On 30 Jul 2014, at 3:37, Friedrich Stockhammer (.at) wrote:

Am 29.07.2014 um 22:17 schrieb Kai Großjohann <kai.grossjoh...@gmail.com>:

Fredrik already asked most things, I would like to share how I migrated to MailMate. MailMate does not support storing emails locally. I worked around it as follows: [...]

its a workaround to store emails locally. My local mail store is bigger than my IMAP limit on the severs (I use more than one).

Hi Fritz,

I'm in the same boat as you, man. The only difference is that I worked around the workaround :-)

Once upon a time, I had IMAP accounts. Then I got lots of mail so I downloaded it to local folders. Because my local hard disk was larger than the server's hard disk. Then I wanted to use MailMate. So there I was with my local folders on my local hard disk. What to do?

So I installed an IMAP server on my local laptop storing mails in local folders on my local hard disk. Then I moved the local mail to the local folders in the local IMAP server. Problem solved.


    Email Program  <---->  Local Folders


    MailMate  <---->  Local IMAP Server  <---->  Local Folders

So basically, the local IMAP server is just a proxy between MailMate and my mail, and everything is happening on my MacBook.

On question now - is Mailmate translated to other languages then english - my native language is german.

No idea to be honest.  :-(  I changed my system language to English...

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