tual disks smaller, but I anticipate growth.)
-Adam Thompson
something I've done, too.)
So far everything appears stable enough to run in production with the
exception of vio(4). I have had to virtually yank the plug on a few VMs
in order to shut them down, however... back to the good 'ol days of
SunOS 3: "shutdown() { 'sync;sync;sync;
x27;s always the problem
of who to "blame" for problems - is it OpenBSD, KVM, or something
unique to PVE?
-Adam Thompson
-class desktops being sold for well under $200, and it's
usually possible to pick up a single-port PCI NIC for $20. (Less if you
buy up someone's stock of 100Mbit NICs in bulk.)
Not sure if that qualifies as "new", precisely, but you will get a
warranty of some sort.
mail as I can.
And I'm not at all clear on how to accomplish this with smtpd.
I assume *someone* here must have a similar situation - what worked (or
didn't) for you?
-Adam Thompson
m local for any relay via central.mail.host"
...and that looks about as simple a solution as I can come up with.
-Adam Thompson
I'm trying to use Dovecot as the LDA for local mail delivery out of
SMTPD in 5.4-RELEASE, but I'm having some difficulty. (I want Sieve
support, which smtpd doesn't have natively.)
smtpd is willing todeliver mail to mboxes, maildirs, other smtp servers,
and the dovecot LDA, so the problem app
Perhaps my google-fu isn't working today...
Running 5.4-RELEASE.
I've installed (from packages) php-5.3, I *did* follow the pkg
instructions to symlink the various config files, but I now get:
r...@..:/root# httpd
httpd:/usr/local/lib/php-5.3/libphp5.so: undefined symbol 'unixd_co
On Sun 09 Mar 2014 10:24:51 AM CDT, Adam Thompson wrote:
Perhaps my google-fu isn't working today...
Running 5.4-RELEASE.
I've installed (from packages) php-5.3, I *did* follow the pkg
instructions to symlink the various config files, but I now get:
r...@..:/root# httpd
On March 17, 2014 7:54:19 PM CDT, marst wrote:
>I asked the following on OpenBSD G+ but I suppose it is more
>appropriate to
>ask here...
>Having never been to BSDCan before, I am wondering if CDs will be
>for sale during the event. Assuming 5.5 is out at the time. And also
OK, obviously I missed something. How do you resize ffs filesystems without a
dump/restore step?
On March 17, 2014 8:40:34 PM CDT, Nick Holland
>On 03/17/14 21:24, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2014-03-17, Nick Holland wrote:
>>> (Exception: when you make a partition small enough
It appears, at first glance, that your default route is incorrect.
Is your external IP address assigned statically or by DHCP?
If statically, then you will want to edit /etc/mygate to set your default route
(Also, are you really running OpenBSD version 4.1, and if so, why???)
Whoops, I just noticed the PPPoE link.
You might try manually overriding the default route to see if that solves your
I'm sorry I don't remember the exact syntax needed to do this offhand.
I know under Linux it would be "route add default dev tun0", but I'm not sure
of the OpenBSD syntax
See ucom(4) man page.
Short answer: /dev/ttyU0
(ucom? should match up with /dev/ttyU?)
On March 24, 2014 12:58:20 PM CDT, John Long wrote:
>Jonathan, this looks promising.
>David Coppa had said
>> > > It should expose a ucom*, e.g.:
>> > >
>> > > ucom0 at uftdi0 portno 1
>> >
he manpage, at the very least.
Sven: you should probably file a bugreport against dhclient for that,
the docs should be clear. Preferably by including a patch, but even
just suggested wording that would make sense to you is good.
-Adam Thompson
one without),
+either of which will react to a few different signals:
.Bl -tag -width "USR1, USR2XXX"
.It Dv HUP
On receiving
(I can't find an mdoc(7) equivalent to for formatting the
"[priv]" token. Suggestions welcome.)
-Adam Thompson
On 2014-03-26 13:31, sven falempin wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2014
at 1:55 PM, Jan Stary wrote:
>> On Mar 26 09:29:16,
sven.falem...@gmail.com [1]wrote:
>>> Listing process takes also
>> pkill doesn't list anything. No really, read the manpage.
>>> and deleting the listed PID m
On 2014-03-27 17:07, Philip Guenther wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014
at 3:00 PM, Philip Guenther wrote:
>> On Thu,
Mar 27, 2014 at 2:28 PM, sven falempin
>>> Sometimes i feel curse (or maybe just tired) :
main::(/bin/check_network.pl:164): my $src = system('/usr/bin/pkill -HUP
-f "
k I have confirmed that PHP Bug #61045 is *not* the culprit,
as phpinfo() logs some timezone-related warnings.
-Adam Thompson
HP for increased reliability and safety!
Thanks for the tip on using tcpdump, though - that hadn't occurred to me.
-Adam Thompson
First, I'll prefix this question by saying I last set up a brand-new
LDAP server from scratch about 3 years ago, and then 10 years prior to
that. I've probably forgotten most of what I ever knew.
I'm trying to use ldapd(8), which looks as minimalist and
'sane-defaults-should-work' as everythi
On Wed 02 Apr 2014 09:34:06 PM CDT, Adam Thompson wrote:
Obviously I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.
Hints greatly appreciated.
Why do I always figure it out 30 seconds *after* I post?
My fingers got confused somewhere after trying "changetype:" in the
I should add that once using source control abs a script to manage edits to
pf.conf, it is easy to use at(1) to simulate Juniper's "commit confirmed"
feature, adding another level of safety.
On April 9, 2014 7:50:14 AM CDT, Giancarlo Razzolini
>Em 09-04-2014 06:31, Stuart Henderso
$ENV instead.
Funny - I know intuitively where I want to put different things, but
actually writing it down and coming up with a clear set of guidelines is
surprisingly hard. That probably means my knowledge is incomplete.
-Adam Thompson
On 14-04-21 09:56 AM, Philip Guenther wrote:
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 7:49 AM, Adam Thompson wrote:
I have developers using Ant deploy scripts that SSH into the target
host repeatedly, once for every build step. Ant does a reasonably
good job of emulating a terminal and handling strangeness in
There is no "standard" place. Many sites put all their exports under /export,
but for N sites using NFS there are probably log(N) ways to do it.
I am unaware of any preference OpenBSD has, perhaps someone else has a more
relevant insight?
On April 21, 2014 2:39:43 PM CDT, Alessandro DE L
Ah, be careful there - /net is typically reserved for the automounter. That's
one NFS-related path that is somewhat standard.
On April 22, 2014 4:33:08 AM CDT, skin...@britvault.co.uk wrote:
>On 2014-04-21 Mon 21:39 PM |, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote:
>> Folks,
>> still unclear after
On April 22, 2014 11:08:48 AM CDT, Mike Grau wrote:
>I'm new to OpenBSD and hope someone here has been able to install
>OpenBSD on a Dell PE R210. It will not boot the install CD (made from
>install54.iso). Here's the console:
>CD-ROM: 82
>Loading /5.4/AMD64/CDBOOT
>probing: pc0 com0
On April 22, 2014 3:50:48 PM CDT, Stefan Johnson
>I've always just tossed a comment onto the line before exiting vi edit
>to prevent execution...
>On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS <
>just22@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm wondering how I could
On April 22, 2014 5:35:56 PM CDT, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>On 2014-04-22, Mike Grau wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm new to OpenBSD and hope someone here has been able to install
>> OpenBSD on a Dell PE R210. It will not boot the install CD (made
>> install54.iso). Here's the console:
>> CD-R
On April 27, 2014 6:46:31 PM CDT, Bryan Linton wrote:
>Can anyone confirm or deny whether or not the newer Thinkpad
>tablets' styluses work as an input device? I see that there is a
>usbtablet(4) driver in xenocara, with people reporting success
>using external tablets, so it would proba
On May 15, 2014 2:29:00 AM EDT, Waldemar Brodkorb
>Hi OpenBSD hackers,
>At work we have a firewall on two Dell PowerEdge 2940 servers, with
>10 NIC's in use, which I want to substiute in the near future.
>The second machine act as cold standby.
>I would like to use OpenBSD pf and carp/
On May 18, 2014 8:33:15 AM EDT, Francesco Toscan wrote:
>On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 01:08:00PM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote:
>> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 12:52:53PM +0200, Francesco Toscan wrote:
>> > Hi misc@,
>> >
>> > Network with bwi has become *slow*, slow as unusable. Every kind of
>> > traffic
The simplest could be something like these,
11 (of the first 12) products are USB 3 hubs with individual port power
I have seen single-port USB cables with power switches, too, although I
don't remember where.
Your idea could
[apologies in advance for top-posting]
bgpd(8) is excellent in many ways, and I am SO very grateful it exists. (Thank
you Henning, Claudio, Peter and everyone else who has contributed to it over
the years! It has straight-up saved my bacon a couple of times.)
But one feature it does not yet A
based on confidence scores from a UCE tool.
4. I think I'll use SpamAssassin to give me spam scores (for use in #3).
I'm not asking to be flamed, I haven't run my own mail server for a
couple of years and things have changed a bit since then... but I am
hoping I've provided enough detail that someone might be able to spot
potential problems before I run into them.
Thank you,
-Adam Thompson
To: root
Subject: test
Which looks pretty much exactly like I expected. (Obviously, there's no
additional debug output from smtpd -d -v, since we didn't *do* anything
except echo back some data.
So. WTF am I doing wrong? Help!
-Adam Thompson
In article <20091217185401.ga13...@bramka.kerhand.co.uk>,
j...@kerhand.co.uk says...
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 02:45:25AM -0600, Adam Thompson wrote:
> > r...@server:~# cat /etc/mailer.conf | grep -v '^#'
> > sendmail/usr/sbin/smtpd
> > send-mai
In article <20091219090128.gb...@bramka.kerhand.co.uk>,
j...@kerhand.co.uk says...
> > "braw wee editor" means "small, but fine editor"? Because then you
> yes, it really means "a great little editor". although putting "great"
> and "little" together sounds all wrong.
> anyway, i was drunk when i
In article <20091219122141.5ce04...@poof.my.domain>, eagir...@cox.net
> Ingo Schwarze wrote on Sat., Dec. 19 at 17:51:19
> >Matthew Szudzik wrote on Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 05:34:23PM +:
> >
> >> But if you're going to learn just one of them, then I vote for sed.
> >
> >Marc, r
that is *not* spam.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice.
-Adam Thompson
Trying to set up a catch-all address for *...@athompso.net using smtpd(8),
but it's not working. Hoping someone can spot my error, I sure can't.
Running smtpd(8) from -current, smtpd.conf file is as follows:
listen on lo0
listen on fxp0
listen on em0
> -Original Message-
> From: Gilles Chehade [mailto:gil...@openbsd.org]
> Subject: Re: smtpd(8) virtual map question
> did you use makemap -t aliases to generate virtual.db ?
No, I didn't. I've now tried that, and the results still aren't quite what
I was aiming for: now mail for gets
> -Original Message-
> From: Gilles Chehade [mailto:gil...@openbsd.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 05:40
> To: Adam Thompson
> Cc: misc@openbsd.org
> Subject: Re: smtpd(8) virtual map question
> can you please show the command you used ?
> and make su
While it can probably run some version of linux/ppc I wouldn't hold my
breath for MacOS.
Any or none of these may or may not solve your problem, but I hope it
might help.
-Adam Thompson
In article ,
jay.kr...@cornell.edu says...
> Anyone working on this?
I think the most definitive answer is found at:
...and the answer, unfortunately, appears to be "not really".
ources unpacked, you
can either a) untar them, b) get them through CVS or siblings, or c)
[really, part of b) but whatever] look at the source code available from
I'm not entirely comfortable with the thought of an xterm that uses
kvm_* functions, but if that's what you need...
-Adam Thompson
C1200, I think) to
anyone who wants to test it out. (Er, assuming I can find it, anyway.)
Alternately, there are several ways to get a V.35 serial signal from an
OpenBSD box to an external T1 CSU/DSU. See www.blackbox.com for plain
old rs232-to-v.35 converters, among more intelligent equipment.
-Adam Thompson
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