Thanks Jeff.

Good to know that Outlook does _again_ its own thing…

On 8 Jan 2025, at 6:24, Jeff Bullard via mailmate wrote:

The texmath bundle works for me too. The only disappointing thing about it is that people receiving email messages through Outlook or through web access of their Exchange account just get a nonsense string instead of a nicely rendered expression. People receiving the message through Apple Mail, Airmail, MailMate, and Spark can see it rendered properly, however, but it’s just a shame that it doesn’t render in Outlook since so many people use it. The same state of affairs applies to Mermaid graphs, too.

Clearly this is not the fault of MailMate, but given that state of affairs it is perhaps not a great idea to use the texmath or mermaid functionality unless you know for sure that the recipient will receive it rendered properly.


On 18 Dec 2024, at 17:09, Stephen Chong wrote:

I'm running MM 6052, and the texmath bundle is working OK. After installing it, in the settings window under the Composer tab, make sure to check that the "Math language" option is set correctly.

You can then write things like:
x_2 + \alpha^2 +\frac{1}{3}

to get

x_2 + \alpha^2 +\frac{1}{3}

Or inline using two backticks: ``x_2 + \alpha^2 +\frac{1}{3}``.


On 6 Dec 2024, at 1:45, leo wrote:

Hello MailMate mates

Is there any way to set math formulas in a LaTex-ish way?

I saw [GitHub - mailmate/texmath.mmbundle: TeX math converted to MathML](;!!KwNVnqRv!Fv4kfJQ7FeM7BeV-YeOr0NuKtVVZu8dSpcz1YB88PSoKRiGp9KDkc99FPCRPEsgM_2J5Udnn6gOLY1POrH08$ ), but I have no idea whether that is still up-=to-date or even how to use it…

Many thanks for pointers,
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