On 19/06/2022 11:36, Dave Crocker via mailop wrote:
On 6/18/2022 3:40 PM, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
As for forwarding, SPF is only a problem if you dont follow standards
and re-write
You don't indicate what kind of rewriting you mean. It probably
doesn't matter, since y
really think I'd be using
it privately, let alone commercially (a couple top 5 national "end user"
ISPs & one with web hosting) for all this time, no, I'm not a
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
perhaps not it seems.
Even if the law of the land does not require it, it is the right thing
to do in being a good netizen.
On 17/06/2022 15:24, Mark Foster wrote:
On 17/06/2022 3:46 pm, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
On 17/06/2022 05:55, Brandon Long via mailop wrote:
You should get a welcome
Act in this country and as google has Australian offices the ACMA
has jurisdiction to prosecute them.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under
least one RBL
Before asking them for removal I suggest you find the offenders and kick
em off
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
you certain it is doing it in pop transaction or just guessing?
Pasting a short snippet of your evidence might help someone take notice.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subje
ot; ) you are not using our mail
service we can not help you
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not dissemina
thought to keep any remote
blocks away from their core, microsoft, not so much thought.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You
ame country as AT&T and
seeing it.
Strangely though, 99% of linodes crap is via IPv6, but Microsoft's
ranges are IPv4.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
On 12/03/2022 11:20, Luis E. Muñoz via mailop wrote:
On 11 Mar 2022, at 19:09, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
Firslty yes, seen too many issues with SORBS, we removed them about 3
weeks ago, the problems have been ongoing for months.
Just wrapping up a trial with them for a traffic sample
mailop mailing list
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
amily, and a few
friends, for decades with next to no issues, also means if I changed
employers I don't have to have downtime moving it all the time, I'm
always sus of those who change IP's all the time, appears they have been
up to no good.
Noel Butler
This Email, in
Yes, but why would I block you specifically, are you spamming in your
spare time tst tst :)
On 17/01/2022 13:08, Mary via mailop wrote:
You are still getting my mail via mailop, so all is fine :)
On Mon, 17 Jan 2022 12:52:12 +1000 Noel Butler via mailop
You dont send to us then
mailop mailing list
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may n
rtant domain-- the one
for the station-- had a perfectly cromulent record, oddly enough.
dkim=fail reason="key not found in DNS
You might want to work on that one too ;)
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at
submitted header so their junk doesnt get all those
vacation replies, so you probably got years before they do anything.
Both of those slack arse companies have been blocked for 30 days here on
and off a few times, no doubt they will be again because yep, their care
factor = zero.
Happy New Year!
now for bad news, i'm back :)
On 30/12/2021 13:05, Mark Foster via mailop wrote:
On 29/12/2021 11:48 pm, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
Mark, you do realise, that information *is already there* in the
header, well, for network operators it is, as its encrypted but
gnore them.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
this message without the authors express written autho
ctly what they need to do now to find out
who it is, the ISP sure as hell is not going to tell the alleged victim
their alleged perpetrators name and address or phone number or anything,
I'm sure even the country with the worse privacy laws wont allow that.
Noel Butler
This Ema
dius, or some other database.
get over it.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
this message
mailop mailing list
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law
all outgoing emails that are using IPv6 addresses,
are being rejected by anyone using zen.spamhaus.org
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under
might last a tiny bit longer)
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
this message without the autho
here in
enterprise and why some of the ISP's do it, as for ISP, its also an
agreed method for Federal Court ordered site blockings for copyright
infringing (iinet v movie-industry )
... I think someone wasa right, this is really a dnsops list thread :)
Noel Butler
This Email, i
me to cloudfare, Q9 et al,
and some even redirect all., and no, those ISP's are not just in china
either, they are in some major western societies.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confid
mailop mailing list
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
Seems they have an issue or 2 with dnssec
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminat
;; WHEN: Sun Nov 14 20:19:28 AEST 2021
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 131
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under inte
;; WHEN: Sun Nov 14 10:35:58 AEST 2021
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 95
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
of that with LE. They probably also sleep better at night
knowing this :)
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may
es "brand
name" things that cost 10's to 100's of thousands, maybe if you get to
size of Microsoft or google you might, but for most of us here, nah, our
2 LB's cost about 4K each, but that was a while back :)
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments,
ighly recommended:
Just be careful of this one now, it no longer defaults to LE, it uses
zerossl, because its rights are now owned by them.
You can re-enable LE as default though by
acme.sh --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt
Noel B
g SMTP connections just
that he could see a gray padlock in his GMail client instead of red!
that my VPS provider seems to have direct peering with Google, I doubt
improves real security in any way.
Thanks for reading so much,
Noel Butler
This Email, including
On 06/08/2021 01:38, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
problem from
Google from time to time; especially when I post a lot to mailing lists
this one, my mails start suddenly going to spam at Gmail).
I'm starting to like google again buwahahaha
Noel Butler
On 06/08/2021 00:08, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
5. August 2021 14:52, "Noel Butler via mailop"
pt NEWSFLASH the blocking is to the advantage of end users
(sorry for inital empty response, mail program malfunction)
If you block only spammers you'
On 05/08/2021 19:07, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
Dnia 5.08.2021 o godz. 11:18:55 Noel Butler via mailop pisze:
This only happens because as demonstrated here many are too scared
to block the bigger mail senders/providers - and since these gutless
so and so's publicly admit it, th
s blocking them, but if we all did, they'd sure as hell notice that.
Digital Ocean went public based on how many customers they
Ahhh another mob who have a fair chunck of their IP space blacklisted
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
ce someone like Google to make a work-around for some
other much smaller provider who is choosing to be non-standard. After
all, the BOFH is making
wow fancy google talking about non standard as a bad thing, thanks, you
made my night!
Noel Butler
This Email, including attach
, again, no they are not, and
yes, we have, multiple times.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
On 11/06/2021 16:51, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
Am 11.06.21 um 06:14 schrieb Noel Butler via mailop:
MS sending out mail with no rdns?
Jun 10 09:20:20 cust-mta01 postfix/smtpd[8137]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT
from unknown[]: 554 5.7.1 Client host
rejected: cannot find your
. not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Michael, any chance you can get this sorted?
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not
Those who live in terribly fragile glass houses, shouldn't ever cast
Test #133683 - digilicious.com
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remain
On 29/04/2021 20:05, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
Dnia 29.04.2021 o godz. 13:04:55 Noel Butler via mailop pisze:
nobody, but nobody, is too big to block to protect my users.
And what if your users because of being unable to communicate with
users (which is roughly equal to
On 28/04/2021 17:05, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
Dnia 28.04.2021 o godz. 10:19:17 Noel Butler via mailop pisze:
What's so hard about 1 ?
What do we do with any S.P. that emits tonnes of crap, we block
them, often outright, nothing hard about that.
It shouldn't matter how big
in et al
Lastly for 3, that makes 1 even more justifiable.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
this mes
cipient_restrictions =
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and s
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
this message without the authors express written authority to
" given that 80% of email inboxes around the world are validating
I think that figure is a tad optimistic, probably more like 8% and even
might be a bit generous
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
rouble, folks. Now I have to go see who needs flogging.
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminat
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate
this message without the authors express written autho
On 17/10/2020 04:12, Bill Cole via mailop wrote:
> On Bill Cole via mailop wrote:
> Apparently enough people like https://dmarcian.com to keep them in business.
I'll second dmarcian, used them for a while
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may c
> about what they're doing with the data likely have a lot more instrumentation
> and the ability to track users than the telcos do.
In fact, if "free uncounted traffic usage" to select sites/networks
(mirrors, MS, netflix) was not thing, netflow wouldn't b
are the ISP, NAT doesnt matter - unless your one of the
unlucky souls forced to run CGNAT that is
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected unde
On 07/07/2020 15:11, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Jul 2020, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
> On 07/07/2020 01:01, Johann Klasek via mailop wrote:
> I have been told that DoH is set into place to solve the privacy
> problem. On a small DNS workgro
en if Matthew Prince came here and said they were not
logging, I still would be VERY skeptical and not take him at face value.
I don't trust organisations that want to try centralise the Internet.
But don't worry, I don't trust google facebook IBM or Cisco either.
Kind Regards,
any DNS query could.
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under international law. You may not disseminate any part of
this message without the aut
> mailop mailing list
> mailop@mailop.org
> https://chilli.nosignal.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mailop
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to co
> Thanks,
> Mark
> MailmanLists
> ___
> mailop mailing list
> mailop@mailop.org
> https://chilli.nosignal.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mailop
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including a
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under international law. You may not disseminate, discuss, or
reveal, any part, to anyone, without
On 24/10/2019 07:20, Brielle via mailop wrote:
> On 10/23/2019 3:05 PM, Noel Butler via mailop wrote: Reality is, your mere
> suggestion of regulation / courts to make providers accept your e-mail makes
> you a liability to my services. That will never happen, precedent already
> s
BL (SORBS from memory??) blocked his trash, the courts
ruled they can block whoever they like, now might just be aussie, but if
your in the commonwealth at least that does hold weight, not sure about
in US but I dare say a defendant can use such a precedence to sway even
a US court.
Kind Rega
ly 00's.
MS couldnt figure it out then, why should we think they can now :)
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under intern
On 27/08/2019 20:37, Rob McEwen via mailop wrote:
> On 8/27/2019 3:22 AM, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
>> oh btw rob, your message was found in Junk because
>> kinda funny how spamassassin already knows where to put your mail haha
to put your mail haha
On 27/08/2019 08:01, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
> On 26/08/2019 13:45, Rob McEwen via mailop wrote:
> On 8/25/2019 11:33 PM, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
> borders on spam
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any atta
On 26/08/2019 13:45, Rob McEwen via mailop wrote:
> On 8/25/2019 11:33 PM, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
>> borders on spam
> This is something that MailOp users will WANT to be in the know about.
>> apart from that, nothing to see anyway so dont bo
> ___
> mailop mailing list
> mailop@mailop.org
> https://chilli.nosignal.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mailop
borders on spam
apart from that, nothing to see anyway so dont bother
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachme
On 19/05/2019 03:47, Steve Dodd wrote:
> On Sat, 18 May 2019 at 01:00, Noel Butler via mailop
> wrote:
>> I am using HE tunnels and can access them
>> the demos I provided yesterday were all from HE tunnels
>> nothing to see here, time to move
lop mailing list
> mailop@mailop.org
> https://chilli.nosignal.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mailop
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
>> leunet.ch [1] does not have a DKIM entriy (cause disproved by Amazon's own
>> customer showing that he can perfectly send emails to recipients in
>> other domains which also do not have a DKIM entry)
>> Mit freundlichen Grüssen
>> -Benoît
s well.
> And, of course, no one has to accept mail from anyone else.
> Brandon
> FROM: Noel Butler via mailop
> DATE: Wed, May 15, 2019 at 1:34 PM
> TO:
> nobody is too big to be blocked, despite the thinkings of such beasts
> On 16/05/2019
e to
> relevant recipients privately
> --
> keep raising the bar
> ___
> mailop mailing list
> mailop@mailop.org
> https://chilli.nosignal.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mailop
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
ew statement has been
> generated. No different to sending those emails via Mailgun, SendGrid,
> Postmark, etc.
> Cheers, Angelo
> On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 5:21 PM Noel Butler via mailop
> wrote:
> On 07/05/2019 15:22, Scot Berggren via mailop wrote:
e Manager | Alterian US | +1 720
> 320-5365 | www.alterian.com [1]
What Australian bank uses an offfshore emailing service to send
Fraught with danger, no wonder you have deliverability issues
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attach
On 30/04/2019 17:08, Thomas Walter via mailop wrote:
> On 30.04.19 04:45, Noel Butler via mailop wrote: On 30/04/2019 05:35, Andreas
> Klein via mailop wrote: so the SPF
> check will fail if the FROM of the original message is retained and an
> SPF record exists for that domain.
t through SPF tests (much to the annoyance of some
LOL), and I use hardfail -all.
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under international
eir attempt to dictate to the world how they want things done .. didnt
that fail before... you know... Microsoft...
pffft if people choose to use a freemail service tehy have to accept
*all* risks along with it.
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachm
t, a rather quick fix I'll let them know now before I take
my week off
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under international la
h your fingers in your ears screaming "I'm
> ignoring you!" at John. It's churlish, and trust me, John doesn't care, nor
> does anyone else here care.
> Regards,
> Al Iverson
> On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 10:18 AM Noel Butler wrote:
Not from where I'm sitting, nor from others, going by some offlist
messages I've had about him.
On 01/01/2019 00:04, Al Iverson wrote:
> If you're blocking Levine, you're doing it wrong.
> On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 1:06 AM Noel Butler wrote:
> On 31/12
On 31/12/2018 14:33, Bill Cole wrote:
> On 30 Dec 2018, at 20:18, Noel Butler wrote:
>> I dont see levines posts, they hit a
>> blacklist and a troll URIlist and get discarded so missed whatever its
>> about
> Why ask us to help with something you can fi
t here to a non-existent address,
> Dec 25 16:25:37 ... 553 5.3.0 ... No such user here
Whats the problem with goodguys? I dont see levines posts, they hit a
blacklist and a troll URIlist and get discarded so missed whatever its
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email
On 30/11/2018 03:34, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
> Il 29 novembre 2018 alle 17.55 "Anne P. Mitchell, Esq."
> ha scritto:
> On Nov 29, 2018, at 4:33 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
> you're of course speaking from U.S.A. law point, NEWSFLASH: the U.S.A is not
On 30/11/2018 02:55, Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2018, at 4:33 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
> On 29/11/2018 03:36, Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. wrote:
> This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally privileged
> information, therefore remains confident
is calling me a nitwit, didn't see that
post, so Anne could you please fix your mail client so if it includes
quotes, it states who the turd is that posts it.
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under international law. You may not disseminat
On 28/11/2018 17:53, Thomas Walter wrote:
> Hey Noel,
> On 28.11.18 04:22, Noel Butler wrote:
>> This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally privileged
>> information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
>> protected under
Yes, I do find that funny...
> And just because you don't want a reply to, and don't feel a need to
> 'thread', still no reason not to generate a reasonable 'Message-ID' header..
< removed 13 line signature >
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
I've heard when they have high volumes of mail, it can take them a
couple of days to get to you.
Though my information is about 10 years old, I dare say it's only got
worse with the increase in spam so you might end up waiting a bit longer
now days.
Michelle might chime in on wait times i
On 30/10/2018 09:29, Noel Butler wrote:
> On 30/10/2018 03:18, Bill Cole wrote:
> On 29 Oct 2018, at 12:41, Jim Popovitch via mailop wrote:
> N.B. please don't CC me, I'm subscribed to the list.
> I normally wouldn't, but your posts all have this header
gt; Perhaps that's being added by Mailman for some reason...
Nope, Jim is forcing that, not mailman, I just use reply to all which
roundcube sees it as reply to list, and only replies to list (in all but
some unusual cases)
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Ema
l to sort out last week, after giving up on
certbot and trying Crypt::LE (since I know perl) it did what we needed
easily right away, it took all of 5 mins to write the automation
processes and test them.
I just wish LE had better docs.. oh well... one day maybe...
Kind Regards,
pt::LE and voila instant success, it was painless to use even for
(tested at least) renews, although it requires a working webserver so
come time to replace my comodo's on my MX's, will give me another
challenge :)
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any att
> are 'too big', stop caring because they know they are safe because they are
> 'too big'...)
I took out google for 2 weeks a while back, and they are bordering on
being blocked again right now as it so happens
nobody and i mean nobody is too b
ago as well, so I guess I missed their
shutting down messages (not that our smtp's use them but still)
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyr
s anyone have a contact, or know the status of this blacklist?
Good to know its not just me, they either discreetly shutdown, or have
been hijacked
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains c
t nothing ever is
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under international law. You may not disseminate, discuss, or
reveal, any part, t
On 15/12/2017 14:28, John Levine wrote:
> In article <6582089ce2ad3fb3fd074ada73672...@ausics.net>,
> Noel Butler wrote:
>> Agreed, if I publish a -all (which I do and have done for a very very
>> long time), I expect receivers doing SPF processing of my domains
On 15/12/2017 10:29, st...@greengecko.co.nz wrote:
> December 15, 2017 1:12 PM, "Noel Butler" wrote:
> On 15/12/2017 09:27, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:
> On 12/14/2017 03:28 PM, Brandon Long via mailop wrote: My point is that -all
> is policy, and most people i
lists get it right, something I
can *NOT* say about DKIM, which has given us grief, so much so, we
stopped using it.
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to
No problems
On 05/10/2017 23:00, Sven Krohlas wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks everyone, I was introduced to a Telstra contact
> off list.
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally
information, there
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