Re: out-of-order TCP

2013-05-15 Thread Jack Woehr
Peter Bisroev wrote: Maybe I am missing something but how come there are so many out of order packets? What's missing may be methodical forensics. Can you monitor the incoming via some other device and see if they come "out of the wall socket" out of order? -- Jack Woehr

Boning the Troll

2013-07-11 Thread Jack Woehr
e with a dedicated (professional?) agent provacateur. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

Re: Java on OpenBSD 5.3

2013-07-19 Thread Jack Woehr
Miod Vallat wrote: Pretty sure it takes more than 1.7G to build Java. But then how can java people pretend it has any usefulness, besides filing disks? Miod métaphysico-théologo-cosmolo-nigologie :) Language wars are s-o-o-o 20th century. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly s

Re: Java on OpenBSD 5.3

2013-07-19 Thread Jack Woehr wrote: On 19. juli 2013 at 3:17 PM, "Matthew Dempsky" wrote: plenty of disk space left in /usr/local (my ports are in /usr/local/ports). /dev/wd0h 3.7G1.8G1.7G52%/usr/local Pretty sure it takes more than 1.7G to build Java. --

Re: Hardware backdoors in Lenovo?

2013-07-26 Thread Jack Woehr
Michael Motyka wrote: Meanwhile, even the new Beagle Bone has ~120KB of secure code and hands off execution to the user in non-secure supervisor mode. It's probably that way for my own good. Sigh. I may try to get past that since it's a cool little board.


2009-02-24 Thread Jack Woehr
Anyone working with TBB ( ) on OpenBSD? -- Jack J. Woehr# I run for public office from time to time. It's like # working out at the gym, you sweat a lot, don't get # anywhere, and you fall asleep

Re: USB hub stopped working

2014-11-25 Thread Jack Woehr
patrick keshishian wrote: Hi Martin, On 11/25/14, Martin Pieuchot wrote: Hello Patrick, On 24/11/14(Mon) 23:48, patrick keshishian wrote: Hi, I have this USB hub, which is connected to my desktop PC; External powered? Is it plugged in? Excuse me for asking. -- Jack Woehr

Re: Discovering the keycode of key.

2014-12-25 Thread Jack Woehr
Eduardo Lopes wrote: May someone point to me how do I can obtain, in the console, the keycode of any particular key, in OpenBSD? in gforth (a port) you can do KEY . -- Jack Woehr # "There's too much emphasis on things Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # like pawn structure

Re: integrity of commercial CD set

2015-01-14 Thread Jack Woehr
Theo de Raadt wrote: Finding them inside the global shipping system is easier than you think One of the joys of growing old is watching the really bad sci fi you read as a youth all come true :) -- Jack Woehr # "There's too much emphasis on things Box 51, Golde

OpenBSD Tablet-ish

2015-02-19 Thread Jack Woehr
What's the smallest, most tablet-ish device I can put OpenBSD on? Want to travel and stay connected. -- Jack Woehr # "There's too much emphasis on things Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # like pawn structure in modern chess. # Checkmate ends

Re: OpenBSD Tablet-ish

2015-02-19 Thread Jack Woehr
#x27;s are asked until Monday, thanks again.. -- Jack Woehr # "There's too much emphasis on things Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # like pawn structure in modern chess. # Checkmate ends the game." - N. Short

Re: Legal Question: OpenBSD Spin-off

2013-02-11 Thread Jack Woehr
nical skills. If no, there is always Linux. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

Re: OpenBSD official reference book ( like FreeBSD handbook / NetBSD Guide )

2013-05-08 Thread Jack Woehr
made second edition. I have the Kindle version to review and will be reviewing on Amazon soon. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

Re: OpenBSD official reference book ( like FreeBSD handbook / NetBSD Guide )

2013-05-08 Thread Jack Woehr
/RX0JLQ3WC3KHW/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm) I have pointed out several already in your 2nd Ed. to the publisher! -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art

Re: SHA file missing on CD1 of OpenBSD 5.5

2014-07-22 Thread Jack Woehr
Ted Unangst wrote: It's pretty difficult to create CDs that both contain signatures and are themselves signed. Yeah, you'd have to replace SHA with something like Ouroboros :) -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of

Re: Why are there NSA, CSIS, and GOOGLE IDs in my ftplist.cgi

2014-08-16 Thread Jack Woehr
Theo de Raadt wrote: 1 person noticed. Took about 6 years. "Clark Kent, you're a real SOB when you're drunk!" :) -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." http://www

Re: OpenBSD 5.5: question regarding pf syntax

2014-09-28 Thread Jack Woehr
that made the first two editions such a hit. With the help of this fast-paced, clear, instructional guide, readers will master the latest PF developments to build strong and secure networks better able to handle today's network demands. -- Jack Woehr # "There&

Re: nobody spoke up, about today?

2014-10-19 Thread Jack Woehr
STeve Andre' wrote: Happy birthday, OpenBSD! Also John Le Carré's birthday. Coincidence? :) -- Jack Woehr # "There's too much emphasis on things Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # like pawn structure in modern chess. # Checkmate ends the game." - N. Short

Re: The Dao of pf?

2014-10-23 Thread Jack Woehr
CK0S_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1414126274&sr=1-1 -- Jack Woehr # "There's too much emphasis on things Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # like pawn structure in modern chess. # Checkmate ends the game." - N. Short

Re: time_t

2013-11-18 Thread Jack Woehr
1.5 seconds of execution time per year." -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

Re: Are there OpenBSD users who are not IT professionals?

2013-11-19 Thread Jack Woehr
sly difficult. It's fast enough to install and try that you might as well grab a spare computer and try it once. Read the directions, they're concise and accurate. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all th

Re: NSA spy catalog

2014-01-01 Thread Jack Woehr
Erling Westenvik wrote: Anyway: When can we expect OpenBSD support for these devices? Erling made my day :) -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James M

Re: Virtualize or bare-metal?

2014-01-13 Thread Jack Woehr
Christopher Ahrens wrote: Wish I could split everything off to physical, but all I have for space for is a mini-rack that fits under my desk in my apartment Sounds like you have answered your own question! -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, G

Re: Request for Funding our Electricity

2014-01-16 Thread Jack Woehr
lomat nor a grantmaster, he wants a sustainable model. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

Re: Request for Funding our Electricity

2014-01-16 Thread Jack Woehr
Bob Beck wrote: so it's not a source of sustainable funding, unless we were to do something like introduce an annual quota of bugs -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of cours

Re: OpenBSD Website, multilanguage faq

2014-04-04 Thread Jack Woehr
I would volunteer to translate the FAQ into Bazgelootz, a language my wife and daughter and I made up over 25 years around the dinner table, but they don't use OpenBSD. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we hav

OpenSSL heartbleed ?

2014-04-08 Thread Jack Woehr,serious-openssl-bug-renders-websites-wide-open.aspx accurate w/r/t 5.3? -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason

Re: OpenSSL heartbleed ?

2014-04-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Journal: Thanks for the update. Should have read the errata list first. I'm getting old and slow. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that t

Re: OpenBSD on IBM Power

2014-04-13 Thread Jack Woehr
, the excellent SOL390 (Open Solaris for mainframes) port was born only to die a lonely death. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

GPIO and rc.securelevel

2012-04-04 Thread Jack Woehr
e". Should I put gpioctl statements before the "securelevel=1" statement or is the man page in error, please? -- Jack Woehr # "I'm not lazy, I'm useless. Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # There's a big difference." # - Wally (Dilbert 20110318)

Re: GPIO and rc.securelevel

2012-04-04 Thread Jack Woehr
/dev/gpio1 -c 4 set out od jp5pin12; and it seems to sort of work but I can't find the -c option in the manual. -- Jack Woehr # "I'm not lazy, I'm useless. Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # There's a big difference." # - Wally (Dilbert 20110318)

Re: GPIO and rc.securelevel

2012-04-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Stuart Henderson wrote: They are using code from 2008 or earlier. My bad. Using three different OBSD machines at different levels, man gpioctl on wrong one :( Thanks, Stuart. -- Jack Woehr # "I'm not lazy, I'm useless. Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # There's a b

Re: hackathon

2007-05-19 Thread Jack Woehr
Theo de Raadt wrote: A HP XFP SR-optic 10GE module for a HP 3500yl switch which already has the 10Gb card installed. If anyone can help us with getting this to us, we'd love it. Yes, we know they are very expensive. Brutal, in fact. Hmm, $2,822.97 at

Intel Core2 Duo E6400 BOXDP965LTCK

2006-08-26 Thread Jack Woehr
I'd like to build an OBSD box based on Intel BOXDP965LTCK Main Board with one Intel Core2 Duo E6400 CPU. My interpretation from searches of the mailing lists is that this i

Re: Intel Core2 Duo E6400 BOXDP965LTCK

2006-09-08 Thread Jack Woehr
Stuart Henderson wrote: Good luck with the serial cables :-) Stuart Figured out my problem. Doesn't have a regular serial port. Just USB. Oh well, here's a few lines of the screen typed in manually from a boot. Happens just after em0 loads okay. ... pci_intr_map: no MP mapping found

Re: Intel Core2 Duo E6400 BOXDP965LTCK

2006-09-08 Thread Jack Woehr
/bsd single kernel traps on my box during 'make obj' in /usr/src: (( OpenBSD 4.0 (GENERIC) #1104: Fri Sep 1 11:54:27 MDT 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC )) ... ===> sbin/restore /usr/src/sbin/restore/obj -> /usr/obj/sbin/restore uvm_fault(0xd073ff00, 0xd200,

Re: Intel Core2 Duo E6400 BOXDP965LTCK

2006-09-09 Thread Jack Woehr
It's been pointed out my trap report was inadequate (Thanks Jonathan Gray). I have reproduced the problem. Here is a better report (typed in by hand, since I haven't figured out this modern all-USB mboard with no regular comm port). /bsd single kernel traps on my box during 'make obj' in /usr/src

DNS confusion about

2008-10-02 Thread Jack Woehr
My DNS server is OpenBSD 4.3 and I'm running the default bind. The website 9 times out of ten does not resolve for me. I'm asking "why does it itermittently resolve" not because I suspect an OpenBSD problem (I don't) but because people on this list understand this stuff

Re: DNS confusion about

2008-10-02 Thread Jack Woehr
Bryan Irvine wrote: A total shot in the dark Bryan & al. thanks. Matthew Dempsky and Brian Keefer have helped debug and it looks to be a bogus CNAME on one of PlanetDomain's name servers: bash-3.00$ dig cname ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> @ns1.planetdo

cp error message "Invalid character in program"

2008-10-04 Thread Jack Woehr
I'm experiencing something with 4.3 I never experienced before, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention. In the following example, I'm trying to copy a file (wrongly) in a directory I don't own and which is write-protected: cp factor.rex factor.rex.bak cp: factor.rex.bak: Invalid character

Re: cp error message "Invalid character in program"

2008-10-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Philip Guenther wrote: Hmm, I don't see that error message in the stock /bin/cp or /bin/rm. Are you running your own version of them or have shell script wrappers for them or something? What's the output of "which cp rm"? Is it maybe builtin to ksh? Besides, the error message is probably fr

Re: cp error message "Invalid character in program"

2008-10-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Paul de Weerd wrote: Also compare the md5 sum of your /bin/rm with the sum from a clean install of 4.3 (assuming this is a -RELEASE version you're running). It's 4.3 release but I did rebuild from freshly checked out source. Both the release and the checkout came from

Re: cp error message "Invalid character in program"

2008-10-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Philip Guenther wrote: Perhaps, but /bin/rm and /bin/cp are staticly linked, so the message would appear in the binary in some form. strings /bin /rm doesn't show that string. Anway: $ echo $SHELL /bin/ksh $ which rm /bin/rm $ ls -l ccreply.rex -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 4

Re: cp error message "Invalid character in program"

2008-10-04 Thread Jack Woehr
Philip Guenther wrote: What's the output of ktrace rm ccreply.rex kdump | egrep -A1 -B2 'execv|errno' You answered it. Look here: 16524 rm CALL open(0xcfbd1e60,0,0) 16524 rm NAMI "/opt/ooRexx/bin/" Hmm ... $ set | grep NLSPATH NLSPATH=/opt/ooRexx/bin/

Re: cp error message "Invalid character in program"

2008-10-06 Thread Jack Woehr
jared r r spiegel wrote: $ cp file file.bak as far as 'wtf is going on with cp(1)', maybe would've hinted at "you are executing something other than /bin/cp" earlier in the game. Wasn't executing something other than. Was getting NLS error messages for OBSD commands from the Object Rexx

Recommendations for another POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail reader client?

2005-12-14 Thread Jack Woehr
Recommendations for another POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail reader client (if one exists) other than Mozilla? Years ago I hopped directly from Elm on a host server to graphic mail clients on my desktop box without ever dealing with, e.g., mutt & setting up sendmail. Now Mozilla 1.7.2 crashes hard on recei

Re: Recommendations for another POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail reader client?

2005-12-14 Thread Jack Woehr
Simon Morgan wrote: I recommend Sylpheed Claws. BTW I hope you filed a bug report for that crash. :) Bugzilla for Mozilla says "don't bother for releases over two weeks old". -- Jack J. Woehr # "I never played fast and loose with the PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # Constit

Re: Recommendations for another POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail reader client?

2005-12-15 Thread Jack Woehr
Bryan Irvine wrote: On 12/14/05, Jack Woehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Recommendations for another POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail reader client (if one exists) other than Mozilla? Want to stay in gui-ville? I recommend evolution. Thanks to everyone for the lively discussion an

Apache not following symlinks

2005-12-17 Thread Jack Woehr
Seems to me I solved this one before about four years ago, but ... OBSD 3.8 w/ the installed Apache httpd doesn't follow my symlinks, e.g., /var/www/htdocs/doc/ is a link to /usr/local/doc but no love on http://localhost:/doc FollowSymLinks is there in httpd.conf ... all the dirs and fiels seem

Re: Apache not following symlinks

2005-12-18 Thread Jack Woehr
Daniel Ouellet wrote: In chroot apache will not follow symlinks outside of jail. Oops. D'oh. Thanks everyone who responded. -- Jack J. Woehr # "I never played fast and loose with the PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402 # Constitution. Never did and never will."

mediawiki - php - apache

2006-02-01 Thread Jack Woehr
I'm confused ... I built /usr/ports/www/mediawiki but php (built automagically as a pre-req) doesn't seem to work in the server. Do I have to change the default OBSD 3.8 web server config (or chrooting) to run PHP stuff? -- Jack J. Woehr # "Men never do evil so completely and PO

Re: mediawiki - php - apache

2006-02-01 Thread Jack Woehr
Thanks everyone for helping me get mediawiki started ... sorta ... but I have one problem left ... mysqld isn't installed. ports/www/mediawiki descended into ports/databases/mysql, but even though that dir *builds* the mysqld, it only installs the client. What do I have to do to get mysqld ins

Re: is application goes to sleep?

2012-07-23 Thread Jack Woehr
present in the process list and holds the port, is certainly possible. A server daemon in java or in any other language which had a bug could certainly behave that way. Good luck! -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we hav


2012-07-26 Thread Jack Woehr
Weldon Goree wrote: mdoc(7) (the suggested format) Ah, the yin and yang of formats and tools ... is there a WYSIWIG editor for mdoc format? -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is.&


2012-07-26 Thread Jack Woehr
style will mature. Recently passed 60th birthday and spend most of these days playing music, chess, and with grandchildren :) Yours, Ingo Nice to chat with you again, Ingo. Keep up your excellent work. -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO


2012-07-26 Thread Jack Woehr
Marc Espie wrote: On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 12:46:24PM -0600, Jack Woehr wrote: Weldon Goree wrote: mdoc(7) (the suggested format) Ah, the yin and yang of formats and tools ... is there a WYSIWIG editor for mdoc format? vi !Gmandoc|more u funny guy :) -- Jack Woehr # &qu

Re: [] Re: man pages with screen reader

2012-07-28 Thread Jack Woehr
Amit Kulkarni wrote: completely don't understand why there is still no "braile terminal" available. Especially since they were invented back in the 1980's (at the latest). I played with a prototype at a meeting of the Forth Interest Group circa 1987. -- Jack Woehr

Re: [] Re: man pages with screen reader

2012-07-29 Thread Jack Woehr
Eric Oyen wrote: btw, an actual braille embosser (a monster braille printer) costs about $10K. Hmm, sounds like an entrepreneurial opportunity making a cheaper unit. What's the input? Unicode? -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golde

Re: [] Re: man pages with screen reader

2012-07-29 Thread Jack Woehr
Eric Oyen wrote: 120 pound bond paper is rather hard on the print heads they use (and its the only stuff that will reasonably hold braille). Bond paper is traditional. Haven't they figured out a way to emboss thin sheets of polymer yet? -- Jack Woehr # "We commo

Re: [] Re: man pages with screen reader

2012-07-30 Thread Jack Woehr
Eric Oyen wrote: they have. however, thermoform paper is actually more expensive than standard paper stock. Ah. Real-world economics scotches another clever techno solution :( -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of cours

Re: Q: username policy in install and in adduser

2012-08-13 Thread Jack Woehr
ly problems emerge. Why look for trouble? -- Jack Woehr # "We commonly say we have no time when, Box 51, Golden CO 80402 # of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905