
I'm trying to add a 'block storage' disk to a an OpenBSD 6.1 VM in the cloud.

I was able to use fdisk to write an MBR, but I can't seem to get disklabel to 
simply allocate the entire disk (regardless of it's size) to one partition 
without going through the editor.

I checked /etc/disktype as per the man pages, but it only seems to have very 
specific / arcane definitions, and I'd like a 'catch all' solution that simply 
allocates all storage to one partition.

I simply want to create a single partition encompassing all of the available 

I've searched the web, plus read searched the last 11k+ messages on misc@ -- 
but I can't seem to find any examples of defining a disk with disklabel 

Can someone please provide some examples of a disklabel command that creates a 
partition non-interactively?  (For bonus points, a list of examples of the -w 
command would be great for future searchers / readers.)


For the record, I options like:

> # disklabel -w sd1 ffs    
> disklabel: unknown disk type: ffs
> # disklabel -w sd1 floppy
> disklabel: ioctl DIOCWDINFO: Open partition would move or shrink
> # disklabel -w sd1 hd     
> disklabel: unknown disk type: hd
> # disklabel -w sd1 sd   
> disklabel: unknown disk type: sd
> # disklabel -w sd1 SCSI
> disklabel: unknown disk type: SCSI
> # disklabel -w sd1 'disk'
> disklabel: unknown disk type: disk
> # disklabel -w sd1 0xA6   
> disklabel: unknown disk type: 0xA6
> # disklabel -w sd1 A6   
> disklabel: unknown disk type: A6

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