This is awesome!
Is it possible to change my keybinding to point to this instead of the
old style? I have this:
"/" = "mailboxSearch:";
And I tried a few guesses, but no luck.
On 5 Feb 2015, at 12:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 30 Jan 2015, at 10:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 30 Jan 2015, at 8:57, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:
On 29 Jan 2015, at 23:47, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:
Oh man, I'd pay a reasonable sum of money to have a search
interface like this, using the various key-words from the drop
downs instead of the dropdown.
"from:* before:01-12-2014 after:17-03-2013 NOT
(subject:"Invoice*" OR"
would that be difficult to implement?
No, I think I've also described my plan in the past (although maybe
it wasn't on the mailing list). I already have a very experimental
implementation (too experimental to be enabled for testing or even be
used by myself). In short, my plan is to do something very close to
what Scott describes, but it's going to be customizable in the sense
that *power* users can make their own quick search language if they
provide a script which converts it to the internal MailMate query
language (which is too verbose to be used directly). The default
quick search language is going to be an example of that.
But I don't have time to finish it soon. Right now, the main focus is
making the 64 bit release sufficiently stable to replace the 32 bit
Well, I might not have “finished” this feature, but it's certainly
in a useful state now. Fetch the latest test release, read the
instructions in the release notes, and try it out.
Also, I believe I've fixed the worst bugs in the 64 bit version of
MailMate. If recent releases have been unstable for you then try again
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