location and other details.
Those interested in the application of passive acoustics in abundance
estimation may also attend a SIO symposium the following day
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into
ticipants can use our computers or bring their
own laptops.
Additional details regarding the workshop can be found at our website
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Re
s and expressions of interest.
Please visit the workshop website to learn more details as well as send
an expression of interest:
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecolo
the form to the St.
Andrews storefront to pay your registration fee, c) complete a
supplemental information sheet so we know your interests, and optionally
d) follow a link to the hotel if you wish to register for guest rooms
while attending the workshop.
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for
turn to the "Florida overview" web page and near the
bottom of that page you will find a link to the hotel hosting the
workshop where you can make room reservations.
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Model
r bring their own PC laptops.
Further details, including registration forms and tariff, are available
at http://www.ruwpa.st-and.ac.uk/distance.workshops/.
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St.
use our computers or bring their own laptop computers.
For further information, please consult our website
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modell
The Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
(CREEM) is hosting two linked workshops 19-27 August 2008 in our
purpose-built facilities at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
The aim of these workshops is to train participants in the latest
methods for design and ana
AIL PROTECTED]>) or Rhona Rodger
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
own laptop computers.
Additional details regarding the workshop can be found at our website
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental
ng at UCSD as
well as other negotiated rates) along with information on the location
and other details.
Those interested in the application of passive acoustics in abundance
estimation may also attend a SIO symposium the following day
Eric Re
The Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
(CREEM) is hosting an intermediate-level workshop in the summer of 2017
in our purpose-built facilities at the University of St Andrews,
Scotland. The workshops are taught by leading researchers in the field,
using industry-s
and registration instructions can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334
Throughout the workshop, there will be time for instructors to work with
participants on their specific analysis problems.
Further details and registration instructions can be found at
Eric Rexstad
around the world.
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No
in August 2020.
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotlan
will be held in August 2020.
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotlan
in August 2020. Information regarding all
distance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrew
stance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
The U
Feel free to contact me with questions.
Information regarding all distance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Senior Research Fellow, CREEM, Univ. of St Andrews, Charity SC013532
The Observatory, Buchanan
survey design, field protocol for data gathering and analysis of
distance sampling data.
For full details, and to register, please go to
*Instructor*: Eric Rexstad
The 21 Sept-02 Oct offering of the workshop is being delivere
nformation regarding all distance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland SC013532
Feel free to contact me with questions. Please share this notice with
interested colleagues.
Information regarding all distance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Ecological and
re this notice with
interested colleagues.
Information regarding all distance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
St Andrews is a charity
Enquiries and applications should be sent to me. Closing date for the
widening participation applications for the introductory distance
sampling workshop is *25 June 2021*.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
St Andrews is a
e sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland SC013532
MARMAM mailing list
applications should be sent to me. Closing date for the widening
participation applications for the introductory distance sampling workshop is
05 November 2021.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
ree online course
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
MARMAM mailing list
Any questions, please send them to me.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
will open the week of 22 May 2023. After you
register, I will contact you with additional details regarding workshop
electronic materials, etc.
Feel free to contact me with questions. Please share this announcement with
interested colleagues.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological
sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
MARMAM mailing list
mputer sessions take place in our modern computer classroom (attached
to the seminar room); participants can use our computers or bring their
own laptops.
Additional details regarding the workshop can be found at our website
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
The University of St Andrews is a char
mputer sessions take place in our modern computer classroom (attached
to the seminar room); participants can use our computers or bring their
own laptops.
Additional details regarding the workshop can be found at our website
mputer sessions take place in our modern computer classroom (attached
to the seminar room); participants can use our computers or bring their
own laptops.
Additional details regarding the workshop can be found at our website
dditional details regarding the workshop can be found at our website
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
The University of St Andrews is a c
Additional details regarding the workshop contents and registration
details can be found at our website
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecologic
and registration instructions at the link below.
I am happy to answer questions you might have about the workshop.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
interested colleagues.
Information regarding all distance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
MARMAM mailing list
workshop content, feel free to contact me by email. I look forward to engaging
with you about the workshop.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
. Registration will open the week of 22 January 2024. After you
register, I will contact you with additional details regarding workshop
electronic materials, etc.
Feel free to contact me with questions. Please share this announcement with
interested colleagues.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research
registration information at
Any questions, please send me an email.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
erested colleagues.
Information regarding all distance sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
, please send questions to me, but hurry.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
MARMAM mailing list
If you have any questions about the workshop, feel free to send those questions
to me.
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
MARMAM mailin
e sampling workshops can be found at
Eric Rexstad
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
Registered Charity in Scotland SC013532
gistration, I will contact you with additional
details regarding workshop electronic materials, etc.
Feel free to contact me with questions. Please share this announcement with
interested colleagues.
Information regarding all distance sampling workshops can be found at
49 matches
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