[Mesa-dev] Documentation and abbreviation

2019-12-26 Thread abergmeier
As a newbie to Mesa, I wonder what the stance on documentation is. The official developer documentation seems scarse and partially outdated. Also it does not seem to take advantage of GitLab Wiki. So as a newbie I feel pretty left alone. Is this a shared view? Is there any roadmap or plan for th

[Mesa-dev] Moving v3d_format to broadcom

2019-12-09 Thread abergmeier
Anyone objecting to moving struct v3d_format and native defines from Gallium to Broadcom? I think it would make sense to use it similarly in Vulkan.   Cheers Andreas ___ mesa-dev mailing list mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org https://lists.freedesktop.or

[Mesa-dev] V3D Vulkan DeviceWaitIdle

2019-11-12 Thread abergmeier
On the quest of implementing Vulkan (using V3D (DRM)), I am currently trying to implement things like `_DeviceWaitIdle`.   For devices the current plan is to have an active `v3d_job` together with a collection of available `v3d_job`s similar to Gallium. IIUC the device would then be the owner of

[Mesa-dev] VulkanCTS only supporting robustBufferAccess == true?

2019-11-08 Thread abergmeier
Testing my Vulkan driver agains Vulkan CTS, I am a bit suprised, that is seems like CTS does enforce robustBufferAccess (e.g. https://github.com/KhronosGroup/VK-GL-CTS/blob/master/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/api/vktApiFeatureInfo.cpp#L1045).   Am I mistaken or can someone explain what the l

[Mesa-dev] Implement memory information for RPi4 Vulkan

2019-10-26 Thread abergmeier
On my impossible quest  to try to implement a Vulkan driver for RPi4, I now need to implement memory information (mostly heap and types). As always I shadowed what anv is doing but have no access to RPi documentation. What is the best approach to get necessary information for question like: 1. Ne

[Mesa-dev] Copying common u_format from gallium/auxiliary to broadcom/util

2019-10-03 Thread abergmeier
Currently broadcom/compiler does not link on its own. It references undefined symbols to: - `util_format_description` - `util_format_is_unorm` - `util_format_is_float` For gallium/v3d, these get provided by gallium/auxiliary. Seems to be an odd dependency to me. I would now like to copy at lea

[Mesa-dev] Declaration of _CmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT

2019-10-03 Thread abergmeier
    Sorry for being a bit thick but it seems like I cannot find where *_CmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT functions are getting declared. I would assume, that it is somewhere in a XML to header stage, but could not yet figure out, which header. Probably using some macro magic, that makes the code non

[Mesa-dev] v3d: Difference between TransformFeedback Gallium <-> Vulkan

2019-08-26 Thread abergmeier
For a few weeks now I am working on implementing Vulkan for VideoCore 6 AKA 42 (using V3D/DRM). Don't hold you breath ;) Currently I am trying to understand what is necessary or how to interact with V3D. So I am looking at TransformFeedback because it interacts with quite a few other parts of the