On 19 May 2022, at 23:31, Tracy Valleau wrote:
I’ve no idea where MailMate downloads its internal update to.
Mailmate downlosds a complete new copy of the application. It does not
have an "internal update".
The copy it downloads is trying to replace the running copy. It goes
where ever yo
On 20 May 2022, at 22:52, Christian Bailey via mailmate wrote:
> Has happened consistently since the previous update. Still occurring
> after the latest 1.14 update (5897).
Thanks for the report. I'll try to reproduce this and contact you if it's not
On 20 May 2022, at 22:17, Shoshanna Green wrote:
> Mailmate 1.14 (5897) running under MacOS 11.6.3 (Big Sur) on Apple Silicon
> with a user migrated from Intel, as Bill intuited.
This is likely the problem. The combination of the M1 and Big Sur. I have only
removed the option of Premailer on Mo
On 20 May 2022, at 22:20, Joseph P. Hillenburg wrote:
> It seems like those of us with M1s and Monterey have been using test builds
> for some time. When should we expect GA for these users?
History shows that I'm unlikely to be able to provide a date, but I'm focused
on fixing bugs (like those
On 21 May 2022, at 1:02, Christian Bailey via mailmate wrote:
> Never seen that. But since I frequently hide that sidebar when working on the
> laptop screen, I was very happy to discover there's a shortcut to toggle it:
> Cmd-Opt-Ctrl-D
> Possible you inadvertently triggered that?
This was n