That might be a bit off topic, but when it comes to Archiving, I use Mailmate 
together with DevonThink. Of course, DevonThink is way more than just an 
archiver (its a Document storage, where you can sort and search documents of 
all kinds, use it for storing / organizing and finding other stuff as well).

Together with Mailmate it works like a charm: just add an export-rule, that 
saves the eml-files that are older than X to a specific folder, and delete the 
email permanently from the mail storage. When DevonThink is configured 
properly, it imports that email automatically and indexes it.

Works great for me.

On 5 Sep 2022, at 8:05, Bob Stern via mailmate wrote:

>> On 2 Sep 2022, at 20:41, Bill Cole wrote:
>> Another MacOS tool that I like a lot for client-side message store wrangling 
>> is (not free) Emailchemy:
> To elaborate on Bill's suggestion, Emailchemy can eliminate the need to 
> upload your old mail to your new email host while keeping the old mail 
> accessible to Mailmate for searches integrated between your old and new 
> accounts.
> Specifically, Emailchemy is both an email archiver and a local IMAP server.  
> After you archive mail to Emailchemy, you can turn on its IMAP server so that 
> it looks like another email account to Mailmate.
> You might also consider archiving your oldest email without uploading it to 
> an IMAP server.  You may be surprised that you don’t refer to that old email 
> as much as you thought you would!  MailArchiver X and EagleFiler would be my 
> top recommendations for archiving old mail into a searchable database.
> Bob

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