Hi All,
I’ve figured how to create a “folder” for my custom smart
mailboxes via [this message from the
(Folder is in quotes, as it’s really a mailbox with no settings.)
I’d like to also place the default and included mailboxes - Inbox,
Drafts, Sent Messages, Examples - as well as their own “folders”
into my own custom parent “folder”. I simply want to clean up the
sidebar to only show my own smart mailboxes along with one “folder”
of everything else. Like this:
—Smart Mailbox 01
—Smart Mailbox 02
—Smart Mailbox 03
—All other mailboxes
——All Messages
———Account 01
———Account 02
———Account 03
———Account 01
———Account 02
———Account 03
(or any combination of folder and hierarchy I might find useful in the
My question is: Is it okay to “move” the default mailboxes like
this? I assume it is, but just want to be sure!
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