I have another small (I hope) problem with my Studiometry bundle. As a
mail's header are written in the senders timezone (as far as I can tell)
I am outputting the wrong time for my mail logs.
I have a test email whose raw headers show the date as `Date: Tue, 23
Sep 2014 13:03:13 +0000` which is what is written into the variable I
get from MailMate. However I live in UTC+2 so the time I should be
putting into the log is `15:03:13`.
MailMate displays this correctly in the UI, but passes the raw time
value to the bundle, which is fine I guess, but I am unable to convert
in in any way that makes sense due to a lack of Ruby/programming
A little help please?
Alexander Kucera
mailmate mailing list