Trouble with Courier-authlib - won't connect to MySQL/MariaDB (X-post to misc from ports)

2016-01-04 Thread Implausibility
Hi. I'm rather new to OpenBSD, but I've hit a wall while doing a 'dry-run' to work out the bugs (and get familiar with OpenBSD) and build a new mail server on OpenBSD with Postfix, MySQL/MariaDB, and Courier-authlib. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I've been following this tutorial,

Streamlining disklabel...

2017-11-04 Thread Implausibility
Hi. I'm trying to add a 'block storage' disk to a an OpenBSD 6.1 VM in the cloud. I was able to use fdisk to write an MBR, but I can't seem to get disklabel to simply allocate the entire disk (regardless of it's size) to one partition without going through the editor. I checked /etc/disktype a

Re: Streamlining disklabel...

2017-11-04 Thread Implausibility
> On Nov 4, 2017, at 9:39 AM, Tom Rosso wrote: > > On 2017-11-04 09:28, Implausibility wrote: >> I simply want to create a single partition encompassing all of the >> available space. >> I've searched the web, plus read searched the last 11k+ messages on >>

Re: Streamlining disklabel...

2017-11-04 Thread Implausibility
> On Nov 4, 2017, at 11:16 AM, Otto Moerbeek wrote: > > On Sat, Nov 04, 2017 at 10:51:59AM -0400, Implausibility wrote: > >> >>> On Nov 4, 2017, at 9:39 AM, Tom Rosso wrote: >>> >>> On 2017-11-04 09:28, Implausibility wrote: >>>>

Trouble with OpenSMTPD - always getting 550 Invalid recipient

2018-04-18 Thread Implausibility
Hi. I'm trying to build an OpenSMPTD mail server for the first time to replace my aging Postfix box. No matter who I address inbound eMails to (local users or aliases), I always get 550: Invalid recipient in response on the sending server and in /var/log/maillog. I've tried more than a dozen

Installing OpenBSD amd64 on UTM on Intel Mac?

2024-01-12 Thread Implausibility
Hi. Since there's some uncertainty around the future of VMware Fusion on the Mac, I've decided to switch to UTM (with QEMU under the covers) -- but I can't seem to get OpenBSD .isos (7.3 or 7.4) to boot -- instead, I get dumped into the UEFI shell, which is a dead end. I've done a number of se

Re: Would you use OpenBSD on Power8, and if so what applications? (IBM asks! They're thinking about donating hw.)

2016-10-19 Thread Implausibility
I'd like to second the idea that IBM would be better served by simply donating to the OpenBSD Foundation. The pieces that benefit IBM the most are the open source software (OpenSSH, which ships on almost every single server they sell) that is the result of hard work by the OpenBSD developers. I'd

Wanted: OpenBSD Help / Tutoring / Mentoring in Montreal or Toronto

2017-01-17 Thread Implausibility
Hi. I'm not exactly new to OpenBSD, but there are a few things that I need some help with, and fighting through learning them on my own isn't appealing. I'm looking for some help with: pf, OpenVPN, web hosting, building a robust mail server ... and would expect to pay you for your time. Drop m

Getting started with an OpenBSD Desktop...

2016-04-12 Thread Implausibility
Hi. I have a few old ThinkPads here, and I'd like to explore getting OpenBSD running as a lightweight desktop computer. I don't need a lot, I spend most of my time at a shell prompt, but I'm thinking I need a better window manager, possibly Firefox (or a recommended lightweight alternative) and a

Re: Getting started with an OpenBSD Desktop...

2016-04-13 Thread Implausibility
ue, Apr 12, 2016 at 08:34:16PM -0400, Implausibility wrote: >> Various attempts on creating "generic" wifi network connection manager >> scripts have been made. None with a true GUI AFAIK. > > I hooked some shell scripts up with zenity to make a GUI.

Re: Hardware recommendation for small form factor, noiseless, server

2024-05-06 Thread Implausibility
For various values of 'fully supports', I have multiple odroid HC4 units, and they all run very well. I've booted them with OpenBSD to play with it, but inevitably switched back to Linux. No built-in WiFi, but it has a single USB socket that you could plug in a WiFi/Bluetooth dongle. -JD. >

Re: Open Source / BSD License Copyright infringements

2024-06-18 Thread Implausibility
Apologies for the interruption, however, the claim of violation of of Copyright infringement is... I'll use the word... dubious. "I heard through a psychic tarot reader that someone sold delphinusdnsd and possibly put their name on it. " All

Tips for getting OpenBSD running on Surface Pro 3 tablet?

2024-08-26 Thread Implausibility
I have an SP3 tablet with the OEM keyboard/trackpad combo. The installation works perfectly, it boots, keyboard works, I get through the install process (*several* times), but after having rebooted, I get kicked directly into the BIOS, and there's no way to force a boot from the internal SSD wh

7.6 aarch64 + UTM on M4 Mac = unable to reorder libraries for a custom kernel?

2025-02-06 Thread Implausibility
Just checking to see if anyone has successfully managed to run OpenBSD 7.6 for aarch64 under UTM on a Mac with an M4 processor. I know the default supported hardware is M1/M2, but I'm running under the QEMU 9.1 ARM Virtual Machine system -- so I'm hoping that my newer CPU doesn't really matter.

Re: Sizing a server for modest web/mail ?

2024-12-11 Thread Implausibility
A quick thank-you to everyone who replied! Given the number of variables, I think my strategy will be to make it easier to rebuild the entire system from backups. This way, I can build a new machine with filesystems that better represent my actual usage, then just dump an image of the filesyst

Re: Sizing a server for modest web/mail ?

2024-12-10 Thread Implausibility
> On Dec 10, 2024, at 3:40 PM, Mike Fischer wrote: > > For a low-traffic site that should be fine. > > The actual disk footprint depends on your needs of course. Only you know what > those are. How big are your DocumenRoot directories, databases and mailboxes? The only large-ish site (30GB)

Disk encryption on cloud servers...

2024-12-10 Thread Implausibility
Second question of the day... Is the key to an OpenBSD (7.6) encrypted disk stored 'in the clear' in RAM? Or is the key somehow obscured while in memory? My security needs for web server with a few blogs and personal eMail is relatively low, and my goal here is to be 'better than average' in c

Sizing a server for modest web/mail ?

2024-12-10 Thread Implausibility
Hi. I'm closing my office next month, and as a result I'm losing my fibre line and static IPs. I've built a VM in a major cloud provider's datacentre, and managed to install OpenBSD 7.6. It will serve myself and a few friends, mostly some very small, relatively low-traffic WordPress sites, a