Hi all,
I'd like to be able to scroll the current message by lines, perhaps
comma scrolls a line up and period scrolls a line down.
I'm aware of `scrollPageDown:` and `scrollPageUp:`, do `scrollLineDown:`
and `scrollLineUp:` exist?
Fredrik already asked most things, I would like to share how I migrated
to MailMate. MailMate does not support storing emails locally. I
worked around it as follows:
I have set up a local IMAP server on my MacBook using MacPorts, I then
configured it a little bit so that I was able to log in
On 30 Jul 2014, at 3:37, Friedrich Stockhammer (.at) wrote:
Am 29.07.2014 um 22:17 schrieb Kai Großjohann
Fredrik already asked most things, I would like to share how I
migrated to MailMate. MailMate does not support storing emails
locally. I worked around it as follows: [...]
Trying a different image.

On 10 Aug 2014, at 22:10, Kai Großjohann wrote:
I noticed that Quick Look for PDF attachments doesn't seem to be
right. Normally, I get a view of the PDF that's pretty n
I don't know why, but I feel the strong urge to focus the "list of
messages" pane when I want to move between messages using j/k and n/p.
And with Tab and Shift-Tab it gets a bit old, as I never know how often
I have to hit them. Usually I overshoot.
WIBNI there was a key that always focused
2, John Cooper wrote:
In my custom keybindings file, I set the 'v' and 'b' keys to do this:
"v" = ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mailboxesOutline" );
"b" = ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline" );
On 5 Sep
I think what he means is that it's better not to use the full window
width for regular text shown in paragraphs: long lines are hard to
And I agree: Having a wider window is good for embedded images and
tables and the like, but the regular paragraphs could easily be limited
to a line
On 18 Sep 2014, at 17:54, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 18 Sep 2014, at 14:42, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
My company wants corporate email replied to in Outlook fashion :-(.
That is simply depressing. I cannot imagine the reasoning behind such
a strange requirement. I might be alone on this, but
On 19 Sep 2014, at 11:21, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 18 Sep 2014, at 21:48, Kai Großjohann wrote:
Actually, I find that the Outlook threading is better than I had
feared. It actually works pretty well for a "linear" thread like
this one (the one I'm responding to):
I thi
On 20 Oct 2014, at 15:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
The technical part: The error means that the server tells MailMate
that the number of messages is smaller than it was reported earlier
on. This should never happen according to the protocol since any
decrease of messages must be reported with
On 20 Oct 2014, at 22:35, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> All of this is very low level
I think it's cool that MailMate can be configured at such a low level.
mailmate mailing list
On 20 Oct 2014, at 22:18, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 20 Oct 2014, at 21:31, Kai Großjohann wrote:
Sorry if I'm slow. What happens if two clients connect as the same
user to the same server, one of the clients deletes messages and
expunges them, then the other client does `EXISTS`?
FWIW, 5015 crashed for me on startup. It attempted to download 5017 but
crashed before it got anything done. So I found 5017 and downloaded it
manually, and now I'm a happy camper.
Good job, Benny!
On 18 Nov 2014, at 10:26, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 18 Nov 2014, at 8:56, Max Ander
when I use n/p or j/k or cursor up/down to navigate through the list of
mails, then I notice it takes quite a bit of time, as MailMate tries to
render each message before moving to the next. I feel this could be
optimized by deferring the rendering or skipping it if there is already
it's a little fascinating that the keybindings are extremely well
documented, so that I didn't have any real issue. I stumbled across
something really simple:
I created my own keybindings and named them "Kai". In there, I changed
the meaning of one of the Gmail keys.
So do I have to
On 23 Nov 2014, at 21:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 22 Nov 2014, at 22:00, Kai Großjohann wrote:
when I use n/p or j/k or cursor up/down to navigate through the list
of mails, then I notice it takes quite a bit of time, as MailMate
tries to render each message before moving to the next
On 23 Nov 2014, at 22:00, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 22 Nov 2014, at 22:03, Kai Großjohann wrote:
I created my own keybindings and named them "Kai". In there, I
changed the meaning of one of the Gmail keys.
So do I have to write "Gmail,Kai", or do I have to write
On 26 Nov 2014, at 18:54, Peter Losher wrote:
I will add that I tried this 64-bit build on both my 2011 MBP and 2012
MBA (both running Yosemite); it loaded up the initial screen and...
then beachballed... Flipped back to the 32-bit build, and all is happy
I had that with a previous
On 26 Nov 2014, at 21:35, Mark Derricutt wrote:
On 27 Nov 2014, at 9:21, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
And this was with the most recent revision (r5021)?
Interesting - "MailMate 4587 is the latest version available—you
have 4587." is what I see when I try updating - even when holding down
I once implemented "send later" for Gnus. Maybe that could be a thing?
It's pretty easy to do: "Send later" stashes the draft in a special
folder, adding a special header. At some convenient time (use a trigger
that happens often enough but not too often), go through the "send
later" folder
Hi Curtis,
I'm using the "widescreen" layout, and I can use the cursor up / cursor
down keys to navigate the list of messages, and the cursor right /
cursor left keys to expand/collapse some threads. Holding down the
option key (alt key) while doing cursor right means that not only the
On 9 Dec 2014, at 20:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 9 Dec 2014, at 14:42, Barton Lipman wrote:
Is there a simple way to move from the mailbox list to the message
list without using the mouse?
It's even possible to bind a key to put the focus in the messages
Just so that you don
I've got a solution that might work for the replies. Instead of relying
on the copies of the messages that MailMate saves when I send one, I am
Bcc'ing myself. This means that all the incoming email filters apply to
my own messages, too.
I use this undocumented preference to achieve this:
Benny says he wants to fix something. Until then, may I propose another
keybinding to focus the message list?
"Q" = ("makeFirstResponder:", "mailboxesOutline");
"W" = ("makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline");
"E" = ("makeFirstResponder:", "messageView");
With this,
* `Q` focuses the
On that token, I've installed Dovecot, I'm running that on my MacBook,
and I copy mails there for archival purposes. However, I'm not clear
whether this means they are spotlight-searchable. (Probably not.)
Hm. Is there a Spotlight indexer for Dovecot-flavored Maildir?
On 19 Jan 2015,
There is a folder "Examples" which looks like a smart mailbox, but when
I edit it, it references no mailboxes. I tried to create something
similar, but couldn't. So I cheated and copied the "Examples" mailbox
(folder, really), then renamed the copy. But there must be a way that
isn't cheatin
I've got an IMAP server with some quota on it. It's not a problem, I
just copy the messages to another IMAP server (on my local machine).
But sometimes I forget and then the remote server fills up and then I
don't get email any more.
The server does send me a message, but the message h
I exchange a lot of email with John Doe, but somehow,
"jdoe@example.comkai" ended up in the list of "To" addresses to be
completed. The correct address (the one without "kai" at the end) is
also in the list, but the wrong one seems to come first.
How do I remove the bogus "jdoe@example.comkai
On 28 Jan 2015, at 11:04, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 25 Jan 2015, at 22:12, Kai Großjohann wrote:
I exchange a lot of email with John Doe, but somehow,
"jdoe@example.comkai" ended up in the list of "To" addresses to be
completed. The correct address (the one without
On 29 Jan 2015, at 23:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 29 Jan 2015, at 23:04, Matthew Cawood wrote:
I wasn't clear - I meant the blue bar that drops down during search.
All I'd like is for the [–] button to be on the left-hand side -
but then if no-one else has asked for it, moving it will pr
On 29 Jan 2015, at 23:47, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:
But anyway, once we get the cool Google like search field where I can
type "from:foo AND to:bar", then this point will be a moot point...
Oh man, I'd pay a reasonable sum of money to have a search interface
like this, using the various ke
It's awesome! It's really awesome!
Proposal, though: I use an extension of gmail keys, and this means I use
plain letters a lot. But after hitting Enter in the quick search field,
the field retains focus and thus all plain letters overtype the previous
I can do `tab` to move out of
I'm using the widescreen layout. While the message list is focused, the
spacebar scrolls the message (preview).
You can create a file Foo.plist in `~/Library/Application
Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/` with the following content:
"Q" = ("makeFirstResponder:", "mailboxe
I just thought I might try a mutt like feeling: use j/k to navigate the
list of messages, then Return to open a message, then q or maybe i to
close it again.
I can't find a keybinding selector for closing the message...
mailmate mailing list
On 28 Feb 2015, at 8:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> On 27 Feb 2015, at 21:29, Kai Großjohann wrote:
>> I can't find a keybinding selector for closing the message...
> I probably haven't listed that, but you can use `performClose:`
It works! L
On 28 Feb 2015, at 16:40, Bart Lipman wrote:
The idea: Periodically, I have a slew of emails that I'll need to
deal with at some specific future date.
Totally different idea: sent a response to yourself later. In your
email compose window, you can select the "Send Later" header:

Off-topic alert.
Quite the fascinating folder naming scheme! ;-)
PS: Seriously, is there something
On 19 Mar 2015, at 21:16, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:
Quite the fascinating folder naming scheme! ;-)
PS: Seriously, is there something ready-made that can do this for me?
View -> Distortion Mode.
It's a feature built in to MailMatethat I keep forgetting about
till times like this
Yes, there are other clients with nice keybindings and nice looks, and I
even used them for a while, but the lack of PGP was the final deciding
factor against them. So the PGP support is an _enormous_ plus.
Regarding the other items, quite a few of them I have no idea how to
benefit from. So
On 26 Mar 2015, at 22:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 26 Mar 2015, at 16:57, Joshua Kehn wrote:
The bigger issue for me is that threading doesn't appear to work at
It works, but it's very strict. It only shows parent/child
relation-ships and they don't exist if your sent messages are
If you store the attached file as `~/Library/Application
Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/Kai.plist` and then select custom
keybindings and enter "Kai, Gmail" into the text field, then you get
`h/l` support amongst other things.
 are searchable using
* A local message can be
On 9 Jun 2015, at 22:49, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
On 9 Jun 2015, at 16:58, Joe Abley wrote:
My preference is that "reply" (through any key combination, menu
option, icon, etc) always means "reply all, never ask, I'll modify
the to/cc headers manually if I want to". It would be nice to be
I was quite unhappy about MailMate's lack of support for local
mailboxes. But then I thought I should not complain, and so what I did
was to install Dovecot on my Mac using Homebrew. Then I created an
account in my old email program and moved the messages into the local
Dovecot installation f
MailMate has a feature "send later" which you can use for the second
item you mention. I have no idea for the first one, except if you want
to compose a reply to yourself that you "send later".
I think "send later" only sends when MailMate is running.
On 12 Jun 2015, at 15:37, Lars Fisc
I use the Gmail bindings plus my own add-on bindings.
When in the message list, I can use the space key to scroll the message
one page down, and Shift-Space to scroll it one page up.
I'd like to bind keys that scroll the message one line down or up.
I found keyboard selectors `scrollPageUp:`
I've done this and I saw one line printed per message indexed, and then
it stopped. There was no indication it might have crashed (it came back
with a zero exit status), but there was also no indication that it has
finished successfully -- the last line printed is a line for a message
On 12 Jul 2015, at 14:51, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
Thanks, I forked it and added the bundle to the default set of bundles
(should show up in MailMate within a few hours). I also sent you a
pull request with some very minor changes (thinking about it you might
not want to change the README fil
On 12 Jul 2015, at 20:30, Kai Großjohann wrote:
On 12 Jul 2015, at 14:51, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
Thanks, I forked it and added the bundle to the default set of
bundles (should show up in MailMate within a few hours). I also sent
you a pull request with some very minor changes (thinking
What's cool is that you can mark some lines and then hit `⌘]` to move
them to the right so that they will show up as code in the outgoing
So it becomes easy to copy them from your terminal and paste them into
Hm. But actually adding
around the text
Is it possible to define a keybinding to switch to my favorite
monospaced font, and another one to switch back to my favorite
proportional font?
On 13 Jul 2015, at 12:54, Mike Brasch wrote:
You can change the font in nearly all views of MailMate with Format ->
Show Fonts. It will change
On 14 Jul 2015, at 1:04, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 13 Jul 2015, at 21:24, Kai Großjohann wrote:
Is it possible to define a keybinding to switch to my favorite
monospaced font, and another one to switch back to my favorite
proportional font?
No. Also, the Composer does not (visually
I'd like to be able to scroll the message by lines using a simple
keybinding. I use a variant of the gmail keybindings where j/k move
between threads and n/p move between messages (even within a thread).
It turns out I don't need both. So I think I'd much rather use j/k to
scroll the c
On 13 Aug 2015, at 20:36, Gustavo Daniel Villarreal wrote:
I changed my ways a little bit to adapt to the threading in MailMate.
Thank you for suggesting this. I've now created keybindings for next
and previous unread message and I believe this will help me a lot. The
threads can be collap
You could set up a server that doesn't exist, then specify the other
SMTP login there.
On 14 Aug 2015, at 0:54, Randall Meadows wrote:
I think I know the answer to this, but in case I'm missing
I'm having an issue with my mail host DKIM-signing my outgoing
messages; there's one m
On 16 Aug 2015, at 17:27, Patrik Fältström wrote:
On 16 Aug 2015, at 17:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
Sure, I know that clicking on the subject has a special action, to
get that thread, but can one not have that function as well, in a
different way?
It doesn't show you the thread. It shows
is it possible to have MailMate use GPG from Homebrew? Right now,
Homebrew complains it can't update GPG because there is a non-Homebrew
link in `/usr/local/bin`...
mailmate mailing list
On 2 Sep 2015, at 9:55, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 2 Sep 2015, at 9:25, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:
On 1 Sep 2015, at 21:50, Kai Großjohann wrote:
is it possible to have MailMate use GPG from Homebrew? Right now,
Homebrew complains it can't update GPG because there is a
non-Homebrew li
About the local aspect: I would really love MailMate to support local
folders, but I have found a workaround that is okay. Like Ben, I have
installed a local IMAP server (Dovecot) and whatever I want to save
locally I save there.
It means that the local emails are stored twice -- once in Dove
On 31 Dec 2016, at 21:30, Dave C wrote:
If I understand, MM does not provide a means to download messages from
the IMAP server to local HD for archiving locally. All MM’s features
are to be used to move messages between IMAP folders.
Yes. Benny has described in the past a mechanism for creat
Hi there,
I've tried to like the smart mailboxes, but somehow it doesn't click. I
use very few folders. But I'm on a couple of mailing lists where I
would like to move the messages into separate folders.
It's best to do that with server side rules, but one mail server doesn't
provide serve
I've upgraded to build 5662 recently, and I noticed that the mailbox
icons are very nice, but the completion in the "Go to Mailbox" popup
(cmd-t) suffered.
I have quite a few email accounts, and I need to jump between their
inboxes on a regular basis. I've learned to type "inbfoo" to jump to
66 matches
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