Problem with libiconv-1.9.2p3 on 4.2

2008-03-14 Thread Eric Pancer
There seems to be a problem with the libiconv-1.9.2p3 package; I took it from the main FTP server, as well as several mirrors and had this problem. $ date Fri Mar 14 03:47:34 CDT 2008 $ uname -a OpenBSD 4.2 GENERIC#375 i386 $ sudo pkg_add gettext-0.14.6p0.tgz Can't install gette

Bad Hard Disk?

2006-06-12 Thread Eric Pancer
I had a machine crash which runs syslog-ng and takes syslog for some heavily-loaded firewalls. Over the weekend, we saw the machine crash on two ocassions. I believe there may be a bad hard disk in this host as well. This is a Dell 2850. We have several in production that work without problem. Se

Re: News From HiFn

2006-06-30 Thread Eric Pancer
On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 19:11:50 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote... > To make ourselves feel better? I think it is pointless. They still > did not apologize. Really, come on. Stop being childish.

Re: News From HiFn

2006-06-30 Thread Eric Pancer
On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 20:09:50 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote... > 95% of the planet does nothing to complain when there is a serious > problem with a company, and then when < 5% of the people complain > enough to force them fix it, you wish to congratulate the ... company? > > How American. > Plea

Re: X not found

2006-07-05 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 11:42:22 -0700, Lawrence Horvath wrote... > so how do you install that, i was thinking it would just be > # pkg_add /home/music/xbase39.tgz > Can't resolve /home/music/xbase39.tgz > Get the tarballs from a mirror, then... $ su - root # cd / # tar zxpvf /path/to/xbase39.tgz

Re: Do mp3 concatenation programs exist?

2006-07-15 Thread Eric Pancer
On Sat, 2006-07-15 at 22:39:48 +0200, Peter Philipp wrote... > Illegal activities? Naw man! I just like moving like a Mack truck. See, > I'm already gone! Once I was upset that they didn't give everyone static > IP's, and then I thought about the words Vint Cerf said, and I got > enlightene

Re: BOB is dying.

2006-07-17 Thread Eric Pancer
On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 17:55:14 +0200, Han Boetes wrote... > I know a very peculiar fellow named Bob, his health is failing, > but I don't think it's that bad. Give him beer.

Re: OT: (don't open if you don't like) Kerberized FTP client/Server

2006-07-17 Thread Eric Pancer
On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 20:34:36 -0600, Bob Beck wrote... > Authenticating using kerberos and ftp is possible, but why > use clear text passwords. Set up ssh to use kerberos and use sftp/scp. > There are many windows things out there to provide a bozo front end to > sftp/scp. i.e. WinSCP, Secu

Re: best place to specify ipv6 default route

2006-07-18 Thread Eric Pancer
On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 16:37:23 -0400, Will H. Backman wrote... > The man page for mygate says that one can add an IPv6 gateway address to > /etc/mygate, but it doesn't seem to add an entry to the routing table > upon reboot. I'm not using rtsol anywhere. > Most of my searching on the internet s

Re: best place to specify ipv6 default route

2006-07-18 Thread Eric Pancer
On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 17:13:30 -0400, Will H. Backman wrote... > Yes, that does work, but I'm curious if /etc/mygate should work. I > usually use /etc/mygate for IPv4, so I'm inclined to use it for IPv6 also. Send a patch if you really want the behavior, but I'm pretty sure that's only intended

Re: best place to specify ipv6 default route

2006-07-19 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 00:05:25 +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote... > You should a) use grep -C and b) check out 3.9 or -current ;) Yea I'm on 3.7-RELEASE still. ugh. > [1]: Aw damn, that's nice! Thanks todd@ - Eric

Re: web based FTP client?

2006-07-19 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 19:22:00 +0200, FTP wrote... > is any 'good' web based ftp client around which can run in chrooted Apache? Runs in chroot'ed apachehrmm...methinks you are new to all of this, right? Maybe you should contact your local sysadmin and ask him the explain how things work be

Re: looking for clue

2006-07-19 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 20:21:01 +0200, Peter Philipp wrote... > Hi I'm looking for clue. Does anyone have any? > Hey, aren't you the idiot that kept renegotiating your DHCP lease? There's no clue here for you to find; we don't speak Martian. - Eric

Re: web based FTP client?

2006-07-19 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 20:27:52 +0200, FTP wrote... > the browser itself is only for anonymous ftp :-( I actually wanted FTP > over HTTP Browser can do authenticated FTP. Please consult your documentation, this is not an OpenBSD problem. - Eric

Re: looking for clue

2006-07-20 Thread Eric Pancer
On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 22:54:28 +0530, Rahul Sharma wrote... > It is not Mr. Eric Pancer but me (rahulthehacker) who is asking for help on > dhcpd lease. I wasn't referring to that, please learn how to read a mailing list. I was referring to the user wanting dhcp leases to change every

Netflow Reflector -or- Re-writing UDP packets using dup-to

2008-04-06 Thread Eric Pancer
We are taking netflow from various Cisco devices throughout our enterprise to argus-3.0 running on OpenBSD 4.2. Unfortunately we've also got some Cisco products in our environment that require us to have netflow sent to more than 2 versions, which means we need a netflow reflector built. I underst

Re: Netflow Reflector -or- Re-writing UDP packets using dup-to

2008-04-06 Thread Eric Pancer
Shoot the messenger, this was my fault: On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 22:47:06 -0500, Eric Pancer proclaimed... > We are taking netflow from various Cisco devices throughout our enterprise > to argus-3.0 running on OpenBSD 4.2. Unfortunately we've also got some Cisco > products in our en

Re: Bind or Djbdns

2006-04-10 Thread Eric Pancer
On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 13:51:29 -0300, Joco Salvatti proclaimed... > I'd like to know your opinion about to major DNS servers: Bind and > djbdns. Which one is the best (I'm not sure if I may ask it this way)? > Which one you'd best recommend? I've already used Bind (and I still > use it) and I know

Re: OpenBSD todo list?

2006-04-10 Thread Eric Pancer
On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 20:44:36 -0700, Shawn Nock proclaimed... > A quick search of the archive and google didn't turn anything up, so > I'll ask here. r'ut r'oh, you must be new here... don your flame suit, gay apparel!

Re: OpenBSD todo list?

2006-04-11 Thread Eric Pancer
On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 09:25:55 -0700, Kent Watsen proclaimed... > Christmas in April? ;) A couple requests I recall seeing (*cough* > posting *cough*): > > - enable chroot-ed apps to dump core (this is an easy one) > - enable openbsd to run as a para-virtualized Xen guest (this is more > in

Re: Openvpn plugin for passwd authentication

2006-04-12 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 12:21:33 -0300, Giancarlo Razzolini proclaimed... > I wrote a plugin for Openvpn that does authentication using the passwd > or the shadow files. I wrote it cause the only authentication plugin for > openvpn is the auth-pam, and i needed to do authentication using the >

Re: Openvpn plugin for passwd authentication

2006-04-12 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 14:07:53 -0300, Giancarlo Razzolini proclaimed... > Did you read my mail at all? The plugin authenticate itself from > master.passwd on OpenBSD and from shadow on linux distributions. I > mentioned PAM, case the only plugin that existed for authentication in > openvpn uses PA

Re: pf blocking nets in a way like * ?

2006-04-20 Thread Eric Pancer
On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 01:52:19 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] proclaimed... > Is there any way to block networks by using a joker in the hostname? > > Lets take as example google. Google has many different Networks and such foo. > I found no way to block them all (during reading the PF manpage) using >

Re: Patch make question

2006-05-02 Thread Eric Pancer
On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 10:28:30 -0400, Will H. Backman proclaimed... > 001_sendmail.patch for 3.9 says: > > make obj > make depend > make > make install > > Is there anything wrong with > > make obj && make depend && make && make install No.

Re: EHNT or other NetFlow tools

2006-05-04 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-05-03 at 18:12:12 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] proclaimed... > net/flowd/ > net/flow-tools/ > net/softflowd/ I'll add argus

Re: Emacs's "WoMan" man reader

2006-05-08 Thread Eric Pancer
On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 16:13:42 -0400, Peter Fraser proclaimed... > I know how to invoke "woman", but when I do "woman" does > not find any man pages. I agree that it is slower > but I like its formatting better. Many people cannot understand what the woman does. It's unfortunate; I haven't found

Re: Firefox keeps crashing

2006-05-11 Thread Eric Pancer
On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 22:14:47 -0400, Nick Holland proclaimed... > Firefox is a resource hog, and tends to leak resources worse than the > plumbing job I've been working on for my girlfriend. The difference is, > my plumbing leaks will be fixed, and I'm not going to be telling > everyone how wond

Re: Group editing

2006-05-17 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 08:28:28 -0700, stupidmail4me proclaimed... > I've created a website. Let's say it's in /website. > > What's the best way to give all 10 developers access > to those files? I can create a group called > webdevelopers and have that group own /website. I can > also change perm

Re: Group editing

2006-05-17 Thread Eric Pancer
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 12:10:27 -0700, stupidmail4me proclaimed... > That's exactly what I was trying to do, but I can't > get chmod to work as I want it to. Any help? Um, it's really not difficult if you read the manpage for chmod. $ chmod g+s /var/www/html/this/is/a/dir/

Re: OT: DDoS questions

2006-05-22 Thread Eric Pancer
On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 22:52:53 -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt proclaimed... > what are some methods of launching a DDoS attack? syn floods (old skool), udp floods, lots of small packets, icmp floods, whatever. my favorite is seeing a host flooded with protocol 50nearly everyone passes it and hardly

Re: OT: DDoS questions

2006-05-23 Thread Eric Pancer
On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 10:02:24 -0400, Jeff Quast proclaimed... > Thankfully those kids have grown up and have jobs now, and the > point-and-click attack tools aren't as dangerous as they used to be. Surely you must be joking, right? Not only is it easy, with little experience you can write your o

Re: Windows to "copy" open bsd

2006-06-02 Thread Eric Pancer
On Fri, 2006-06-02 at 12:58:43 -0700, akonsu wrote... > no way. trust me. ;) Who the fuck are you to trust?

Re: Windows to "copy" open bsd

2006-06-02 Thread Eric Pancer
On Fri, 2006-06-02 at 20:48:06 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote... > you're just a warm and fuzzy kind of guy, aren't you? > Only on friday's.