On 28 Nov 2020, at 4:24, Raza Rizvi wrote:
Leo, you can maybe use the Redirect command under the Message menu
(and it has a button).
I use it with the Command/MailMate/Change Subject to pass mails from
customers direct to me into the support system we run with the proper
ticket reference
On 29 Nov 2020, at 6:26, Bill Cole wrote:
Have you tried just using the "Message->Edit as New Message" command?
That does create a new message with the same plaintext content as the
current message.
Yes, I have tried that, and as you say, it only creates a _plain text_
duplicate - even if I
Hi Benny,
Feature request: Is it possible to have a preference when forwarding a
(HTML) message to decide whether the old message is quoted or not,
As detailed in the mailing list thread “_How to forward without
quoting?_” from last year it is in the current version generally not
Hi there
Sometimes I want to send a few messages as EML attachments to another
email address. I can easily send _one_ message via
`Message —> Forward as Attachment`
This creates a draft with the EML attached. However I have no idea how
to easily attach a _second_ message as EML to that first
That’s a cool workaround - at least when you know _beforehand_ all the
messages you want to attach to one email. Didn’t think of this.
On 10 Mar 2021, at 9:21, Charlie Garrison wrote:
On 9 Mar 2021, at 18:10, leo wrote:
Sometimes I want to send a few messages as EML attachments to
On 15 Mar 2021, at 3:52, Jolin Warren wrote:
Even if you don’t know beforehand, you can start composing an email
and then drag a message in from the mailbox message list. MailMate
will attach the email as an .eml file.
Of course! Thanks.
Hi there
How can I duplicate a message in a Mail account. So not _move_ it to
another folder in that account but duplicate it into another folder. (I
want to do this, so that I then can strip this copy off its
I had a look for appropriate commands, but “Duplicate Mailbox”
mailmate mailing list
On 5 May 2021, at 11:23, Glenn Parker wrote:
On 4 May 2021, at 21:14, leo wrote:
How do I delete attachments of a message?
Select Message, Right-Click Menu -> Remove Attachments.
Yes, I thought that too, but I cannot find the menu entry! Here a
screenshot of the menu for a message w
Since I use a new version of MailMate (build 5804) the Message view has
different External image warning banners:

What does the distinction into “strictly blocked” means? And how can I s
In the _Three Panes_ layout how can I focus on the Message List _via keyboard_?
I know _with the mouse_ it is easy: Just click a message entry in the list. But
how can I do it with the keyboard?___
mailmate mailing list
Hi there
MailMate support the `message://` protocol to open a
message from the outside of MailMate.
But how do I get the full URL like
to a given message?
Many thanks for any
On 8 Jul 2021, at 23:10, Guillaume Barrette wrote:
You mean the URL to the message we get by using the "Edit > Copy
as Link" menu item or CMD+ALT+SHIFT+C shortcut?
Exactly what I need. Super thanks! I looked in the “Message” Menu
and in the context menu and couldn’t find it.
On 8 Jul 2021, at 23:13, Edward Thome wrote:
You mean the URL to the message we get by using the "Edit >
Copy as Link" menu item or CMD+ALT+SHIFT+C
Thanks! The key-sequence *does* work for me. Using the command from
the menubar does not.
Strange, for me both w
On 9 Jul 2021, at 0:43, Bill Cole wrote:
Thanks for the interesting internals, Bill. 😄
Yes. An important element of this feature is that MM must already have
a copy of the message in its local cache.
Well, I guess should be the case when I copy the link after _selecting_
the message...
Hi there
I am looking for a bundle/command which saves a message to a predefined folder
without all the folder hierarchy the “Export - Copy to Folder” command creates.
Ideally I would like to have two commands with different preset Save locations…
Many thanks for any help,
Hi again
Also I would like a quick way to save attachments to a fixed/preset alternative
location. Would I need a bundle/command for this?
Many thanks for any help,
mailmate mailing list
On 25 Jul 2021, at 17:14, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
What does the distinction into “strictly blocked” means? And how
can I say which emails should by default be shown _with_ images (and
_without_ warning)?
In many cases, you might want to allow images to be fetched while
still trying to avoi
Hi there
I have noticed (through trial and error) that Markdown tables seem to
need at least three dashes per column in the “line” under the
header, e.g.
| aaa | bbb |
| hallo | duda |
| hallo | duda |
works, while
| aaa | bbb |
| -- | -- |
| hallo | duda |
Interesting! I use Version 1.13.1 (5676) and it definitely doesn’t
On 30 Aug 2021, at 17:01, Thomas Grundberg wrote:
Strange, works for me: [screen
Mailmate 1.14 (5820), macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave).
Thanks for the info. It would be great if we knew more about this
Markdown engine…
On 30 Aug 2021, at 22:14, Eric Sharakan wrote:
It apparently depends on the version of MailMate you're running.
Benny changed the Markdown engine it uses fairly recently. It also
works for me running r5820.
happened in Revision 5742,
released Thursday, November 26, 2020.
On 30 Aug 2021, at 8:24, leo wrote:
Thanks for the info. It would be great if we knew more about this
Markdown engine…
On 30 Aug 2021, at 22:14, Eric Sharakan wrote:
It apparently depends on the version of MailMate
The Markdown table issue (see thread “_Markdown tables and the
Markdown engine in general_”) made me aware that it is a good idea to
keep MailMate up-to-date.
What’s the best way to do this? The only way to get to the current
not-beta version I can see is to manually option-click the _Check No
, but how do get notified of a new beta version?
Many thanks,
mailmate mailing list
Thanks for all the suggestions!
For now I might just check manually now and then… 😵
Happy mailing,
On 8 Sep 2021, at 17:48, Charlie Clark wrote:
On 7 Sep 2021, at 16:26, Nicolas Mitchell wrote:
Looks like the release notes are
I made a mistake: I wrote a lengthily draft, then closed it, because I
wanted to come back to it later to send it. However, when I was asked
„*Do you want to save your changes?*“ I clicked „*Don’t
save*“, instead of „*Save*“.
I immediately realised my mistake, but of course it was to late… **_
* Also I would like to have a bundle to to save attachments to an
additional fixed/preset location.
One day…
Happy emailing,
On 2 Oct 2021, at 2:13, P wrote:
Hello everyone,
I've been exploring the world of MailMate bundles recently. They are a
great format for anything
Hi all, I would like to create a Smart Mailbox containing all emails I
have sent.
I have tried a condition like `“From -> Address“ contains

But with this the Smart Mailbox
iruses are windows viruses
My virus scanner says it cannot delete the viruses (which, I think, is
good, because if they get deleted from outside of MailMate MailMate
might get out of step…).
But how can I delete these EMLs. Or do I not need to bother?
Many thanks for any help,
On 26 Nov 2021, at 0:47, Charlie Clark wrote:
> On 25 Nov 2021, at 14:40, leo wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I have installed a virus scanner on my Mac and it reports viruses in a few
>> EMLs in MailMate’s Application Support folder:
>> […]
> I'
On 26 Nov 2021, at 4:06, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 25 Nov 2021, at 14:40, leo wrote:
But how can I delete these EMLs. Or do I not need to bother?
You can just delete them in MailMate if you like. MailMate won't
auto-launch anything attached to an email.
Ok, so I might
Hi all
MailMate offers me the field „Thread-Id`“ for mailing list thread related
filtering. This works well.
However I would like to convert some of my mailing list logic from the client
(MailMate) to the mail server (via a sieve script). But in the raw message of,
let’s say, the MailMate mail
I’ say it is the macOS “Correct spelling automatically” feature (in the
Keyboard Preference pane).
On Sat, 19 Feb 2022, at 8:52 AM, Randall Gellens wrote:
> Running MailMate 5869 on MacOS 12, the composer auto-typos, e.g.,
> changing “uid” to “did”. Is this a MailMate thing or a MacOS
> thing?
On 12 Feb 2022, at 11:33, leo wrote:
> MailMate offers me the field „Thread-Id`“ for mailing list thread related
> filtering. This works well.
> However I would like to convert some of my mailing list logic from the client
> (MailMate) to the mail server (via a sieve script).
surprise to me...
mailmate mailing list
Hello fellow MailMaters
How can I “forward” an email without quoting it? I.e. I want something like a
redirect, but with free email address choice.
Many thanks for any pointers!
mailmate mailing list
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On 31 Oct 2024, at 13:13, Philip Paeps wrote:
> On 2024-10-31 10:05:33 (+0800), leo wrote:
>> [...]
> You can freely pick the redirect-from address when redirecting.
When I do so i get the following error:
***Failed to send message***
*Unexpected return code 550 (expected 25
On 1 Nov 2024, at 2:38, Randall Gellens wrote:
> You can use "Message -> Edit as New Message".
This works! Thanks!
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Thanks Randall and Fredrik.
Your suggestions make total sense! Much appreciated!
Happy emailing
On 20 Sep 2024, at 23:59, Randall Gellens wrote:
On 20 Sep 2024, at 10:41, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:
leo 2024-09-20 19:34 wrote:
I have sometimes a little flood of invoice emails (HTML format
Hello fellow MailMaters
I have sometimes a little flood of invoice emails (HTML format) coming
in. At lot of them have _in their content_ the string “€0.00”.
How can mark these emails as read?
Many thanks,
mailmate mailing list
Hello MailMate mates
Is there any way to set math formulas in a LaTex-ish way?
I saw [GitHub - mailmate/texmath.mmbundle: TeX math converted to
MathML](https://github.com/mailmate/texmath.mmbundle), but I have no
idea whether that is still up-=to-date or even how to use it…
Many thanks for p
Thanks Benny for the answer. — So I will upgrade soon! :-)
On 7 Jan 2025, at 17:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 31 Dec 2024, at 4:12, leo wrote:
Great to hear that a “Version 2” is out! I’m happy with the
subscription model.
However I haven’t upgraded yet, because I am scared theat
x_2 + \alpha^2 +\frac{1}{3}
to get
x_2 + \alpha^2 +\frac{1}{3}
Or inline using two backticks: ``x_2 + \alpha^2 +\frac{1}{3}``.
On 6 Dec 2024, at 1:45, leo wrote:
Hello MailMate mates
Is there any way to set math formulas in a LaTex-ish way?
I saw [Gi
Hello Benny and others
Great to hear that a “Version 2” is out! I’m happy with the
subscription model.
However I haven’t upgraded yet, because I am scared theat *Bundles*
might be broken.
So my question is: *In the version 2 are Bundles suppose to work as
before?* I am relying on the foll
Thanks for the info, Stephen!
Will try it out.
Happy emailing,
On 19 Dec 2024, at 3:09, Stephen Chong wrote:
I'm running MM 6052, and the texmath bundle is working OK. After
installing it, in the settings window under the Composer tab, make
sure to check that the "Math langua
On 31 Jan 2025, at 7:51, Bill Cole wrote:
On 2025-01-30 at 02:10:17 UTC-0500 (Thu, 30 Jan 2025 18:10:17 +1100)
is rumored to have said:
On 30 Jan 2025, at 10:41, Shoshanna Green wrote:
(Whenever I'm updating an app, I generally compress my current
version of it first. Tha
Hi Benny
On 30 Jan 2025, at 19:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 29 Jan 2025, at 23:45, leo wrote:
In V2, is there a way to forward an (HTML) message without
No, I don't think there's any way to do that.
Thanks for the info.
You can try stating your use cas
On 30 Jan 2025, at 19:38, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 29 Jan 2025, at 23:40, leo wrote:
1. I tried to upgrade to MM 2.0 — and could not started up: It
always got stuck on the Import-autosaved-draft dialog:
I don't think this is a general issue (with importing autosaved
drafts). L
Hello Benny
1. I tried to upgrade to MM 2.0 — and could not started up: It always
got stuck on the Import-autosaved-draft dialog:

Killing MM or even restarting the machine di
HTML at all.
Many thanks for any pointers!
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On 30 Jan 2025, at 9:52, Rob Russell via mailmate wrote:
> Does "Redirect" work for you?
Often I get an error from my mail provider Fastmail.com when I redirect mail,
So that’s not a great option.
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On 30 Jan 2025, at 10:41, Shoshanna Green wrote:
On 29 Jan 2025, at 17:40, leo wrote:
2. BTW, after updating a MM version, how can I access the last
version which I just updated from?
Old versions of MailMate can be snagged at
(Whenever I
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