On 19 May 2022, at 23:31, Tracy Valleau wrote:

 I’ve no idea where MailMate downloads its internal update to.

Mailmate downlosds a complete new copy of the application. It does not have an "internal update".

The copy it downloads is trying to replace the running copy. It goes where ever your current copy of MailMate lives. It's failing because the current location is not seen as being writable, or the copy of MM itself cannot be altered.

Command sragging to the desktop and then command dragging into the /Applications should repair those possible problems.

Don't over think this.


It does have an ‘internal update’. MailMate deciding to update itself is what is triggering all this. To do that ‘internal update’ it must download a new copy somewhere. I don’t know where that is so I can’t manually move it into /Applications.

My MailMate application is in /Applications. I only have one drive. I have no non-writable volumes. I did find a very old version elsewhere (V1.4) and I have removed that. The running one is 1.13.2 (5673) (from the ‘About MailMate’ menu item).

I’ll try shifting the application around and see if the error occurs again.


On 19 May 2022, at 15:03, David Ledger wrote:

On 5/19/22 20:59, Tracy Valleau wrote:
1. Why is it think it has to update software that is already up to date.

No idea. Perhaps there is an incremental update?

2. Why does it think it is a read-only filesystem when the system is too old to have a read-only filesystem (other than on an external drive, that this isn’t).
I cannot answer "why" - I just know that dozens of times I've seen "can't update" errors to an existing app, which are solved by the technique I suggested.

Sorry it didn't work for you.


I didn’t have a chance to try because it’s a MailMate initiated download so it didn’t go into Downloads. I’ve no idea where MailMate downloads its internal update to.


On 19 May 2022, at 12:49, David Ledger wrote:

On 19 May 2022, at 20:33, Tracy Valleau wrote:

Hold down the command key and drag MailMate to your desktop.
Release all keys.
Hold down the command key and drag MailMate to your Applications folder.

That should fix it.

Thanks, but this is an update that MailMate itself is trying to install, even though it knows it is up to date. It’s not a human initiated download. So 1. Why is it think it has to update software that is already up to date. 2. Why does it think it is a read-only filesystem when the system is too old to have a read-only filesystem (other than on an external drive, that this isn’t).


On 19 May 2022, at 12:22, David Ledger wrote:

I am currently up to date with “Normal Releases” according to the Software Update panel of Preferences, but whenever I start up MailMate (which is rare because I keep it and the laptop running) I get a popup saying:
v v v v
MailMate is running on a read-only file system and can therefore not be updated.

If you downloaded MailMate from the internet then moving it out of the Downloads folder should solve the problem.
^ ^ ^ ^

The system is a Mid 2011 11” MacBook Air running High Sierra 10.13.6. The filesystem is APFS with the base drive having one container “Container disk1” that contains one Volume “Macintosh HD”. It has no read-only volumes.

Has anyone else seen this?

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