
my OS is OpenBSD 4.9 i386.

I created a user named 'katia' with adduser and when prompted for
login group I entered 'guest'.

So, katia seems to be in group 'guest' when running the following commands:
pico@hive:~$ id katia
uid=1002(katia) gid=31(guest) groups=31(guest)

pico@hive:~$ userinfo katia
login   katia
passwd  *
uid     1002
groups  guest
change  NEVER
gecos   Katia Papakonstantinopoulou
dir     /home/katia
shell   /usr/local/bin/bash
expire  NEVER

BUT when doing:
pico@hive:~$ groupinfo guest
name    guest
passwd  *
gid     31
members root

pico@hive:~$ getent group guest

user 'katia' is not listed there, only root.

I also do:
pico@hive:~$ sudo useradd -G guest katia
useradd: already a `katia' user

Is that expected behaviour? I am still a little unfamiliar with
OpenBSD so bare with me.
I should notice I created the user remotely.

Thank you for any anwers!

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