[MlMt] Sent Messages - Sub folders?

2024-01-08 Thread devynosborne
Hello, I am brand-new to MailMate (and loving it!). Please excuse this beginner question. I searched the archives, but couldn’t find an answer. I have two Gmail accounts set up so far. In one, under Sent Messages, what appear to be subfolders have appeared. I don’t know how or why these were

Re: [MlMt] Sent Messages - Sub folders?

2024-01-08 Thread devynosborne
Thanks! I didn’t know about that setting interface. That did the trick! On 8 Jan 2024, at 12:07, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote: > Hello, > > I am brand-new to MailMate (and loving it!). Please excuse this beginner > question. I searched the archives, but couldn’t find an answer. > > I have two Gm

[MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-10 Thread devynosborne
Hello! MaiMate newbie here again, this time with a question about the [hidden](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/hidden_preferences) [preference](https://freron.lighthouseapp.com/projects/58672/tickets/213) to store a sent message with the message to which it is a reply. I’m a little uncertain

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-11 Thread devynosborne
Hi Glenn, Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the help! I don’t tend to move messages, though I do live in threads. It sounds this will get me there. A few questions occurred to me since writing yesterday: 1. In recent years, I’ve relied heavily on Smart Folders in Apple Mail for organization

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne
Upon further searching and reading through the archives, I think my question is actually more related to how MM handles threads in general, especially from the point of view of someone coming to it from years of Gmail and Apple Mail. [This thread](https://www.mail-archive.com/mailmate@lists.fre

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne
Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense. I think, for me, that could work as long as I knew what I was looking for. Often, though, I’m revisiting an old conversation to see where we left off, who’s court the ball is in, or how much I need to pester someone. ;-) A lot of what I do is sta

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne
That’s a good point. I saw a lot of mention throughout the archives of the chronological issue, which I understand will be solved with the newer version of threading, still to be implemented. On 15 Jan 2024, at 12:46, Jo wrote: The conversation threads drive me crazy - first, I hate clicking

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne
On 15 Jan 2024, at 13:29, John Doherty wrote: > MailMate has *so many* great features that I hesitate to rank them. So I’m learning! I’ve been using it about a week, but every day I’ve found another good feature or trick. It really is much better than any other program (and I think I’ve tried

[MlMt] Gmail tag syncing

2024-02-02 Thread devynosborne
Hello all, Does MM sync tags/labels with Gmail after the first download? That doesn’t seem to be happening for me, though I could be missing something easy! For example, today I received an email which Gmail erroneously tagged/labelled as Important. MM downloaded it. I then went to Gmail in Saf

Re: [MlMt] Gmail tag syncing

2024-02-02 Thread devynosborne
Hm, I take that back. At some point today, the tag removal was properly synced. It just didn’t do it right away, even after a manual sync. Maybe it waited for some sort of mailbox refresh? On 2 Feb 2024, at 12:10, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote: > Hello all, > > Does MM sync tags/labels with Gm

[MlMt] Move default mailboxes into custom "folder"?

2024-02-19 Thread devynosborne
Hi All, I’ve figured how to create a “folder” for my custom smart mailboxes via [this message from the archive](https://www.mail-archive.com/mailmate@lists.freron.com/msg03660.html). (Folder is in quotes, as it’s really a mailbox with no settings.) I’d like to also place the default and incl