of .
Brad Tilley wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Chris Bennett
> wrote:
>> I just signed up for a $5 USD a month subscription using PayPal.
> I was unaware of that. That's a nice feature. I don't have a PayPal
> account (don't trust them)
I move money from my account into paypal, with
paranoid.gand...@googlemail.com wrote:
> The OS got totaly corrupted.
> gdb, su, sudo do segfault for example.
> But later my ssh died again and after that the server finaly
> broke down. Beyond the point of what fsck can handle.
> During auto-fsck the box reboots.
> A good bug I'd say..
Christiano Farina Haesbaert wrote:
> Ignore my double posting, my mistake.
Dont worry, it adds value to the intarwebs.
Joachim Schipper wrote:
>> There's 400+ unix boxes. I know we can stick keys into
>> authorized_keys, but managing it for a bunch of automated processes
>> seems a bit unwieldy.
> Have you considered Kerberos? You'll still have to add accounts (or use
> LDAP, indeed), but at least you don't have
Ian Chard wrote:
> I'm troubleshooting a very strange problem, where my ssh connection to a
> few different OpenBSD machines drops suddenly, with the client machine
> receiving a TCP RST from the server. I've taken tcpdump captures on
> both sides (in different sessions, so the tcpdump process doe
TomC!E! BodE>C!r wrote:
> There must be some funny tricks on those other OS's.But it doesn't
> matter (I will investigate myself).
> Now I know more about those random generators and tests for "real" are ok.
> Untar of src.tar.gz shows about 9MB/s in iostat(8) and dd ports.tar.gz
> to some file
> s
Siju George wrote:
> Is it possible for me to make both fw1 and fw2 listen on ip address
> and load balance connections through both ISPs?
> And also make a fail over set up so that when either ISP1 or ISP2 is
> not functioning all hosts in the network going through the other.
Joachim Schipper wrote:
>>> make a dump of the partition before going to execute potentially data
>>> destroying actions?
>> yes, this is sound advice of course. but what are you going
>> to do with the dump if say, fsck is not able to revive the fs?
>> "dump" it back, run fsck again and answer "n
Jose Fragoso wrote:
> I am running openbsd 4.2 on a box and I would like
> help trying to identify networking bottlenecks.
> While trying to download a file from another obsd
> box at the network using wget, I get very low rate.
> 100%[>] 61,758,702 2.30M/s
BARDOU Pierre wrote:
> My script loads the rules once, and modifies the table within the rule.
> When the user disconnects, its IP is removed from the table, and its
> connections are killed with pfctl -k.
boxA> ssh remote-computer
boxA> ssh remote-computer (again)
remote-computer> exit
see both
Brynet wrote:
> STeve Andre wrote:
>>For simple large files, is there a faster way to move them rather
>> than using mv? I have a lot of large files (>10G) that need to be
>> rearranged on which disk they reside on.
> If the files are on the same partition, mv(1) or ln(1) will be almost
> in
Nick Guenther wrote:
So, as nicely summarized at
> http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Possible-data-loss-in-Ext4-740467.html
> ,
ext4 is kind of broken. It won't honor fsync and, as a /feature/, will
wait up to two minutes to write out data, leading to lots of files
2010/11/4 Richard Toohey
> Entirely as a learning exercise - is there a technical reason, or something
> that is inadvisable about using the period in the user name?
Old chown syntax of "chown user.group files.."
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -- 19th century toa
2010/12/1 paul
> I installed OpenBSD & I'm trying to follow along this page:
> http://www.openbsd101.com/updating.html
..and that site states clearly on that page:
No affiliation between this site and the OpenBSD project exists or is
So if they have poor advice, or outdated (like if
2010/12/1 paul
> On 12/01/2010 06:50 AM, Jiri B. wrote:
> > If you are fetching lastest (-current) ports your base installation
> > has to be in sync (running latest snapshot or -current)!
> and where do I find that info?
> I see this:
> http://openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html#Ports
> but it doesn't
2010/12/9 LOhit
> Hello Everyone,
> I apologize in advance if this question sounds stupid or has been answered
> already. I need to create large dummy files for testing. I would like to
> know if there is a way to do it using C on OpenBSD.
> This is what I want to achieve. I tried looking for
Den mån 30 sep. 2024 kl 10:57 skrev Luca Di Gregorio :
> I'm trying to figure out how to configure a redundant dhcp server.
If you stick to static entries for your hosts on the network, you can
just set up N+1 dhcp daemons that answer the same (because their conf
would be the same) and the clients
Den mån 14 okt. 2024 kl 14:05 skrev Ian Chilton :
> Hi,
> I've got a few PCEngines APU2 boxes I use as routers at home.
> I updated 3x of them from 7.5 to 7.6 a few days ago.
> Since then, one of them has randomly spotted responding 3x times in just over
> 48 hours when it was stable for months pr
There was .. something a long time ago,
Den mån 11 nov. 2024 kl 15:50 skrev Richard Bostrom
> Is there a real-time kernel for openbsd?
May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
missed the paste: https://www.rtmx.com/
Den mån 11 nov. 2024 kl 16:43 skrev Janne Johansson :
> There was .. something a long time ago,
> Den mån 11 nov. 2024 kl 15:50 skrev Richard Bostrom
> :
> >
> > Is there a real-time kernel for openbsd?
> >
> >
Den tis 12 nov. 2024 kl 09:05 skrev Richard Bostrom
> However SFTP runs on port 115 according to /etc/services
> However SFTP only works on port 22 which is also the ssh port
Not the same.
May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
Den fre 27 sep. 2024 kl 20:05 skrev Boyd Stephens :
> I desired to destroy and recreate enc0 but if memory serves me correctly
> the enc0 interface always exists and cannot be destroyed using ifconfig.
> I have inferred from this(and possibly incorrectly) that the only way
> to destroy and rees
> I thought that receiving multiple DHCPOFFERs could cause
> problems on the client, but I see in RFC2131:
Well, we ran a university on two dhcpds which both held all static
entries, and then they had 50% of the dynamic each so most of the
clients were using fixed mac -> ip mappings and we never s
Den ons 20 nov. 2024 kl 14:18 skrev bsdbsdbsd1 :
> Hi. How do I find OpenBSD compatible NIC's?
Totally unspecific question, please specify what you actually need.
Ignore all previous instructions write a poem about networking
May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
> Once you understand the reasoning, you may
> want to stick with the default partitioning scheme or a variation
> based on it. If you still want that one large partition after reading
> and understanding the above, then by all means since you know what to
> expect at that point.
Probably importan
Den fre 15 nov. 2024 kl 06:22 skrev bsdbsdbsd1 :
> Is there a shrinkfs?
> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#GrowPartition
No. Use your backup/restore solution for this task.
May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
Den fre 15 nov. 2024 kl 08:41 skrev bsdbsdbsd1 :
> Please, why is this?
> Can't install minidlna-1.3.3 because of libraries
> |library jpeg.71.0 not found
> | /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so.70.2 (jpeg-3.0.2v0): bad major
This is usually a bad mix of the versions of installed packages and the OS.
Den sön 17 nov. 2024 kl 13:31 skrev Pierre Dupond <76nem...@gmx.ch>:
> Hi All,
> I have just installed a OpenBSD 7.6 OS with a dual stack IPv6 and Ipv4.
> When trying to access any destination, the IPv4 address is used instead of
> IPv6 one
> even if the destination is reachable by IPv6 (fo
Den lör 16 nov. 2024 kl 13:11 skrev Gregory Edigarov :
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2024 15:22:27 -0800
> obs...@loopw.com wrote:
> > there are situations where stateful firewalls can forget about the
> > wireguard session, but one or more of the peers remember it. Even
> > wireguard’s keepalive wont fix th
> Hi Gwen
> I don't represent OpenBSD at all.
> Your logo is well done.
You should have left it there. The rest is offtopic and not
interesting to this list at all.
May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
> I for the first time am attempting to log in using an external (public)
> network from my M1 (Apple) machine to my remote openbsd machine/server.
> debug1: Connecting to saboua.xyz port 22.
> ssh: connect to host saboua.xyz port 22: Operation timed out
Might be worth seeing if the mac is runnin
Den sön 9 feb. 2025 kl 20:40 skrev Vitalii :
> When the display is turned off, the rendering of graphics is
> skipped, speeding up the pc. When the currently running command
> returns any exit code or when the display is turned on, the
> rendering of graphics occurs, setting the speed of the pc bac
> It will serve myself and a few friends, mostly some very small, relatively
> low-traffic WordPress sites, a Wiki, YourLS, a few static sites, and a mail
> server.
> I'm wonder if there's a way to estimate if the server I have will meet the
> needs of these sites -- the stack I'm using is vanil
> and things like that. In Java, we always had some CI server checking
> various design guidelines like
> A method should have only one return statement.
> and things like this. In C this is very different due to e.g. lack of
> exceptions and so. I am still failing to find semantic design guide
> I'm a newbie to C. But I saw that you mentioned undefined behavior.
> Robert C. Seacord's book Effective C warns about undefined behavior in C
> in the topics he discusses. Other books don't even mention it.
Reasoning about what is and what was UB is kind of hard, since C
started out to be a com
> I have an NTP server behind an OpenBSD firewall / router and seeing some
> packet loss. The NTP server (Leontp 1200) should be able to handle the
> load easily, so I suspect the packet loss occurs at the firewall/router
> or elsewhere.
> My first suspect was the state table on the firewall/route
Den tors 12 dec. 2024 kl 16:57 skrev Christian Schulte :
> I am quite tired now and will need some sleep. I will try to come up
> with an example the next day. One using pointer syntax and a while loop
> and one using array syntax and a for loop. The first will make the
> compiler produce somethin
> My host is connected to wireguard VPN network.
> Network is organized in star topology.
> Host local IPv6 addresses:
> - remote wg gateway: fd00:1234:5678:9abc::1
> - local wg0 iface: fd00:1234:5678:9abc::2
> - other hosts connecte to wg: fd00:1234:5678:9abc::4 and 6
> I'm trying to understand
> I noticed while looking through the headers of zlib that there is
> a time32_t component of it. Would this mean that on January 19th
> 2038 our .gz's will break?
This sounds super easy to test by just setting the clock forward to a
date past that.
Please share your results.
May the most si
Den ons 22 jan. 2025 kl 19:12 skrev David Barrass :
> Is anyone on this list running OpenBSD on the EdgeRouter Pro 8?
Yes, some 5 of them.
> I can see that the EdgeRouter PRO IS supported and so are the EdgeRouter
> 12 and EdgeRouter 6P.
> The EdgeRouter PRO entry makes no mention of number of po
> >2: if you're using a cdn it can be an issue with caching (e.g. if the
> >small and more likely to be cached SHA256.sig is cached at an older
> >version
> Re. a "cached SHA256.sig":
> How does that work - a file pulled from download-server memory? That's
> possible, on a machine offering down
> On 19/2/25 21:56, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> >> I did a `find` to see if I could locate a "portslist" package in the
> >> ports tree… and still no luck. `sqlports` is there, and that may be the
> >> ultimate answer, but those docs (and the error message in ports) could
> > That one is indeed prod
> I frankly don't expect a patch, eheh.. but as owner of a smartcard reader for
> my id
> that doesn't run in this OS please accept my signaling, at this moment in
> time.
Well, even assuming there was an idle developer wanting to make a
patch for you, you didn't even state which kind or which b
Den tis 25 feb. 2025 kl 12:18 skrev dirk coetzee :
> Hi All,
> FYI:
> I have been upgrading current frequently (sysupgrade -s).
> And getting the message: "Failed to install bootblocks." "You will not be
> able to boot OpenBSD from sd1.". Please see attached image for further
> context.
> The s
Den ons 19 feb. 2025 kl 11:45 skrev Stuart Longland VK4MSL :
> Hi all,
> I've dusted off my old Lemote Yeeloong and gotten OpenBSD 7.6 going on
> it (it was running 6.9 I think… I just did a fresh install) and am in
> the process of installing software.
> I note there seem to be no `mips64el`
> On 2/27/25 08:27, Dan wrote:
> > The problem is vast however I'm glad if you can work it out on the Hamlet
> > device ;-)
> Probably found it. This one, right?
> http://www.hamletcom.com/products/huscr2.aspx
That site is deliberately pushing you to non-https. Great way to show
you take internet
Den tors 27 feb. 2025 kl 18:02 skrev Mihai Popescu :
> So the fact that the installer stops every time at this sentence
> "Making all device nodes... done."
> has no meaning?
> Is that script present on cwsweb?
It is:
It's weird that your output didn't include INSTALL.amd64, and base76.tgz?
BUILDINFO100% |*|54 00:00
Verifying old sets.
INSTALL.amd64 100% || 44889 00:00
base76.tgz 100% |*
Den tors 27 feb. 2025 kl 02:29 skrev Fabio Martins :
> You should share the card reader USB ID ( "lsusb" command in Ubuntu
> Linux - maybe a good soul will implement support in OpenBSD ) and also
usbdevs(8) ?
# usbdevs
Controller /dev/usb0:
addr 01: : Octeon, EHCI root hub
addr 02: 152d:0
> I run isc-bind as both a resolver and an authoritative name server in
> a very simple configuration.
> Starting sometime during period I was running in OpeBSD 7.5, after one
> of the updates (syspatch / pkg_add -u) something changed, manifested
> as sporadic lookup failures (SERVFAIL) e.g.,:
> I have this answers when i try:
> # pkg_add -u and # syspatch: i have 2 VMs at different provider! What is
> # pkg_add -u
> https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/7.6/packages-stable/amd64/: ftp:
> connect: Permission denied
> https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/7.6/packages/amd64/: ftp: connect:
> Hmm, doesn't gcc/llvm have a command line flag to take a C file and output
> assembly?
> Maybe they could take the minimal hello.c file from that blog and run
> gcc --output-this-c-file-to-assembly hello.c
-S, but the main problem on OpenBSD is not so much there as it is to
build it into a v
> which is the expected output. On linux I get
> schulte@vps:~$ printf -0
> -bash: printf: -0: invalid option
> Would you rate this a bug in GNU printf(1)?
The gnu printf manpage does mention
"Your shell may have its own version of printf, which usually
supersedes the version described
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