[MlMt] Junk Mail folder

2014-03-28 Thread Jon Garrison
Hi, I am new user, SUPER happy, but I have a question -and have searched the list and docs and haven't found the answer. Mailmate has created a top level "Junk" folder for both IMAP accounts I have that isn't a smart folder. How does this folder work? Are there rules that put mail in there,

Re: [MlMt] Junk Mail folder

2014-03-28 Thread Jon Garrison
On 28 Mar 2014, at 10:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 28 Mar 2014, at 17:48, Jon Garrison wrote: Mailmate has created a top level "Junk" folder for both IMAP accounts I have that isn't a smart folder. How does this folder work? Are there rules that put mail in there, N

Re: [MlMt] MailMate seems crashy of late

2014-05-01 Thread Jon Garrison
I think I am having a crash a week or so, and also UI freezes. Since I opted into test builds and I am nowhere near the time lost to mail.app being out of sync with google IMAP, I am certainly not dissapointed yet. On 1 May 2014, at 7:44, Eric A. Meyer wrote: I'm posting this here because I do

Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Jon Garrison
I use mailmate with my personal (vanilla IMAP) account and my work email that is google apps for business. They both seem the same. I don't have ANY issues with gmail, but I have pretty basic labeling. Basically I treat them like folders, but I do have some server side rules that result in mai

Re: [MlMt] Dispatch for iOS

2014-06-02 Thread Jon Garrison
I think this should be possible- With the Launch Center Pro app, you can have actions like "take this list of natural language events, parse with Fantastical, and return to Launch Center Pro" so similar things work with support for the callback-url. I hope someone with more free time than me w

[MlMt] MacVim integration

2014-08-20 Thread Jon Garrison
Hi, I am trying to set MacVim as my editor and and python is crashing when I invoke the command. MacVim starts up and it all appears to work except for the python crashing dialog. I am pretty sure it has to do with MacVim being compiled with MacPorts (which I had to do to get YouCompleteMe t

Re: [MlMt] Close to pulling trigger.

2014-12-05 Thread Jon Garrison
I use VIP with Mailmate and like the balance. My phone doesn't even notice most email, only the VIPs get notifications and nobody gets badges. When I am in the desktop app I don't need that protection, I am doing email and it is time to process all of it. On 5 Dec 2014, at 10:23, Robert Garc

Re: [MlMt] suggestion - search buttons

2015-02-05 Thread Jon Garrison
This is awesome! Is it possible to change my keybinding to point to this instead of the old style? I have this: "/" = "mailboxSearch:"; And I tried a few guesses, but no luck. Jon On 5 Feb 2015, at 12:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 30 Jan 2015, at 10:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote

Re: [MlMt] Shortcut for new old toolbarsearch

2015-02-09 Thread Jon Garrison
FWIW, "/" = "searchAllMessages:"; is working (WONDERFULLY) here. Jon On 9 Feb 2015, at 14:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: On 9 Feb 2015, at 22:29, Phil Marlowe wrote: However, i can't find an already assigned shortcut for entering the search field. Did I missed it? The standard ⌥

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and TextExpander

2015-06-09 Thread Jon Garrison
As a data point, this is not happening for me with the newest textexpander. On 9 Jun 2015, at 11:58, Sherman Wilcox wrote: I don’t know whether this is a MailMate or a TextExpander issue, but I suspect the MailMate list might be more helpful to me, so I’m posting here. I alternate between l

[MlMt] Disable / redirect Key combinations for Layout views

2021-04-26 Thread Jon Garrison
Hi, I only use the three pane view, and hit the Command-{1-6} key combos accidentally several times a day as an artifact of spending a lot of time in Linux for work. I looked around, but I do not see a way to disable or redirect them. Any help would be appreciated! Jon ___

Re: [MlMt] Disable / redirect Key combinations for Layout views

2021-04-26 Thread Jon Garrison
Awesome, thanks! This will get me close, but it seems you need unique menu items, and I need no-op choices. "Bring All to Front" and 'Arrange in Front" killed 2 for me, though. Jon On Mon, Apr 26, 2021, at 5:02 PM, Randall Meadows wrote: > On 26 Apr 2021, at 13