Re: How to Run WindowMaker and GWorkspace on OBSD 5.3

2013-05-19 Thread Tito Mari Francis Escaño
Hello again Sebastian, As you advised I was able to successfully install most if not all the apps that are to be included with the gnustep-desktop meta-package. One thing I observed is that the behavior is buggy. For example, in the GWorkspace menu, I selected the Info->Preferences menu, this will

Happy Birthday Theo...

2013-05-19 Thread mayuresh
Hey, It's Theo's Birthday today. Yeah, you could wish him via E-Mail, or maybe even call him up, or to be dramatic, you could send him a physical mail. But, how about donating a small amount to the OpenBSD project? ( It would be a nice way of saying "Happy B

Re: Kernel Panic with Mon May 13 snapshot

2013-05-19 Thread Атанас Владимиров
Hi, I built a kernel that include the fix in pf.c and everything is fine now. Thanks, Atanas Vladimirov [ns]~$ uptime 5:37PM up 3 days, 3:44, 1 user, load averages: 1.23, 0.74, 0.64 [ns]~$ dmesg OpenBSD 5.3-current (GENERIC) #0: Wed May 15 23:59:01 EEST 2013

Re: How to Run WindowMaker and GWorkspace on OBSD 5.3

2013-05-19 Thread Tito Mari Francis Escaño
I apologize if my concerns turn out to be noise here. As I said in my previous mails, WindowMaker with GWorkspace works, following your advise, with modifications made on .xinitrc instead. Will email GNUstep-specific list to air my concerns there. Thanks again for the pointers and kudos for the wor

Re: openospfd vs bird vs quagga etc on OpenBSD for OSPF interoperating with IOS XE (v4 & v6)

2013-05-19 Thread andy
Hi Stuart, Thanks for your great response, all makes perfect sense. I will start with OpenOSPFd and OpenBGPd and see how I get on. I was initially thinking of using BIRD for the previously mentioned reasons, but considering all the points discussed I will start testing, testing testing... Wish

softraid: adding volumes, CPU requirements, RAID5

2013-05-19 Thread Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
Hi, I'm building myself an openbsd-based fileserver, which will initially have three disks with softraid in RAID5 mode. I've three questions regarding softraid: 1) I intend on using a single-core 1.8Ghz Atom processor I have lying around. Would that limit my performance too much? I'll be using t