[MlMt] GPG Encryption + Signing

2022-04-24 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I have some trouble using the GPG encryption support in MailMate. I'll try to explain: I created an encrypted email, sent it to me and tried to decrypt it on iOS using different mechanisms, iPGMail and CanaryMail - both worked fine. I tried the same with an encrypted and signed Email and bo

Re: [MlMt] GPG Encryption + Signing

2022-04-24 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
ure…” (on a > yellow background). > > Are these clues to what you are seeing? > > Respectfully, > > Henry Seiden > - - > Techworks Pro Co. > E: infotechworksprocom > W: http://techworkspro.com > > On 24 Apr 2022, at 16:27, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >> Hi, &

Re: [MlMt] GPG Encryption + Signing

2022-04-24 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Techworks Pro Co. > E: infotechworksprocom > W: http://techworkspro.com > > On 24 Apr 2022, at 17:08, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >> Hi Henry, >> >> in your case, the GPG-Support seems not to be installed on your mac. You >> need to install GPGSuite for GPG to work. >>

Re: [MlMt] GPG Encryption + Signing

2022-04-24 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Just an addition: when reading my last email in canaryMail for iOS (or Mac) it states "invalid signature". On 24 Apr 2022, at 23:17, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > Hi Henry, > > because the mail for this mailinglist was not encrypted, it was only signed. > So you can

Re: [MlMt] GPG Encryption + Signing

2022-04-24 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
.1), and your emails generate a > red banner at top that says: > > OpenPGP: No public key could be found for verifying the message signature > > I think that might be part of your problem. > > -Eric > > On 24 Apr 2022, at 17:21, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >> Just an a

[MlMt] SpamSieve Question

2022-06-28 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I recently started using spamsieve and the results start to get quite good. I just have a "problem" with emails, that are marked as Junk by the server and moved in the Junk folder. Those are not evaluated by spamsieve and hence not "trained". Is there a possibility to create a rule that ta

Re: [MlMt] SpamSieve Question

2022-06-29 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
uccess using > this approach, it was recommended to me by Michael. > > Respectfully, > > Henry Seiden > - - > Techworks Pro Co. > E: infotechworksprocom > W: http://techworkspro.com > > On 29 Jun 2022, at 2:41, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >> Hi, >> >&g

Re: [MlMt] Moving ISP/IMAP host / Archiving solutions

2022-09-04 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
That might be a bit off topic, but when it comes to Archiving, I use Mailmate together with DevonThink. Of course, DevonThink is way more than just an archiver (its a Document storage, where you can sort and search documents of all kinds, use it for storing / organizing and finding other stuff a

Re: [MlMt] DevonThink integration

2022-09-05 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I don't know of any bundle integration, I integrated it using the export function of MailMate in a rule that exports my archive. It stores everything older than a specific age in one directory, that is monitored by devonthink. That imports / indexes the eml-files and makes it searchable. P

Re: [MlMt] DevonThink integration

2022-09-05 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
noticeable effect on MailMate, it seems. On 5 Sep 2022, at 14:18, Alexandre Takacs wrote: > Hello > > On 5 Sep 2022, at 14:13, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >> I don't know of any bundle integration, I integrated it using the export >> function of MailMate in a

[MlMt] IMAP Problem for Account

2023-12-07 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, i am using the latest test-build for some days now, but I have a strange error message since today: ``` IMAP Problem for "XXX" account The so-called UIDVALIDITY value of the mailbox "Sent" has changed. MailMate has to resynchronize the mailbox, that is, purge the local cache and refetch the

Re: [MlMt] IMAP Problem for Account

2023-12-07 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
tering the missing password cleared > the issue up. > > HIH. YMMV, good luck! > Henry > - - > Please excuse the tttapping errors... > Sent from my iPhone > C/T (954) 253-4125 > Henry M. Seiden > Techworks Pro > > >> On Dec 7, 2023, at 10:12, Stephan Bösebeck

Re: [MlMt] IMAP Problem for Account

2023-12-07 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
UTC-0500 (Thu, 07 Dec 2023 17:36:07 +0100) > Stephan Bösebeck > is rumored to have said: > >> Then, after staring MailMate again, it was downloading everything and it was >> _then_ fine... >> >> Until I sent an email. I got the UIDVALIDITY-Message more or less direc

Re: [MlMt] IMAP Problem for Account

2023-12-07 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
doubt that it is just now coming out of nowhere... On 7 Dec 2023, at 21:03, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > Thanks a lot for the detailed answer. > > But after gotting completely rid of the account and re-adding it, the error > now is gone. My guess is that was something local with MailM

Re: [MlMt] IMAP Problem for Account

2023-12-07 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Ok, I am a bit further now... I re-added the account direct access to exchange IMAP/s. Now it works, so it might be related to DavMail. Although I am not sure, how... hope it is fixed now. On 7 Dec 2023, at 22:29, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > I was too early with my assumption. It is not work

[MlMt] Strange issue with exchange imap

2024-01-19 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, for work, I use an exchange with open imap/s ports. Unfortunately it stopped working and I can't find out why. Trying the imap account directly with `openssl` works fine, also when adding an imap account to Apple Mail for example, it also works. In MailMate I get these Logs in Activity vie

Re: [MlMt] Strange issue with exchange imap

2024-01-19 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
yeah. We still need to migrate to 365, currently it is Exchange2019 onsite. On 19 Jan 2024, at 9:09, Alexandre Takacs wrote: > Is this Onsite Exchange (I guess) or Microsoft 365 ? > > If the former which version ? > > On 19 Jan 2024, at 9:02, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >

Re: [MlMt] Strange issue with exchange imap

2024-01-19 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
No, not really. The latest one is CU13. On 19 Jan 2024, at 9:26, Alexandre Takacs wrote: > Did you install a CU as of late ? Seen some similar issues in the past (but > moved to 365 for the better or the worst). > > On 19 Jan 2024, at 9:13, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >> y

Re: [MlMt] Strange issue with exchange imap

2024-01-19 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
what is frustrating, I can connect without problems using `openssl -clrf -connect HOST:993`. login works, can list everything and read emails... but using MailMate does not work. really strange. On 19 Jan 2024, at 11:26, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > No, not really. The latest one is C

Re: [MlMt] Strange issue with exchange imap

2024-01-19 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
have to try with another mail program, need to set that up and try. Best On 19 Jan 2024, at 13:38, Alexandre Takacs wrote: > Running any firewall or AV on that machine ? > > Can you try with a different one (ie MM on anther Mac) ? > > Best regards > > On 19 Jan 2024, at 11:

Re: [MlMt] Strange issue with exchange imap

2024-01-22 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
I finally could test it with another mailprogram - and it shows the same issue! So it is not MailMate - sorry to bother you. But I am a bit confused on how to solve that. This is strange... Thanks, Stephan On 19 Jan 2024, at 17:20, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > The firewall is not block

[MlMt] Removing an IMAP account

2015-07-18 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I was trying to remove one of my accounts, and I did not find the setting. Nor did I find anything in the manual - is that feature missing, or did I overlook it? Cheers, Stephan ___ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com http://lists.fre

[MlMt] search for different Flags

2016-05-28 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I was wondering - is there a way to search for a certain type of flag? Like it is flagged yellow I want it to be seen in a different smart folder than when it is flagged red? I did not get that to work by the default search options i found... It's cool, that you can easily switch on a fl

[MlMt] Problem with Exchange imap

2019-10-08 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I love using Mailmate, and I also use it at work. Unfortunately there we only have an Exchange as Email system. Sind the last exchange update, everything worked awsomely. But now, the connection to the server just times out, more or less. It keeps "doodeling" for ages, not updating. The Act

[MlMt] Export / Import settings

2019-11-26 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I really love mailmate, I even managed to get it to connect to our exchange using DavMail... but as I use mailmate also on my private mac, I wonder if there is a way to have settings (not only keybindings, also smart folders etc) synchronized over to the other mac? Or ex- and import those s

[MlMt] Sending plain text email

2021-08-20 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, I am a bit confused, as I cannot send an email in plain text format. It seems that Mailmate always generates HTML, _even_ if I choose plaintext in composer. I do not have a signature with that account, I switch to "plainText" in composer. (the html-view stays open!) Any ideas? _

[MlMt] Feature Request: Defer sending by default

2021-08-26 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, Just an idea, that might be interesting for others. If by default the sending of emails could be defered by 5 minutes, you could cancel a sent email, especially if you hit sent accidentally. Would be great, if we had a setting for that as well. Or is that already possible and I am missin

[MlMt] Defer sending by default - solved

2021-08-26 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Thanks a lot for your help, the suggestion with the defaults write option suggested by Ed worked fine. And you are right, 5 minutes is probably too long. 45 Seconds is maybe the sweetspot there. I will try that. The suggestion from Robert did not work for my unfortunately. I already had the "

[MlMt] latest versions

2021-09-17 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
I am a long time user of Mailmate, love it... I always kept it up to day using the internal update functionality, and it worked fine. Now I saw some discussions about version r5820... I was stuck to r5673 (which is the official one) and when I download the BigSur optimized version I get r5818 -

Re: [MlMt] latest versions

2021-09-17 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
, at 14:08, Gavan Schneider via mailmate wrote: > On 17 Sep 2021, at 21:47, Stephan Bösebeck wrote: > >> am I doing something wrong? >> > No, just not enough right see below :) > >> It seems I am stuck with an older build. >> > No again. Secret squirrel ve

Re: [MlMt] latest versions

2021-09-17 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Thanks for the explanation. I never had any problems with the "old" version of r5673 with BigSur, worked like charm as always😉 Now the new version looks a lot more modern, love it! Thanks, Stephan On 17 Sep 2021, at 19:38, Sam Birch wrote: > On 17 Sep 2021, at 8:17, Stephan B

Re: [MlMt] Auto-typo

2022-02-18 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
I would guess, it's OSX. You can change the behaviour in Settings -> Keyboard -> Text. By default the checkbox for automatic correct is checked. hope that helps. On 18 Feb 2022, at 22:52, Randall Gellens wrote: > Running MailMate 5869 on MacOS 12, the composer auto-typos, e.g., changing > “ui

[MlMt] Feature Request: Deal with "hide my email"

2024-12-30 Thread Stephan Bösebeck
Hi, very seldom I use the "hide my Email" from MacOs, especially for kind of sketchy websites 😉 When using MailMate, replying would change to my default email or in that case the iCloud email. It would be great, if MailMate could detect those and use that reply address... Not sure if that it n