Hash: SHA1
I was hoping someone could shed some light with some good
links, sample configurations, etc., that might help me
with the following. Not looking for someone to "fix it"
for me or anything like that. Maybe the following will show
that I have tried rea
Hash: SHA1
Today Otto Moerbeek contributed the following:
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Denny White wrote:
I was hoping someone could shed some light with some good
links, sample configurations, etc., that might help me
with the following. Not looking for someone to
Hash: SHA1
Today Joachim Schipper contributed the following:
On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 11:36:35AM -0600, Denny White wrote:
Today Otto Moerbeek contributed the following:
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Denny White wrote:
When I'd drag & drop files to co
v/wd1a on /data2 type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
Thanks again for the help. If anyone sees something I've bunged
up, please let me know, if you have the time.
Denny White
Please do not CC me. Already subscribed to OBSD mailing list.
GnuPG key : 0x1644E79A | http://wwwkeys
Have tried unzip from deep into directory structure and it works,
comes up fine. Just wondering what I'm doing wrong. Works fine on
my old hp netserver running fbsd_5_4. Can't find any major differences
in the setups. Thanks for any & all help & advice.
Denny White
Please do
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Denny White wrote:
When f-prot tries to update in root's cron, it reports fatal
error, can't find unzip. Unzip is located in /usr/local/bin
which is in root's path env:
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I know the usual complaint is, it's not fast enough. My
question is, after doing much googling - mail archive
reading, is there a way to slow the file transfer speed
down? I've asked the list before about a rebooting problem
I have on this box, & it'
Hash: SHA1
On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Denny White wrote:
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:13:38 + (UTC)
From: Denny White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: OpenBSD Questions Mailing List
Subject: Tuning NFS file transfer speed
I know the usual complaint is, it'
Hash: SHA1
On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Denny White wrote:
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:13:38 + (UTC)
From: Denny White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: OpenBSD Questions Mailing List
Subject: Tuning NFS file transfer speed
I know the usual complaint is, it'
imenting, but the message is still there. I'd just like
to know what exactly it means & maybe be pointed to a site that explains
it so I can learn more about it. Will put in output of dmesg & ifconfig
below. Thanks for all replies.
Denny White
- -
Hash: SHA1
Today Otto Moerbeek contributed the following:
On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Denny White wrote:
Had originally posted a message "Tuning NFS File Transfer Speed"
and had eventually posted a "Solved" reply to it on the list.
That turned
erroneous. I googled
around, read the sysctl man page, & even some stuff at
kerneltrap, but I still don't understand what's going on.
Below is my dmesg in case it's needed. Thanks for any help
on this.
Denny White
OpenBSD 3.8-stable (GENERIC) #6: Fri Feb 3 03:05:23 UTC 2006
Hash: SHA1
Today jared r r spiegel spake forth boldly:
On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 09:02:06PM +, Denny White wrote:
since installing the Voodoo
card. Here's the current output of sysctl hw.sensors:
hw.sensors.0=lm0, VCORE_A, volts_dc, 1.73 V
Hash: SHA1
Today Stuart Henderson spake forth boldly:
On 2006/02/04 20:43, Denny White wrote:
hw.sensors.11=lm0, Temp3, temp, 127.50 degC / 261.50 degF
hw.sensors.0=nsclpcsio0, TSENS1, temp, 127.00 degC / 260.60 degF
hw.sensors.1=nsclpcsio0, TSENS2, temp
Hash: SHA1
On Feb 7 Joe S spake forth boldly:
Denny White wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Today Stuart Henderson spake forth boldly:
On 2006/02/04 20:43, Denny White wrote:
hw.sensors.11=lm0, Temp3, temp, 127.50 degC / 261.50 degF
OpenBSD, Breakfast of Champions! A nutritious kernel in every byte.
Cocoa Puffys, even! Okay, exit, stage right. ;)
- --
Denny White - denny...@cableone.net
GnuPG key : 0x164
ut better late than never. ;)
Denny White - denny...@cableone.net
GnuPG key : 0x1644E79A | http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
Fingerprint: D0A9 AD44 1F10 E09E 0E67 EC25 CB44 F2E5 1644 E79A
-L partial-port-whatever
and see if it lists what it had installed up to when you stopped it.
As for cleaning up after a port build, see:
Hope this helps you some.
- --
Denny White - de
those who feel compelled to
> reply off list. Thankyou.
> Rod/
> ---
> This life is not the real thing.
> It is not even in Beta.
> If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.
\\\ ///
( @ @
outside of the package. Was able to reuse it on my laptop.
Great work as always!
Denny White - denny...@cableone.net
GnuPG key : 0x1644E79A | http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
Fingerprint: D0A9 AD44 1F10 E09E 0E67 EC25 CB44
the .mailcap you want to use. Possibly the
.mailcap entry is commented out in your .muttrc file. Pretty sure it
is commented out by default in the sample.mailcap file.
Denny White
> "Hey everyone, I'm trying to decide between:
> Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
> What's the best?"
Follow the path of OpenBSD. It's the sound of one Puffy clapping.
Your order currently is:
-> 1 [CD49] OpenBSD 4.9 CD @ CDN $50.00
-> Total: CDN $50.00 + Shipping.
There it is, kept going. \~/
Denny White - denny...@
- --
A lot of money is tainted - Taint yours and taint mine.
Denny White - denny...@cableone.net
GnuPG key : 0x1644E79A | http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
Fingerprint: D0A9 AD44 1F10 E09E 0E67 EC2
since it worked fine for me including 'ls'.
As for the 2nd one you tried which didn't work:
Try this:
Denny W
On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 12:50:55AM -0400, Casey Allen Shobe spoke thusly:
> On 30 May, 2010, at 12:15 AM, Denny White wrote:
>> Not really sure what happened with
>> >> since it worked fine for me including 'ls'.
>> As for the 2nd one you tried
d look something similar to this:
Backing up root filesystem:
copying /dev/rwd0a to /dev/rwd1a
131098+1 records in
131098+1 records out
1073955328 bytes transferred in 51.680 secs (20780520 bytes/sec)
Naturally the 2nd line is dependent on your disk setup, fstab & so
forth as pr
just minutes ago. From openbsdeurope to Holland. :)
> Thanks devs and others who have made it possible!
> Jasper.
Flash! This just in! Biloxi, MS. Puffy has hit the beach, and
with a new t-shirt to boot. Semper securus! Oorah! ;)
> >> And all the way through customs to Sydney Australia.
> >> WOW!
> >
> >Me too. And more nice shirts and a 2.5 CD for old times sake and
> >to
> >get my hands on my favorite stickers!
> >
> >
> >Shane
p://bsdly.blogspot.com/ http://www.bsdly.net/ http://www.nuug.no/
> "Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
> delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.
Already got the pdf. Waiting on the book now. As usual, great stuff.
> Best, oxo
You can also try http://nostarch.com/ Same files included with book
purchase. And it's second edition.
Denny White - denny...@cableone.net
GnuPG key : 0x1644E79A | http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
ried it after comletely disabling my firewall too. Still the same
I've tried temporarily allowing all in /etc/hosts.allow and commented
out what I had in /etc/hosts.deny but it didn't help the situation.
Any light shed on this problem greatly appreciated. According to the
of course, the turtle dances. ;)
Denny White
Denny White - denny...@cableone.net
GnuPG key : 0x1644E79A | http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
Fingerprint: D0A9 AD44 1F10 E09E 0E67 EC25 CB44
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 10:51:34AM +, Stuart Henderson spoke thusly:
> On 2010-11-28, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 2:55 AM, Denny White wrote:
> >=
> >> $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
> >> nameserver
> >> nameserver
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