On Fri, 2011-05-06 at 16:20 +0100, Jason McIntyre wrote:
> On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 09:39:48AM -0500, Vijay Sankar wrote:
> > man 8 kerberos has the following URL
> >
> > http://www.nrl.navy.mil/CCS/people/kenh/kerberos-faq.html
> >
> > It should be http://www.cmf.nrl.navy.mil/CCS/people/kenh/kerb
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I found this on the net:
One final note on groups is that it is important to understand the
difference between the primary and secondary group.
A user can only be a member of one primary group. The primary group is
the group th
Thanks for the great write-up.
On 2011/05/07 16:54, Reyk Floeter wrote:
> It is not directly related to the way of
> accepting connections on a) and it doesn't really matter if it is via
> rdr-to, divert-to or a direct listener on a public IP address.
Ah, this makes s
Thanx a log for your replies :)
I was also using the wrong command for the EXISTING user katia:
pico@hive:~$ sudo useradd -G guest katia
useradd: already a `katia' user
pico@hive:~$ sudo usermod -G guest katia
pico@hive:~$ groupinfo guest
passwd *
gid 31
members root katia
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On Sat, 7 May 2011, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Yes this is expected behaviour. /etc/group lists secondary group
> memberships, /etc/passwd (and related files) list the primary groups.
> Most of the tools you're using to investigate group membership
> (groupinfo, getent etc) only list secondary g
I agree that the "transparent" keyword is not really documented.
The "transparent" keyword enables the use of the SO_BINDANY socket
option that was added a few releases ago. It is an option for relays
to use the IP address of the client as the source of the forwarded
connection instead of th
Yes this is expected behaviour. /etc/group lists secondary group
memberships, /etc/passwd (and related files) list the primary groups.
Most of the tools you're using to investigate group membership
(groupinfo, getent etc) only list secondary groups.
"id katia" is showing first the primary group (
my OS is OpenBSD 4.9 i386.
I created a user named 'katia' with adduser and when prompted for
login group I entered 'guest'.
So, katia seems to be in group 'guest' when running the following commands:
pico@hive:~$ id katia
uid=1002(katia) gid=31(guest
Derek Buttineau csolve.net> writes:
> I'm attempting to setup a reverse proxy using relayd using the
> transparent forward to configuration (non-transparent works fine)
> under OpenBSD 4.4.
Following up to an old mail...but since nobody has ever posted how
to get this working I imagine pretty
On Sat, May 07, 2011 at 10:52:09AM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> I just bought me the "new" M-Audio USB MobilePre (MK-II):
> uaudio0 at uhub2 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "M-Audio MobilePre" rev
> 1.10/10.00 addr 2
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 0 mixer controls
> audio0 at uaudio0
> Indeed
hello misc!
I need to realize vpn-connections between external Win-clients
and local Win-servers via openbsd-box.
ext_win - Internet - OpenBSD 4.8 - local net - win-server
main problem:
- after establish connections do not work Internet on ext_win_client
and work connections to local_net,
- if r
hello misc!
I need to realize vpn-connections between external Win-clients
and local Win-servers via openbsd-box.
ext_win - Internet - OpenBSD 4.8 - local net - win-server
main problem:
- after establish connections do not work Internet on ext_win_client
and work connections to local_net,
- if r
On Feb 25 14:51:13, Jan Stary wrote:
> > > I am currently using an M-Audio MobilePre (as kindly suggested
> > > by Alexander Ratchov some months ago). It works fine and the
> > > sound is very good.
> > >
> > > Now I consider upgrading to the new version of MobilePre
> > > http://www.m-audio.com/p
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