Hi Benny,
is it possible to query the user for input when running a bundle? I am
working on a bundle to send stuff to Studiometry and it allows linking
to a project ID, which is usually not present in the email, so I thought
I'd just input it before exporting to Studiometry (where it is much m
Thanks. The AppleScript line works for my purposes. When I have all the
details ironed out, I'll post the bundle if you like.
Alexander Kucera
\ Lighting TD & Compositor — Founder & Lead Artist at BabylonDreams
— The Foundry certified Nuke Trainer
\ Neustadt, Germany GMT +1 \ A
Hi Benny,
one more thing. I have an issue with my bundle outputting the message
body as HTML source with tags even though my input type is set to
I noticed this is only the case on messages that are missing the plain
text body part.
Any ideas what went wrong? I used the Omnif
Exactly. Markdown or even normal plain text would be preferable. This is
meant to be a simple text log inside Studiometry and the people looking
at it have no idea what HTML markup even is. :)
On 22 Sep 2014, at 12:36, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 21 Sep 2014, at 14:40, Alexander Kucera
I have another small (I hope) problem with my Studiometry bundle. As a
mail's header are written in the senders timezone (as far as I can tell)
I am outputting the wrong time for my mail logs.
I have a test email whose raw headers show the date as `Date: Tue, 23
Sep 2014 13:03:13 +` which
I have Ruby's date parsing working already, just on the raw date. The
existence of #date is a huge relief.
While we are on the topic of Ruby. Is there any reason all the bundles
are in Ruby? Would any language work? I am much more comfortable in
Python for example.
Alexander K
ws me. So I still would need to do some
timezone script foo to get my log entries straight. Or did I maybe not
understand the purpose of #date correctly?
Alexander Kucera
\ Lighting TD & Compositor — Founder & Lead Artist at BabylonDreams
— The Foundry certified Nuke Trainer
\ Neustadt
Ah, I see. Time to dive into the depths of timezone conversion then I
Thanks Benny.
Alexander Kucera
\ Lighting TD & Compositor — Founder & Lead Artist at BabylonDreams
— The Foundry certified Nuke Trainer
\ Neustadt, Germany GMT +1 \ App.net: AlexK \ Skype: marvinthemartia
Btw. I have been running with two connected Mailboxes since I reported the
issue without problems. I'll switch to three mailboxes tomorrow and will report
if I can reproduce the issue.
Alexander Kucera
Von: Benny Kjær Nielsen (mailto:mailingl...@freron.com)
Antworten: MailMate