I'm trying to use Dovecot as the LDA for local mail delivery out of SMTPD in 5.4-RELEASE, but I'm having some difficulty. (I want Sieve support, which smtpd doesn't have natively.)

smtpd is willing todeliver mail to mboxes, maildirs, other smtp servers, and the dovecot LDA, so the problem appears isolated to LMTP.

Firstly, although the smtpd.conf manpage documents "deliver to lmtp [host:port | socket]", there's no documentation on the URI format for the socket option. Through trial and error, it appears to be "socket:///absolute/path/to/socket", but this still doesn't actually work for me.

Secondly, the only way I can see ANY information whatsoever about MDA failures appears to be if I run "smtpd -d -v" at the command-line. Even with syslog reconfigured to log mail.* events, smtpd doesn't appear to log anything about MDA/LDA/LMTP failures.

Thirdly, with "deliver to lmtp socket:/var/dovecot/lmtp", I get this error: delivery: TempFail for fa75e116051e0c9b: from=<r...@mail.customhosting.ca>, to=<r...@mail.customhosting.ca>, user=notroot, method=lmtp, delay=18m45s, stat=Error ("smtpd: service not supported for ai_socktype")

I finally got "deliver to mda" with dovecot-lda working so I'm in reasonable shape for now, but I'm baffled by what I did wrong with LMTP configuration.

Any ideas on what the correct syntax might be, or if this is just a bug?


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