On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 08:28:28 -0700, stupidmail4me proclaimed... > I've created a website. Let's say it's in /website. > > What's the best way to give all 10 developers access > to those files? I can create a group called > webdevelopers and have that group own /website. I can > also change permissions to 775 on that directory so > that they can create files and directories. But then > that's as much as they can do, the developers can't > edit each others files. Is there any way to change the > umask for a directory and subdirectories? > I always use a sgid bit on a directory..
drwxrws--x 4 bob exampleorg 512 Nov 15 2003 example.org This just means that "bob" owns the directory, but anyone in the "exampleorg" group can manipulate files, etc.